![]() ORIGIN Part Two
Scripture Chapter Eight ISAIAH The Book of Isaiah like all of Scripture is directed primarily to the nation of Israel. “Israel” as a nation is divided into two sections: Judah, i.e. the Jews, and “Joseph” meaning the Lost Ten Tribes. The Divisions of Israel Isaiah spoke of the division between Israel (The Lost Ten Tribes) and Judah (7:17-18) (8:8). In Isaiah 7:17 the division is referred to as the worst calamity that ever overcame the Children of Israel. Isaiah also recalls situations in which the various sections of Israel will be opposed to each other: [Isaiah 9:21] MANASSEH EPHRAIM, AND EPHRAIM MANASSEH, AND TOGETHER THEY ARE AGAINST JUDAH. FOR ALL THIS HIS ANGER IS NOT TURNED AWAY AND HIS HAND IS STRETCHED OUT STILL. Manasseh is identifiable with the USA, Ephraim with Britain and her daughters, Judah with the Jewish people. There will be some degree of fiction between the divisions of Israel until the Last Days. The Last Days Isaiah predicted that in the Last days only a few would survive and that disasters would occur: [Isaiah 10:22] FOR THOUGH YOUR PEOPLE ISRAEL BE AS THE SAND OF THE SEA, ONLY A REMNANT OF THEM WILL RETURN. DESTRUCTION IS DECREED, OVERFLOWING WITH RIGHTEOUSNESS. <<BE AS THE SAND OF THE SEA>>: Descendants of Israel will be exceedingly numerous towards the end times. <<DESTRUCTION>>: A great calamity may take place. Only a few may survive. Our survival or the survival of our descendants is dependent on our deeds and intentions. We should endeavor to improve ourselves and influence for good those we can. Zechariah (13:6-9) indicates that two-thirds of the people will perish. The remnant will be saved and reconciled with God. The exiles of Israel who were taken to Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath, and the Isles of the Sea (and from there moved to other regions) will return (Isaiah 11:11). These names in the Hebrew Bible often have double meanings and refer to more than one location. Different places could receive the same name sometimes because of a similarity in sound and sometimes due to ethnic movements or other reasons. Alternate identifications for the places named based on historical and ethnic studies include: Assyria = Germany, Western and Central Europe in general. Isaiah foresaw the re-unification and ingathering of “THE OUTCASTS OF ISRAEL, AND GATHER THE DISPERSED OF JUDAH FROM THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH” (11:12). The northern Tribes were cast out to specific regions and stayed together whereas the Jews of Judah were dispersed all over the world. Reconciliation with Judah There will be an end to anti-Semitism on the part of Ephraim and fiction with Judah: [Isaiah 11:13] THE JEALOUSY OF EPHRAIM SHALL DEPART, AND THOSE WHO HARASS JUDAH SHALL BE CUT OFF; EPHRAIM SHALL NOT BE JEALOUS OF JUDAH, AND JUDAH SHALL NOT HARASS EPHRAIM. “EPHRAIM” represents all the Ten Tribes. “WHO HARASS JUDAH SHALL BE CUT OFF”: Anti-Semites will be punished. “EPHRAIM SHALL NOT BE JEALOUS OF JUDAH”: A lot of anti-Semitism is due to jealousy. “JUDAH SHALL NOT HARASS EPHRAIM”: Jewish do-gooders and hyper-active individuals etc sometimes antagonize other people. This verse speaks of “Ephraim” (the Ten Tribes) and “Judah” (the Jews) as remaining separate entities sometimes antagonistic to each other right up to the End Times. Isaiah (11:14) continues and mentions Judah and Ephraim as acting together against the Philistines. The Palestinian people are named after the Philistines. “Palestinian” means Philistine in Latinized English. References in Prophecy to “Philistines” therefore may be understood as referring to Palestinians. <<THEY [i.e. Judah and Ephraim together, see verse 11:13] WILL CAUSE THE PALESTINIANS TO BE FLOWN AWAY TO THE WEST.>> (11:14 Isaiah).1 Judah and Ephraim together will plunder the peoples of the east, defeat and subdue certain European nations such as Edom, Moab, and Ammon (11:14). The Return will be accompanied by great miracles (11:15). The Exiles Go Westward Isaiah prophesied before and during the exile of the House of Israel. He described the exile of the northern tribes and the land of Israel being completely emptied out (24:3). The exiles would be taken to the west (24:14) where they are exhorted to glorify God from the fires in the Isles of the Sea (24:15) meaning in the Isles of Britain: <<The tradition of erecting hilltop cairns and mounds as orientation marks, and of using beacon fires for long-distance communication was very strong in Celtic (also Roman) Britain… One trace of that is the occurrence of the Brythonic element tan- 'fire' (Welsh tan) in hill names (there are many Tan Hills in England). -- not only in ancient times but all through history down to the invention of the telegraph. For example, a network of beacons set up on hilltops was used in England in 1588 to signal the approach of the Spanish Armada, and once it was spotted off the Scillies the news reached the English commanders in no time at all.