Isaiah Summary chs 21 to 25

Isaiah Prophecies: Babylon will fall. Tyre is destroyed and its Phoenician inhabitants flee first to Cyprus then to Spain and the west. The Exiled Israelites will call to God from the British Isles and from the West. Abandoning the Covenant and the Law brings Calamity. God will save HIS people. The Almighty will rule over the world and change the course of nature.


 chapters 21 to 25 

A Biblical Commentary Courtesy of Brit-Am

The Brit-Am Summary of Isaiah

Chapters 21 to 25

Below is presented an overall impression of the Book of Isaiah (chapters 21 to 25) from a Brit-Am point of view.
For more details see our Brit-Am Commentary to the Book of Isaiah
and our other writings.

Heathen Destruction and Israelite Repentance

Isaiah prophesies against Duma in the desert (21:1), against Elam, and Media (21:2). Isaiah is told to set a watchman who reports to him about the fall of Babylon and all her gods (22:8). Dumah then becomes equated with Seir which is usually taken as another name for Edom (22:12). Isaiah prophesies against Arabia and the Dodanim, Tema, and Kedar (21:13-17).
Isaiah prophesies against Judah and Jerusalem (22:1-2). The People of Jerusalem are called upon to fast and repent but they are doing the opposite (22:12-14). This chapter (22) appears to be speaking of the situation in Judah at the time of King Hezekiah and the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem but it could also be intended as a prototype for future events.

The End of Tyre and Exiled Israel in the Isles of Britain

Isaiah prophesies against Tyre the chief Phoenician city. [The terms "Tyre" and Phoenicia" to a large degree are interchangeable]. The Ships of Tarshish (Tartessos in Spain with outposts in Gaul and the British Isles) are called upon to mourn over Tyre whose fate is connected with the Land of Chittim meaning Cyprus or Italy (23:1). We suggested some kind of linkage between Troy (in South Western Turkey) and Tyre. The inhabitants of the Isle who were replenished by the Phoenician Merchants of Sidon (Zidon) the mother-city of Tyre are called upon to be still (23:2).  The Phoenicians were the chief traders on behalf of Egypt which is represented by the great waters of the Nile also called "Sihor" (23:3). Egyptian artifacts in the west (e.g. in Spain and Britain and rock-inscriptions in Scandinavia) are indications of a Phoenician (rather than Egyptian) presence. Egypt shall mourn over the fall of Tyre (23:5). The rulers of Tyre shall attempt to pass over to Tarshish (23:6). Tarshish will be overwhelmed with refugees from Phoenicia like the waters of a river overflowing its banks (23:10). Tyre is called a daughter of Zidon and will also attempt to re-establish herself in Chittim but will not succeed (23:12). The Land of the Chaldeans (Babylon) had been set up (or colonized anew after destruction) by the Assyrians to settle therein the dwellers of the wilderness. This too ended (or will end) in destruction (23:13). Tyre was the strength of Tarshish. It is brought low (23:14). Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years after which it will make a comeback like a lady  of fortune coming out of early retirement with a vengeance to whore with all the kingdoms of the earth (23:15-17). The riches of Tyre will be inherited by they who are chosen by God, for their sustenance and durable environment (23:18).

A Great Calamity and Future Redemption

A great calamity will come upon the Land, overturning everything and striking everyone equally (24:1-4). This will happen because of an attempt to change the Laws and break the everlasting Covenant (24:5). The Land will be emptied (until the future times) when from the West the Exiles in the Isles of the Sea will cry out unto God and glorify HIM (24:14-15). As an acknowledgement of future redemption the Israelites Exiles in Britain are called upon to light fires on the hilltops as was their custom until recently (24:15). Isaiah returns to speak of the calamity one of whose causes was internal treachery (24:16). The angels above or the stars in the sky as well as the rulers upon the earth will suffer calamity. The Sages said that every nation has its own "guardian" angel (24:21). The sun and the moon will be affected possibly referring to both Europe and Islam (24:23). Isaiah praises the Almighty God for His wonders and the truth of His prophecies (25:1). The strong ("Land of the Brave"?) will bless God. God will save and bless His people and punish anti-Semites and the enemies of Israel (25:3-7). Death will be removed (25:8). The truth and awareness of God will prevail (25:9). Moab will be demolished (25:10).

Prophecy and Prototypes for the Future

We have pointed out several times that the way of Prophecy was to describe events taking place at the time the Prophecy was given or that were about to take place relatively shortly afterwards and then to flit to and fro in description to events in the distant future, in the End Times, using the described contemporary descriptions as prototypes for the future.

 chs. 11 to 20

chs. 26 to 30 Summarised 

See also:
Brit-Am Commentary to the Book of ISAIAH
Biblical Proofs