>> Piotr Gasiorowski. Adapted from “Lost Israelite Identity” by Yair Davidy: <<“The Chronicles of Eri, being the history of the Gaal Sciot Iber, or the Irish People, translated from the Phoenician dialect of the Scythian language”, by Roger O' Connor were published in London in two volumes in 1822. <<The Chronicle says that the Gaali had been in Armenia, and the Caucasus. They were traders and metallurgists, and archers. Oppressed by the Assyrians they fled via Hamath in northern Syria [-Which incidentally was known later as “Daphne of Antiochia” and was considered one of three regions through which the Lost Ten Tribes were taken into exile. The Jewish historian Nahum Slouschz (1909) regarded the exile of Daphne of Antiochea to represent that of Israelites associated with the Phoenicians]. <<The Chronicles tells how the Gaali sail to Spain which was then ruled by the Phoenicians who in turn were directed from [Assyrian-controlled?] Hamath. In Spain they moved from the southern area of Tartessos to Galatia in the northwest and shake off Phoenician control. Together with the Phoenicians from their base in Spain they established mining operations in Cornwall, in Britain. Some of them moved to Aquitaine in Gaul. Due to war and famine, those in Spanish Galatia migrated to Ireland. Though not Phoenicians they worshiped God under the form of baal, received instruction in Phoenician ways, bore Hebrew-sounding names and seemed to have Israelite-values such as an aversion to images and other characteristics. <<These people (the Gaal of Sciot) had the custom of lighting beacon fires on the coasts. “All the headlands and promontories belonging to the Gaal of Sciot on the northwest coast of Spain were called in the Phoenician language Breoccean, that is, The Land of Flaming Fires, because of the blaze that was kept up and could be seen at a great distance out to sea. The same custom was observed on the coast of Cornwall and Devonshire after the Gaal of Sciot joined with the Phoenicians in their mining operations there, and that land was called Breotan, Breo meaning Flaming Fire” [cf. “BIAR” = burn in Hebrew]. <<This practice has been used to explain the verse in Isaiah: <<THEY SHALL LIFT UP THEIR VOICE, THEY SHALL SING FOR THE MAJESTY OF THE LORD. THEY SHALL CRY ALOUD FROM THE SEA. WHEREFORE, GLORIFY THE LORD IN THE FIRES [Hebrew: “ba-urim”], EVEN THE NAME OF THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL IN THE ISLES OF THE SEA>> (Isaiah 24:14-15). The Exiles Isaiah says that the nation will be increased greatly and be removed unto the ends of the earth (24:16, 26:15) meaning the geographical extremities of the world such as Britain, North America, Scandinavia, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Those who had been exiled by the Assyrians and were lost together with those (of Judah) taken captive to Egypt will return with the blowing of a great shofar. [A shofar is a trumpet made out of the horn of a ram]. The returnees will worship God in the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem. (27:13). Isaiah described the “drunkards of Ephraim” (28:1). He may have meant this figuratively as drunk with power and success but a literal explanation is also possible. The British, Americans, and Australians are amongst the foremost consumers of alcohol in the world. They will not be familiar with Hebrew and will speak with another tongue (28:11). They will be in islands (41:1), in the best places (translated in the KJ as “chief men”), at the ends of the earth (41:8-9). The Lost Ten Tribes (42:6) in the islands will become “A COVENANT OF THE PEOPLE” in Hebrew a “Brit-Am”. They will be a “Light to the Gentiles” meaning a civilizing influence. From the “end of the earth” and the “isles” they will be sea-goers (42:10). The enemies of Israel, including those of the Lost Ten Tribes, in their places of Exile are the enemies of God Almighty (42:13). The exiles are fulfilling the purpose of God in this world and even though they do not recognize it and are blind to it they are also His servants and HIS messenger (42:19). Israel Will Rule Over Egypt, Africa, and India Egypt shall be subjected to Israel. Cush (translated as “Ethiopia” but also applicable according to the Aramaic translation and related tradition to India and its neighborhood1. Black Africa (Seba) will be yours. The Ten Northern Tribes were exiled by the Assyrians. Later, the Babylonians under Nebuchadnessar conquered Judah and Jerusalem and exiled the Jews to Babylon. Cyrus the king of Persia conquered Babylon and allowed the Jews of Judah to return. Isaiah (44:28) mentioned the name of Cyrus even though he prophesied close to 200 years before his time. The Prophecies of Isaiah concerning “Cyrus” on the whole fit the Persian king of that name though here and there they divert from him on some important points. These prophecies also tend to go off on a tangent, speak of Cyrus and then in the same breath speak about the future of Israel. The Rabbis interpreted the prophecies about “Cyrus” to pertain to a future Messianic being of whom the Persian King Cyrus was a kind of partial prototype. President Truman who assisted the Jews in creating the present State of Israel once declared to a visiting delegation, “I am Cyrus”. This interpretation fits the message of Scripture. Isaiah begins by speaking about Cyrus and then he addresses himself to Israel. He (45:14) predicts that whatever passes via (Hebrew “yigia” translated as “labor” but really meaning “come unto”) Egypt, and the merchandise of Cush (India not “Ethiopia” as translated in the King James), shall be yours and the tall Sabaean African Negroes will pass over unto you in chains. In the end they will acknowledge that God is with you. There is no other. Previously, Isaiah (43:3) predicted that Cush (India) and Seba (Black Africa) would be subjected to Israel. Isaiah (43:3 and 45:14 and the verses around them) predicted that the Lost Ten Tribes would rule over India, Egypt and much of Negro Africa. The trade with India would be theirs, the recompense arriving (via the Suez Canal) at Egypt would be theirs, and they would transport Negroes (many of whom were large-bodied) across the seas in chains. The whole passage ends on the point that in the Last Days they will return to worship the True God. We identify the Lost Ten Tribes headed by Britain and America as Israel. If we consider Britain and North America as one “Anglo-Saxon” entity then the Prophecy indicates that the Lost Ten Tribes are amongst them. The British ruled India and economically they gained very much from trade with her. They ruled Egypt and controlled the Suez Canal linking the Mediterranean Sea with the East. They also controlled much of Africa. Negro Slaves in chains were sent by them and others acting on their behalf across the Sea to North America and to the West Indies. Isaiah (43:5-6) said that the exiles would be ingathered from the east and west, north, and south, and from the ends of the earth. Only the English-speaking nations have fulfilled these prophecies as they were written. Only they received the Promises. Exhortations and Signs of Identification God says (Isaiah 44:6) that HE is the redeemer, the LORD of Hosts, the first and the last and besides HIM there is none other. Isaiah (chapter 49) speaks of the Isles (49:1), of raising up the Tribes of Jacob (49:6), and of the preserved of Israel who will be a light unto the Gentiles and bring salvation unto the end of the earth. The flag of Britain is called the “UNION JACK” (i.e. union or covenant of Jacob) and the nickname “YANKEE” for North American derives from a form of the name Jacob. In an aside Isaiah refers to the Jews of Judah (49:7) who were despised in their places of exile. In the last days princes will give them honor and bow down to them because no matter what they did remain essentially faithful to the God of Israel. Britain, North America, and Australia Isaiah says (49:8) that the exiled of Israel will be preserved and become “a covenant of people (in Hebrew a “Brit-Am”), who will establish the world and inherit wasted heritages. They will use released prisoners to colonize these heritages (49:9), as the British did at first in North America and Australia. They shall return from the north and from the west, and from the land of Sinim. “Sinim” is interpreted to mean “Land of the South”. In the Vulgate Latin version of the Bible which was translated by Jerome after consulting with Jewish sages, “the Land of Sinim” is rendered as “Australia”. The term “Australia” means “Land of the South”. The Egyptians referred to the southernmost known area of land as “sin-wur”2. This corresponds to the Land of “Sinim” meaning Australia. There are reports of Egyptian and Phoenician remains being found in Australia. The Midrash Speaks of Isaiah and the Ten Tribes The Rabbis (Numbers Rabah 1;6, Eichah Rabah 2;9, Jerusalemi Sanhedrin ch.17, L.6,29) agreed that Isaiah 49 was referring to the Lost Ten Tribes. They quoted Isaiah 40 and said that there were three major areas to which the Lost Ten Tribes went: “One to beyond the Sambation River, one to Daphneh of Antiochia, and one to where the Clouds came down and covered them”. The Sambation River originally referred to the Lower Zab River (in Persia) which is an eastern tributary of the Tigris River. This was the region of Mannae whereto part of the exiled Israelites had been taken and where they became identified with the Scythians. From this first area of SAMBATION the Israelite Scythians were to be forced northwards onto the South Russian Steppe lands. The term “Sambation” was also applied to both the Don and Danaper Rivers (especially the Don) in the Scythian area of Southern Russia. From Scythia the Scythians moved westwards into Europe and the British Isles. A remnant of the Scythians were the Khazars. Abraham Polak in his important study of the Khazars says that early post exilic Jewish Writings referred to the Don River as the Sambation3. Daphneh of Antiochia was in Northern Syria besides Hamath. From Hamath, according to the Irish “Chronicles of Eri”, the exiles were taken to Spain. The Clouds that the Midrash said covered the Lost Ten Tribes are interchangeable elsewhere (Numbers Rabah 17;16) with the “Mountains of Darkness” meaning the Caucasus or Mountains of Snow which was another area to which the exiles were taken (Sanhedrin 94a). The Cimmerians were also associated with locations of “Darkness” (“af tenebrae Cimmeriae”) in Classical Roman writings. From those places to which the Lost Ten Tribes were exiled there emerged the Cimmerians, Scythians, and Gothic ethnic groups. Judah Isaiah (49:13) again turns to Judah who feels forgotten (49:14). God will return and comfort Judah and recompense him for all the troubles that passed over them and greatly increase his population (49:18-20). When Judah sees the Lost Ten Tribes returning (49:21) he will ask, ‘Where did these come from? I was alone and persecuted, and driven from country to country. Why did they not help me?’ The Zohar confirms that Isaiah is speaking of the Lost Ten Tribes and refers to Isaiah (chapter 11) where he speaks of the re-unification of Judah with Ephraim4. Isaiah returns to speak of the comforting of Judah and says that those who oppressed the Jews had in effect denied the existence of the LORD God of Israel (49:26). The “Isles” shall wait for the salvation of God (51:5). The non-Israelite Gentiles shall no longer be allowed to occupy and degrade Jerusalem (52:1) as the Arabs now do. Isaiah predicts that a future Messiah, descendant of David (55:3-4), will come and deliver Israel. Whatever has been prophesied will come to pass (55:11). The Ingathering of the Exiles The descendants of non-Israelites who attach themselves with Israel will receive an inheritance alongside their fellow Israelites (55:6). The ingathering will be in stages (56:8). Commentary understood that, Judah will return first of all and rebuild the land and later members of the Lost Ten Tribes will also return5. The Lost Ten Tribes will help Judah rebuild the Temple6. A redeemer (59:20) will come to Zion (the Jews) and to those who turn away from sin in Jacob, i.e. The Ten Tribes. Isaiah foresaw reconciliation between Judah and the Lost Ten Tribes. The Lost Ten Tribes would be in areas where the British and North Americans and their kin now are. They would do things that these people did do. They are the only ones who fit the description. BRIT-AM HOME ORIGIN TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE |