Ephraimite Forum Issues 1 to 20
Ephraimite Forum -1
21 Sivan 5767, 7 June 2007
1. Arabs Always Wished to Destroy Israel
2. Modern Japan
3. Chicken Bones Suggest Polynesians Found Americas Before Columbus
4. Archaeology: Roman Mining of Lead in Britain
5. The Six Day War:
hen America's Guarantees Could not be located
1. Arabs Always Wished to Destroy Israel
Historian finds proof of Arab armies' intent to destroy Israel
Steve Linde, THE JERUSALEM POST Jun. 5, 2007
Those that call the Six Day War a disaster or a Pyrrhic victory are grossly
mistaken, because they overlook the fact that Israel wasn't destroyed,
historian Michael Oren told The Jerusalem Post on Monday.
In an interview on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the outbreak of war on
June 5, 1967, Oren said his research of documents in Arab countries had
revealed clearly that the Arabs had planned to destroy Israel.
Although this seems obvious to Israel sympathizers who hold to the
traditional story of the Arabs' responisbility for the outbreak of war, the
intervening decades have seen the promulgation of a myth that Israel was not
really in danger.
"The biggest myth going is that somehow there was not a real and immediate
Arab threat, that somehow Israel could have negotiated itself outside the
crisis of 1967, and that it wasn't facing an existential threat, or facing
any threat at all," said Oren, who is a senior fellow at the Adelson
Institute for Strategic Studies at Jerusalem's Shalem Center and author of
Six Days of War: June 1967. He noted that this was the premise of Tom
Segev's book, 1967: Israel, the War and the Year That Transformed the Middle
East. "What's remarkable is that all the people alleging this - not one of
them is working from Arabic sources. It's quite extraordinary when you think
about it. It's almost as if Israel were living in a universe by itself. It's
a deeply solipsistic approach to Middle East history."
What's behind the myth, Oren argued, is "a more pervasive, ongoing effort to
show that Israel bears the bulk, if not the sole responsibility, for decades
of conflict in the Arab world, and that the Arabs are the aggrieved party.
"It's an attempt to show that Israel basically planned the Six Day War in
advance, knowing that it was going to expand territorially. My position is
that it was just the opposite. Israel was taken aback by the crisis,
unprepared for it and panicked, believing it faced a true existential
threat, and did not plan to expand territory.
"It did everything it could to keep Jordan and Syria out of the war. My
reading of the Arabic documents show that the Arabs had real plans to attack
and destroy the State of Israel."
Oren said Israel's strategic relationship with the US began with the war.
"The United States, which previously regarded Israel as a friendly country
but one that impaired its relations with the Arab world, suddenly realized
that the Jewish state was in fact a regional superpower," he said. "The US
subsequently forged an alliance with Israel that has remained ever since."
The first person to recognize that the war had dramatically changed the
geopolitical balance in the Middle East, according to Oren, was US president
Lyndon Johnson, who initiated a peace plan later embodied in UN Security
Council Resolution 242.
"You can actually see 242 coming out of Johnson's head on June 5, 1967,
including the notion that Israel would not have to return to the 1967
borders," Oren said. "Johnson is saying that particularly the West Bank
border is not a defensible border; it's only eight miles across to the sea,
and Israel should not have to go back to that border."
The war, Oren said, marked "the emergence for the first time of a US-Israel
strategic relationship, as the Johnson administration wakes up on June 12,
1967, and says, 'Oh my God, we've got a regional superpower on our hands. We
can't afford not to have it as an ally.'"
Oren acknowledged that the Six Day War also led to the establishment of
"controversial settlements" in the West Bank and Gaza, to the ongoing
conflict over Jerusalem and the relentless debate over Palestinian
"And yet it was also the 1967 war that inaugurated the peace process," he
said. "UN Resolution 242, enacted in its wake, remains the cornerstone of
all negotiations and created the conditions for Palestinian self-rule. The
current Arab League peace plan calls for 'full Israeli withdrawal' to the
June 4, 1967, lines, and the 'road map' plan endorsed by the United States
and much of the international community provides for the emergence of a
Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza.
"None of this would be possible if the West Bank and Gaza were still
occupied by Jordan and Egypt, respectively, as they were in 1967, and if the
Arab world were still consumed with how best to make war, rather than peace,
with Israel."
The war also "vastly enhanced" Israel's relationship with Jewish communities
abroad, Oren said.
"Before the war, some of the leading Jewish organizations in the US were
reserved, if not distant, in their relationship with Israel," he said. "But
as Arab armies massed on Israel's borders, Diaspora Jews confronted the
possibility of witnessing a second Holocaust within a single generation, and
later reveled in the joy of Israel's success.
"Many were inspired by the reunification of the State of Israel with the
biblical Land of Israel, with Bethlehem, Hebron and above all, Jerusalem.
"Contributions poured into Israel, enabling it to strengthen its economy and
its ability to absorb new immigrants, and American Jewish organizations
lobbied for its defense."
In the war itself, Oren said, Israel had high casualty rates, losing more
than 700 soldiers, and "what is widely unknown is that we lost about 20
percent of our planes.
"It was not in any way a picnic, not a walkover, particularly not on the
Jordanian-Syrian front," he said. "The territorial outcomes of the war were
dramatic in the extreme; Israel almost quadrupled its territorial size."
Arab casualty rates are difficult to gauge, Oren said, but there were
probably more than 15,000 dead and 10,000 captured, with about $2 billion of
Soviet equipment destroyed on the field of battle.
As a quirky aside, Oren also noted that the Six Day War actually lasted
seven days.
"Mount Hermon was actually taken on the seventh day of the Six Day War," he
2. Modern Japan
From: thomas malloy
Subject: modern Japan
Dear Yair;
In our discussions about Edom, the subject of Japan has come up, so I thought of
you when one of the guys on our discussion group mentioned the Japanese
government's destruction of the environment.
This horrible situation is described in the book Kerr, A., /Dogs and Demons:
Tales from the Dark Side of Modern Japan/. 2001: Hill and Wang.
Land of the Setting Sun?
In this dark portrait, Japan is portrayed as a victim of its own success.
[Selected Extracts Only]
Tales From the Dark Side of Japan.
By Alex Kerr.
432 pp. New York:
Alex Kerr has given us a remarkable portrait of modern Japan, virtually no part
of which is flattering. As his subtitle indicates, he goes out of his way to
catalog the dysfunctions that dominate an unhappy and declining country. ''Dogs
and Demons'' (from an inaccessible Chinese metaphor) will not be welcomed in the
polite company of those who prefer to powder Japan's happy face.
Kerr, the author of ''Lost Japan'' and a longtime resident of Japan, confidently
cuts a broad swath across the worlds of architecture, education, politics,
cinema, business and the environment to make the case that Japan has fallen
victim to its own success. The problem is that form (kata) dominates function
and purpose (jitsu) in every nook and cranny of Japanese life. What is left is
empty: memorization without learning, design without context, building without
purpose, information without knowledge, finance without the production of value.
Bombast has overwhelmed understatement, and all is pure manga -- comic-strip
fantasy, trashy, cheap and shiny.
Kerr has a keen eye for paradox. Japan is today a high-tech economy that lacks
the know-how to test for toxic waste, a ''postindustrial country with
preindustrial goals.'' It is an industrial battleship on faulty autopilot. But
it gets worse. Kerr's Japan is a land of prevarication: the government tells
children that plutonium is safe to drink. It is a land of duplicity: retired
government officials skim profits from public-works spending. It is a land of
incompetence: wooden ladles and plastic buckets are used to clean up after
nuclear disasters and oil spills. It is a land of collusion: industry and
government join to hide the poisoning of innocent citizens. It is a land of
widespread intimidation: students are afraid to subscribe to environmental
magazines for fear that it will hurt their career chances. And it is a land
without transparency: in response to demands for audits, officials torch public
records with impunity and police departments develop training materials to teach
officers how to cover up scandals.
As with most polemics, Kerr's is riddled with hyperbole. He force-feeds us a
cartoon version of how Japan is governed -- by ''near dictatorial'' bureaucrats
-- when, in fact, the system goes forward because politicians win re-election
for delivering concrete goodies: roads, schools, community centers, hospitals.
If Japan is a nation gripped by a ''boondoggle fever,'' that fever is one
voluntarily induced and willingly endured.
Kerr also overstates the dysfunctions. Japan still has a lower crime rate, a
healthier diet, cleaner city streets, longer life expectancy, better mass
transit, higher literacy and more equitable income distribution than virtually
any other industrial nation. And the Japanese government has already begun to
rectify its environmental insouciance in ways Kerr dismisses as inconceivable.
For an interesting discussion of Japan including the possibility that they may
be of Hebrew origin
The Japanese are not Hebrews!
3. Chicken Bones Suggest Polynesians Found Americas Before Columbus
4. Archaeology: Roman Mining of Lead in Britain
J W Gough, in his 'The Mines of Mendip' comments that, according to Pliny,
Britain became the chief source of lead in the Roman Empire, and that it was
found so abundantly near the surface of the ground that a law was passed to
limit production.
Mendip was an important centre of production. "Most probably the Romans set the
native population to work in the mines," says Gough, "or used the labour of
slaves and prisoners-of-war, or condemned prisoners. The mines were well known
to be the destiny of enemies captured in war...."
5. The Six Day War: When America's
Guarantees Could not be located
From: Israel Resource News Agency <media@actcom.co.il>
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Subject: Phila Bulletin: Recalling the Six Day War: When America's Guarantees
Could not be located
Ephraimite Forum-2
1. Steven
The Double Standards of the BBC
2. Brit-Am Reply to Question on Meat and Milk.
3. Other Peoples: Canaan, Ghana, Uganda
1. Steven
The Double Standards of the BBC
From: steven maney <stevie.maney@hotmail.co.uk>
Subject: little britain
Dear Sirs,
I read about the guy who wouldn't lecture in the UK because of the attitude in
the media and universities.
I would like to say that I agree with him and wonder if this is a direct result
of darkness hating the light?
For instance, while on an open university course, I was amazed to see how
'freedom of speech' was allowed when it came to criticising fat people,
religious groups, men and poor people. BUT, no one was allowed to say ANYTHING
critical about homosexuals.
Homosexuals have penetrated all levels of the BBC, government and higher
education, and as a result, they are defended in cases where others would have
been sacked or worse.
Could you imagine the police 'dropping the case' if a heterosexual person had
been caught with a dead woman in their pool after a drug fuelled party,
comparing the Michael Barrymore/ Lubbock case?
And what about Graham Norton, who is currently hosting the 'Joseph Choir Search'
- looking for children to audition for the Andrew Lloyd Weber musical- what if
he had been 'religious'? What would the BBC have done when he said, on air, that
drugs were 'OK'? Would he have been allowed to work with children?
The BBC is also currently suppressing a report about its anti-Israel bias, so I
would say the lecturer was right not to come and hopefully his stance will raise
serious questions about where this bias is coming from.
Kind Regards
Stevie Maney
2. Brit-Am Reply
to Question on Meat and Milk:
(PS: Thanks for your earlier reply, but I noticed you used the milk & meat
kosher example- didn't Abraham give the 'Lord' meat and curds with bread?)
We are not about to get into a debate on this matter since that would take us
too far beyond the field we have to concentrate upon.
You are referring to our notes on the Brit-Am Answers to Queries on Judaism entry
Q. 3. Are
Rabbinical Explanations derived from the Bible?
If so, can you give an example?
Meat and Milk
You are also correct concerning Abraham.
Some explain this verse as first milk products and after that meat ones which is
However even if we assume that they really did eat meat and milk together this was before the beginning of the Torah.
Before the Torah was given through Moses the Patriarchs may have kept many of
the laws but it was in a different format.
For example:
Jacob married two sisters which under the Law of Moses would have been
Under the Law of Moses levirate marriage takes place when one brother dies
without children one of the surviving brothers has to either marry the widow or formally
release her (Deuteronomy 25:5). This only applies to the brothers.
Before the Giving of the Torah a similar practice existed but it could be carried out by any member of the family
and therefore in the case of Tamar either of the sons of Judah was eligible and
so was Judah (Genesis 38).
A remnant of the earlier custom still remained (though not legally binding) even after the giving of the Law and so Ruth had to be "redeemed" by marrying
one of the surviving kin of her deceased husband (Ruth 4:5 ).
3. Other
Peoples: Canaan, Ghana, Uganda
The following message was first seen at
[X-Sender: awendawn@yahoo.com
To: epigraphy@yahoogroups.com]
but has since been also available from other groups.
It is included here out of curiosity
Canaanites And the Inca Connection
East African (Nairobi)
5 June 2007
Posted to the web 5 June 2007
Philip Ochieng
WHY IS ENKAI, THE Creator god of the Maasai, almost the same as
Enki, who created the Sumerians, as well as Enoch, the Canaanite hero who
stormed heaven, and Inca, the divine chief of the ancient Andeans?
Is it accidental that if you reverse the syllables of those names -
a word-game which ancient societies played all the time - you get
Ka'in of the Sumerians, Kainan of the Canaanites, Cain of Genesis and Chanes
of Mesoamerica?
Thus, although Genesis informs us that Cain was Enoch's father, a
scruple crosses the mind. For the book cannot make up its mind
which one of them was the first city-builder. It says that Cain gave his city
the name Enoch. But both words mean exactly the same thing - "founder,"
"settler," "city builder." It is thus certain that Cain is Enoch.
What the Maasai share with the Canaanites, Sumerians and the
autochthons of Central America is their Nilotic root.
And, as is now well known, Genesis is drawn entirely from Israel-
Judah's bondage in Egypt and Sumeria (Babylon) and, between them,
the religious subservience in Canaan called "idolatry."
All the ancient Nilotes worshipped the creator goddess Maat (known
also as Isis and a thousand other names). As the goddess of love and
justice, her counterpart in Orphic mysticism was the mysterious Eros, known
to the Vedic Indians as Kama and to the Romans as Cupid.
By the time we meet this deity in literature, however, she is
entirely male because, by that time, the whole matriarchal world of the
Hamites has been overrun by Semito-Aryan patriarchy and all institutions of
the goddess have been handed over to a new male supremo - for instance,
Zeus on Olympus.
Ptah-hotep, the Coptic guru, defined Maat as the truth, justice and
righteousness. For she it was who could transform a human individual
into a geru-maa, self-disciplined and virtuous. A geru-maa was
likened to a tree growing in fertile ground, offering pleasant shade and
yieding succulent fruit.
This is extraordinary information. In ancient Hamitic languages -
as we saw in an earlier piece - you removed "at" from a noun to
masculinise it. If you masculinised Maat, you got Maa.
MAAT HAD BEEN THE supreme goddess ever since she created herself
and the universe. Now, under patriarchy, the need arose for the supreme
divine office to go to a male god. It was thus that Maat became Maa.
If, for its part, the geru in geru-maa is cognate with the Hindu-
Sikh guru (the supreme teacher), then geru-maa can be translated
as "Teacher of Righteousness." This is engrossing. For Genesis identifies the
"Teacher of Righteousness" with the Canaanite priest- king
Melchizedek of pre-Israelite Jerusalem.
The Maasai are likely to have come from around Napata and Meroe, the
seat of a celebrated Nilotic state where, at Nag Hammadi, ancient
gospels have recently been discovered which connects the authors
with the Melchizedekian order to which Jesus belonged.
All this may indicate why the worshippers of Enkai called themselves
Maasai. Cynthia Salvadori translates the word Maasai as "people of
Maa speech." But that begs the question: What exactly is "Maa speech?"
An answer that suggests itself is that Maa is another name for Enkai.
Moreover, if Enkai is cognate with the Sumerian Enki, the Canaanite
Enoch, Genesis's Cain, the Andean Inca, the Mexican Chanes, to this
list we can add the ancient Western African kingdom of Ghana and, in
modern Ghana, the Akan.
Robert Graves in The Greek Myths and Robert Temple in The Sirius
Mystery report that Canaan is only a Hebrew corruption of Aganor - the
Ugandan who became the eponymous father of the Canaanites - a name which
closely resembles Ghana.
They and Cheik Anta Diop - the great Senegalese archaeo-historian -
demonstrate a direct cultural, mythological, linguistic and blood
link between Cush, Egypt, Crete, Arcadia, Thessaly, Armenia, Lemnos,
Canaan, Garamantia (ancient Libya), Dogon, Bambara, Wolof and Akan.
East Africa
Arts, Culture and Entertainment
Ephraimite Forum-3
Date: 24 Sivan 5767, 10 June 2007
and the Jews
2. Shakespeare and the Jews
3. Prof. Paul Eidelberg:
The Hidden Cause of the Arab War Against Israel
[followed by
Brit-Am Refutation]
and the Jews
2. Shakespeare and the Jews
by David Basch
Humor: Was Shakespeare Jewish?
by David Verveer
The one-man play "Shylock" by Gareth Armstrong
3. Prof. Paul
The Hidden Cause of the Arab War Against Israel
[followed by Brit-Am Refutation]
From: eidelberg@foundation1.org
Subject: The Hidden Cause
The Hidden Cause of the Arab War Against Israel
By Prof. Paul Eidelberg
Why Arabs want to destroy Israel receives only superficial commentary by
students of the Arab-Israel War.
Most say the Arabs want to destroy Israel because it is a Jewish state. Notice,
however, that the state's political elites are only nominally Jewish. In fact,
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres, Foreign Minister
Tsippi Livni, Defense Minister Amir Peretz, and Education Minister Yuli Tamir
want to transform Israel into a multicultural society like Sweden, whose
political elites have erased their own people's history and culture.
Others say that the Arabs want to wipe Israel off the map of the Middle East
because it is a democracy that threatens, by its example, the autocratic power
structure of the Arab-Islamic world. And yet, despite the veneer of
democracy--periodic multiparty elections--such is the concentration of power in
Israel's (prime ministerial) government, on the one hand, and such is the
impotence of its legislature on the other, that Israel should be classified as
an oligarchy. Indeed, since the government owns or controls almost 90 percent
of the country's assets, Israel may rightly be called a corporate state.
Still other commentators say that the Arabs want to annihilate Israel because
Islam is a militant and expansionist religion. This is indubitably true. But
the question remains: What is there about Israel that the Arabs most detest or
fear if it is not, strictly speaking, a Jewish as well as democratic state?
Could it be the state's secular character, its having ever been dominated by
secularists? Consider what two Arab commentators say.
One writes: "The propagandists of secularism, who leave out of account the
religious factor in the Palestine problem, ignore the fact that this is the only
bone of contention in the world which has persisted for thirty centuries."
Another Arab spokesman declares: "Apart from the political conflict, there is a
basic philosophical and spiritual incompatibility between the two contending
nationalisms. Even if all political disputes were to be resolved, the two
movements, Zionism and Arab Nationalism, would remain, spiritually and
ideologically, worlds apart--living in separate 'universes of discourse' which
are incapable of communication or meaningful dialogue."
Notice that neither of these Arab spokesmen regards territory or geographical
boundaries as a decisive issue in the Arab animosity toward Israel. Which means
that Israel's policy of "territory for peace" is doomed to fail, indeed, is
leading to Israel?s territorial dismemberment. Territorial nationalism, however,
is the paramount principle of secular Zionism. This being the case, the "peace
process" signifies the end of secular Zionism, the ideology of the Likud party!
What is crucial here, however, is not the noun "Zionism," but the adjective
?secular.? From the Arab point of view, Israeli secularism is the greatest
threat to Arab-Islamic civilization, as may learn from Moslem scholars such
Harvard-educated professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr.
To be sure, Arabs murdered religious Jews even before the establishment of the
secular state of Israel. But anti-Zionism was the principal motive of such
murders, and the Zionist movement was dominated by secularists--even
self-professed atheists like David Ben-Gurion.
In short, Arab hostility toward Israel is primarily motivated by the fact that
Israel is ruled by irreligious Jews, above all by those of the political Left..
In other words, the hidden cause of the war being waged against the Jews is
Jewish rejection of the God of Israel.
This conclusion accords with basic Jewish sources as well as with
Jewish history. When Jews turn away from God, God turns away from Jews. Stated
another way, when Israel fails to exalt God?s name, God will use various
instruments, be it the United Nations or the Arabs, to condemn and humiliate
This underlying dynamic of Jewish history is obscured by the very
brilliance of well-intended critics of the ?peace process??which is why they
have had no discernible impact on the obviously irrational and suicidal behavior
of Israel's government. The same critics would accomplish infinitely more if
they would but recognize that the irrational and suicidal nature of the ?peace
process? is a consequence of the godless character of Israel's government. They
would then see that Arab despots are merely instruments of Divine Providence.
The Arabs are simply facilitating the demise of a secular state, a precondition
of Israel's spiritual redemption.
Brit-Am Refutation
to above article.
It is true that in the past some Moslem theologians have used the religious
factor (or lack of it) amongst secular Zionists in their arguments.
This sentiment can also be found amongst the Moslem "Man in the Street"
Arabs are often religious to a degree. Their religious concepts can be divided
into three basic categories:
a. A superstitious pagan sort of distant appreciation of cause and effect, good
and bad luck, fate, etc.
Secular Jews especially immodestly dressed women and women in assertive public
positions can upset the Arab sense of propriety and threaten their inner world.
b. Classical Moslem "Arabian" orthodox type.
This will tolerate the Jew to a limited degree as long as the Jew maintains an
inferior status and allows himself to be periodically oppressed which oppression includes
beatings, rape, abduction of women and children,along with occasional murder with life varying from barely tolerable to a living
On top of all this under an Islamic regime they will perpetually have the threat of a capricious annihilation hovering over their heads.
Welcome to Islamistan!
c. General Monotheism that finds expression through Islam.
Arabs quarrel with each other and oppress one another.
An Arab who is disaffected with his peers may come to consider them basically
"wicked" while finding the Jews relatively speaking to be "righteous".
Arabs often have or can come to quickly acquire a healthy "fear of God".
This can come into play at times of disaffection or after military defeats or even as a result of vigorous law enforcement measures.
The more religious the Jews are or seem to be the more these potentialities
amongst Arabs can work for the Jewish good.
The three above categories intermerge and overlap in the Arab character.
The first two are usually dominant while the third may assert itself after
traumatic experience.
The third category "Fear of God" is the only viable option that Jews should look
In order to get along with the Arabs the Jews should therefore be prepared to
thoroughly beat the Arabs while themselves living a God-fearing existence.
Being "religious" in itself is not a solution.
Ephraimite Forum-4
Date: 26 Sivan 5767, 12 June 2007
1.Jewish Genealogy
2.Interesting Quotations from Thomas Jefferson
3.Richard Griffin: Want to help
Start by making your own coffee
From: Craig Blackwood <cablack@westnet.com.au>
Subject: Avotaynu Guide to Jewish Genealogy
Quotations from Thomas Jefferson
An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which
has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town
meeting or a vestry.
Thomas Jefferson
An enemy generally says and believes what he wishes.
Thomas Jefferson
Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure
reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
He who knows best knows how little he knows.
Thomas Jefferson
He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with
falsehoods and errors.
Thomas Jefferson
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
Thomas Jefferson
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
Thomas Jefferson
Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as
reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than
Thomas Jefferson
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Thomas Jefferson
Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool
and unruffled under all circumstances.
Thomas Jefferson
Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man.
Thomas Jefferson
One man with courage is a majority.
Thomas Jefferson
Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching.
Thomas Jefferson
Griffin: Want to help BritAm?
Start by making your own coffee
Previous generations understood God's advice contained in Proverbs that a
little bit of money here and there adds up quickly in terms of our personal
wealth. So too a little bit of money saved here and there can free up money we
might not otherwise have to help God's work and other worthy causes. I typically
spend 2 to 3 dollars a day buying coffee. I am now making my own at work and I
am going to offer that money to BritAm. I suggest all of you do the same.
Dr. Griffith
Want to get rich? Start by making your own coffee
Russ Wiles
The Arizona Republic
Jun. 10, 2007 10:04 PM
The road to riches, like a long journey, begins with that first step. Most
Americans aren't born with seven-digit net worths, but many get there by putting
their money to work for them, one dollar at a time.
Saving anything can seem daunting to people living paycheck to paycheck. But if
you earn income, you have a chance to put some of it away by reducing expenses.
Almost everyone could take their savings to a higher level. If you're among the
35 percent of workers counting less than $10,000 in savings and investments,
it's time to get serious. Here are a few ways to start:
? Pay off your credit cards.
It's easy to dig a hole through reckless card use, and you'll stay bogged down
if you don't pare your balance. Suppose you pay only a 3 percent minimum each
month on a $3,000 balance with a 13 percent rate. At that pace, you would need
13 years to pay it all off while incurring $1,590 in interest. Run numbers at
www.bankrate.com/brm/calc/min payment.asp.
? Make your own coffee.
All those high-priced lattes add up. If you could save $4 by forsaking just one
cup of designer coffee each day, you'd save $1,460 a year. Run numbers at
www.hughchou.org/ calc/coffee.cgi.
? Adjust the thermostat.
For many Arizonans, utility costs rank among the highest bills, especially in
summer. Shave them by adjusting your thermostat, installing low-energy bulbs,
planting shade trees and more. Read tips from Salt River Project at
www.srpnet.com/ menu/energy.aspx.
? Eat out less often. As with coffee, you can save cash by purchasing fewer
meals out. If you cut $4 a day by packing lunches five days a week, that's
$1,000 or so over a year. Calculate your savings at
www.hugh chou.org/calc/lunch.cgi.
? Downsize your auto. Cars are expensive in many ways - purchase price,
gasoline, insurance, registration, repairs and more. One way to minimize that is
with less-costly models.
For example, taking out a $12,500 auto loan rather than a $25,000 one will help
you save more than the $12,500 difference. You'll also avoid $1,868 in interest
(on a 48-month loan with a 7 percent rate), plus higher registration and
insurance. Visit
www.bankrate.com/brm/ auto-loan-calcula tor.asp.
? Entertain yourself.
Movie tickets, drinks and popcorn for two can approach $30. Shave $20 by renting
a movie and watching at home. Trim costs further by borrowing a video at the
library. Cutting entertainment by $20 a month frees $240 over a year.
Put money to good use
So you've saved up a lot of extra cash by cutting expenses. That's a good start.
But now you need to invest it wisely.
Once you start building up cash, create an account for emergencies. Money-market
mutual funds and certain bank vehicles are suitable for this.
Longer-term, workplace 401(k) plans and other retirement accounts offer a mix of
tax and other incentives.
Young adults have golden opportunities to maximize wealth over time. A
25-year-old starting from scratch can reach $500,000 at age 65 by investing $424
a month and earning 4 percent above inflation. Someone who waits until 45 to
start must sock away $1,364 a month to reach the same goal.
See Vanguard's "determine how much to save" calculator at
https://flagship .vanguard.
com/VGApp/hnw/planning education/retirement.
Ephraimite Forum-5
Date: 1 Tammuz 5767, 16 June 2007
1. Opinion: David Tempelhoff: Bibi Netanyahu Echoes Patton
2. DNA and Linguistics: Is Your Tongue in Your Genes?
3. Biblical Actuality: The Biblical Green Card?
by Rabbi Aryeh Spero
1. Opinion: David
Tempelhoff: Bibi Netanyahu Echoes Patton
Dear Yair,
Good to see you are keeping up with the great intel.
I would like to respond to Mr. Netanyahu comments:
"If we leave the Golan Heights we will get a piece of paper but not a defendable
This man is speaking the truth. I hope people listen to him. General Patton was
ridiculed by many for his methods and his ideas but one of his most famous
quotes was " The best plan for peace is to plan for war". The General also said
Soldiers hate fighting wars more than anyone else because they have to die and
watch their buddies die. War is a very ugly business but the best way to prevent
it is to make sure you pack a' heck of a punch' when you need it.
Promises..............a peace of paper. how could any reasonable person trust
someone who doesn't even believe in Torah or takes God out of their
Constitution(EU). What holds a person accountable if they dont believe in a God
that says thou shalt not bear false witness?
"If wishes were horses beggars would ride"----Old proverb.
"Its a hard life but for some reason it gets a little easier once weve stepped
up to the plate"---Me
Good job on the Satellite Isreal----God Speed.
2.DNA and Linguistics: Is Your Tongue
in Your Genes?
By Michael Balter
ScienceNOW Daily News
29 May 2007
There's no gene for speaking Chinese, English, or Swahili. Children grow up
chatting like those around them. But a new study suggests that genetic
differences may have influenced the type of language a particular culture
All languages rely on consonants and vowels to distinguish words. But some
languages, such as Chinese, also use changes in pitch for this purpose. These
so-called tonal languages are very common in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast
Asia but rare in Europe, Australia, and other parts of Asia. Yet even among
these populations, there is variation in ability to perceive tones. In a recent
study, neuroscientist Patrick Wong and his colleagues at Northwestern University
in Evanston, Illinois, found that adult speakers of English--a nontonal
language--were either good or poor at distinguishing tones in an artificial
language. Moreover, the brains of the successful subjects had more gray matter
in a part of their auditory cortex implicated in pitch perception.
Inspired by these findings, language researchers Dan Dediu and Robert Ladd at
the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom set out to see whether there
might be a genetic basis for these differences in tonal aptitude. They
hypothesized that the differences might be related to variations in two genes,
called ASPM and microcephalin , which are thought to be implicated in brain
development. Two variants of these genes, called ASPM-D and microcephalin-D ,
appear to have arisen fairly recently in human evolution and then spread
throughout many parts of the world because they conferred some sort of selective
advantage, although this claim is controversial (Science, 22 December 2006, p.
Taking genetic data from 49 populations worldwide, Dediu and Ladd searched for
correlations between 983 genetic variants, including ASPM-D and microcephalin-D
, and 26 features of the languages spoken by the populations, including the
number of consonants and the use of inflections or tones. There was little
overall correlation, meaning that most of these language differences are
unlikely to be affected by genetics.
In the case of ASPM-D and microcephalin-D , however, there was a highly
significant correlation between possession of these variants and speaking a
nontonal language, even after the researchers made statistical corrections for
the effects of shared linguistic histories. The authors suggest that these
genetic variants might cause subtle differences in brain structure related to
pitch perception, and that populations that harbored a high frequency of the
variants might have been more likely to develop nontonal languages. They
describe the findings online this week in the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences.
Ladd says that he and Dediu now plan to look at whether possession of ASPM-D or
microcephalin-D affects the ability to learn a tonal language in individual
subjects. Robert Zatorre, a neuroscientist at McGill University in Montreal,
Canada, says that the paper is "particularly exciting" because it provides a
possible link between genetics, brain anatomy, and language. And Bruce Lahn, a
geneticist at the University of Chicago in Illinois whose team first identified
ASPM-D and microcephalin-D , says that the "work is obviously highly significant
if confirmed." Nevertheless, Lahn says, the authors still need to rule out other
possible explanations for their results.
3. Biblical Actuality: The Biblical
Green Card?
by Rabbi Aryeh Spero
Ephraimite Forum-6
Date: 16 Tammuz 5767, 2 July 2007
1. The Problem of
Having Fallen Victim to Evil
2. e-mail address for Rabbi
3.Dennis McGinlay:
Note on truth and the human condition
The Problem of Having Fallen Victim to Evil
From: C
Subject: RE: Psalms 74-3
Dear Rabbi yair:
Here is my answer to the young girl who was raped by her teacher
(I have thought long and hard about this issue since have been the victim of similar crimes):
"One day when you are very old, you will look back at the pain that you
suffered and survived ---and you will realize that this terrible suffering
in the physical wilderness was central to both your spiritual and your
physical life in this world. You will recognize the beauty came out from the
ashes of Egypt.
Our God allows evil to exist here on earth for a larger purpose-- free
will-- but he is also there for those who suffer the effects of men's choice
to be evil. Our God is a perfectly just God.... and in time, the wicked
will receive their punishment, and those who maintain a love for, and
devotion to God-- especially in difficult trials, will like Abraham, Job and
Daniel receive double for their trouble in this world.
When the children of Israel came out of the evil, cruel bondage that was
physical Egypt they were [purified] by the Red Sea into a new spiritual
beginning. They spent a long time in a painful wilderness where they
learned to submit to God's desires for them, and where they learned to have
complete faith that he would care for their every need -- even when things
looked terrible for them in this physical world. God was testing their
faithfulness and willingness to love and trust in Him which is all that is
truly important in this physical life that is ours.
Ask God to show you what the meaning of the experience was for you. Tell
Him that you love, worship and adore Him and ask Him to free you from the
bondage of bitterness toward the evil man who raped you. Don't look back to
the horrors of bondage in Egypt or Sodom. Look forward to the wonderful
life God has for you."
e-mail address for Rabbi Avraham Feld
Avraham Feld <peled24@bezeqint.net>
3. Dennis
McGinlay: Note on truth and the human condition
From: Dennis McGinlay <dennis.mcginlay@virgin.net>
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-930
#1. Conspiracy Freaks and Mental Aberrations?
Dear Yair
The article (extract) from the Jerusalem World Review by Rod Dreher
regarding conspiracy theories, I found most interesting but at the same time
a sad reflection on the human condition. His conclusion that 'the truth' can
not be known is in my opinion not quite correct at least in regard to God's
Dennis McGinlay
Ephraimite Forum-7
Date: 18 Tammuz 5767, 4 July 2007
1. Could the Key to Success Lie in Reverse Eugenics?
Does a Liberal Government-Subsidised Abortion
Policy Eliminate Inherited Genius???
2. Betrand
Russell: Quotation
3. The Good Germans in Denmark in WW11?
1. Could the Key
to Success Lie in Reverse Eugenics?
Does a Liberal Government-Subsidised Abortion
Policy Eliminate Inherited Genius???
Eugenics simply put means the "science" of good breeding.
Discourage people with genetic problems from breeding,
while encouraging they who are genetically gifted to have children and so the
supposition goes
the whole "race" will be improved.
Eugenics was spoken of in the times of the Greeks and Spartans, became
fashionable in the later nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries, got a bad name under Hitler, but has since in a
de facto fashion often ruled our lives.
Most social workers, fertility counsellors, etc, work according to the science
of "eugenics".
The principle of "eugenics" are applied in many scientific explanations.
A recent article making "eugenic" assumptions was noted in
Jerusalem News-640
#1. Did Discrimination Enhance Intelligence of Jews?
This article crudely says that the European Jews were allowed only to work as
Money-lenders need to be intelligent.
Only money-lenders could have large families.
Since moneylenders were both able to afford families and intelligent they dominated the "genetic" pool and thus many of the Ashkenazi Jews are brainy.
It may sound like a bright idea but is not convincing.
What if a people decided to encourage all of its congenital idiots and misfits
etc to have children?
What if in many cases there was no offspring, in some cases misfits etc like
their parents,
and then at the fringes geniuses?
What if this continued generation after generation so that most of the "misfits"
were gradually weeded out
and only the geniuses remained?
What if the genes for true genius are very close almost interlinked with those
for idiocy
and that by eliminating "idiots" you are liable to be also killing off the truly
Sound far-fetched?
It may be BUT it has more historical evidence to support it than the
money-lending story.
You heard this first on Brit-Am.
Quite a few truths of some consequence may have come your way through Brit-Am.
Remember Brit-Am.
2. Betrand
Russell: Quotation
Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so.
Bertrand Russell.
3. The Good
Germans in Denmark in WW11?
We came across the following observation on another list:
It takes note of the fact that whereas nearly everywhere else the Germans
(including "OstGerman" settlers who had lived in Eastern Europe for centuries
and often gotten on well with the Jews) were usually the most active agents
in persecuting the Jews in Denmark it was different.
In Denmark even avid Nazi German occupiers in many cases helped the Danish save
the Jews.
Read the observation below, then see the Brit-Am comments that come after:
From: H-Holocaust <jimmott@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>
Subject: FW: Denmark, 1943 (Schultz)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: DSchultz <dschultz7@tampabay.rr.com>
As a psychologist, I have long been intrigued by the behavior of many German
army and naval personnel stationed in Denmark in 1943 who chose to "look the
other way" during the rescue of the Danish Jews, quite unlike their
counterparts in other occupied countries. Many articles and books on the
topic agree that the rescue would not have succeeded without this
acquiescence. Why did those Germans in that time and place behave in such an
atypical fashion?
I have found many examples of this behavior in a large number of
English-language articles and books, many of them written by Danes who lived
through the experience as well as more recent analyses of that time, but I
have yet to find any memoirs, analyses, or attempted explanations of the
German behavior written by Germans. Are there any, or has this experience
been ignored by German historians or psychologists, or academics of any
other persuasion?
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions of sources or sites to explore so
that I might be able to understand why this happened. Thank you.
Duane Schultz
University of South Florida
Brit-Am Comment:
In Denmark the German occupiers seem to have taken their cue from the Danish population who saved the Jews.
Were these Germans of Israelite descent who somehow through Divine Providence had been sent to Denmark?
Or was the Hebrew element in Denmark sufficiently strong to influence the Germans and counter the effects that Nazi propaganda and official policy had
had upon them?
Were the Germans in other places giving expression, as some have claimed, to
the Jew-hating sentiments
of East Europeans as a whole?
Ephraimite Forum-8
Date: 3 Av 5767, 18 July 2007
1.The Germans in Denmark: Another
2.Humor : Prerogative
3.Tribute to US Military Power
1.The Germans
Denmark: Another Explantion?
Ephraimite Forum-7
#3. The Good Germans in Denmark in WW11?
Gunnar Paulson's article in the July 1995 Journal of Contempoary History
claims that German anti-Semitism always came from the top down
as directed by the German Government.
Paulson apparently does not prove his claim just states it
somewhat convincingly and it is used to explain why Germany was different.
From: Lee Kelley <doctor@seascape.ns.ca>
Subject: Fwd: Late for Work
John was in his early 50's, retired and started a second career. However, he
just couldn't seem to get to work on time. Every day, 10, 15, 45 minutes late.
But he was a good worker, real sharp, so the Boss was in a quandary about how to
deal with it. Finally, one day he called him into the office for a talk.
"John, I have to tell you, I like your work ethic, you do a bang-up job, but
your being late so often is quite bothersome."
"Yes, I know Boss, and I am working on it."
"Well good, you are a team player. That's what I like to hear. It's odd though,
you're coming in late. I know you're retired from the Army. What did they say if
you came in late there?"
They said, "Good morning, General."
to US
Military Power
From: Robert Graves <robert.graves@charter.net>
Subject: Fw: Beautiful
This is awesome! But whenever I see something like this that touts our military
prowess I am reminded of God's words in Zechariah 4:6 where He says that victory
is" Not by Might, nor by Power, but by My Spirit; says the LORD of Hosts".
This Union has not survived by its impressive military might but by Divine Power
orchestrated by our (formerly) acknowleged Creator and Sustainer. As our
forefathers put it: "No King but God".
How far we have drifted from that motto! So, as Israel of ancient times, we,
too, will find our 'Might' is insufficient to shield us from the Judgment of our
Subject: Beautiful
Crank up the speakers and click on the link below - If
you don't like this, you don't like black eyed peas:
Ephraimite Forum-9
Date: 10 Av 5767, 25 July 2007
Ephraimite Forum-9
1.Bible History:
Evidence for the Early Date of the Exodus
2.Anti-Semitism, Israelites, and the Rest: THE BLOOD LIBEL
3.Other Peoples : Genetic Differences Within Austria
4.Nice Overhead Picture of Jews Praying at the
5. DNA: Epigenomics?
1.Bible History:
Evidence for the Early Date of the Exodus
D. Massimiliano Lorenzini
, Israelites, and the Rest: THE BLOOD LIBEL
Posted by: "Shield of David List Moderator" magen_david_1948@yahoo.com
Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:00 am (PST)
by Ari Greenspan and Ari Zivotofsky
We Jews are no strangers to suffering. It started 3,500 years ago
in the land of Egypt: "Slaves were we to Pharaoh in Egypt," the
Bible recounts. The 10th and final plague hit the firstborn sons
of every Egyptian. However, by smearing the blood of a
slaughtered lamb on the doorposts of the Jewish homes, the death
passed over them. Since that day, the stain of Pessah blood seems
to follow us. For you see, the most wicked of all the slanders
against us is that of the blood libel.
Josephus tells us that already in Roman times, the Greeks spread
rumors that we wicked Jews slaughtered a Greek in the Temple in
Jerusalem and ate his intestines as part of our rites.
In 12th-century England, there were repeated stories of children
being killed by the Jews for ritual purposes.
The tale was usually the same. The holiday of Pessah is
celebrated in the spring; the unleavened bread is an integral
part of the feast. The ugly rumor proclaimed that the matza was
not fit for use unless the blood of a Gentile child was kneaded
into the mixture.
It is simply such a wild, unbelievable yarn that it became
believable. As Hitler's minister of propaganda Joseph Goebbels so
successfully taught, a lie, repeated often enough, will end up as
truth, and the bigger the lie, the greater the likelihood that
people will believe it. With the blood libel, you have both: a
lie repeated for centuries that is an unbelievable stretch of the
The trigger for this malice always seemed to occur in the early
spring, before Pessah, when the rivers were melting and the paths
were thick in mud. Often a child had disappeared and was found
floating in the thawing river. Other times, he would be
discovered frozen to death in the woods or in a field. Sometimes,
he was even found lost in the forest before the frost took him,
but usually after the wholesale indiscriminate slaughter of local
Jews. Sometimes entire towns were wiped out.
IT WAS THE year 1144 in Norwich, England, and little William was
found stabbed. Almost the entire Jewish population of the town
was wiped out. In Lincoln, England, in 1255, little Hugh was
found dead in a Jew's pit. The poor Jew named Copin confessed, in
exchange for his life, that the boy was crucified. His life was
saved -- 18 other Jews were hanged for their "crime."
So well known was this fable that Chaucer memorialized little
Hugh 100 years later in his Canterbury Tales in "The Prioress's
She's led him in through ae dark door,
And sae has she thro' nine;
She's laid him on a dressing-table,
And stickit him like a swine.
And first came out the thick, thick blood,
And syne came out the thin;
And syne came out the bonny heart's blood;
There was nae mair within.
She's row'd him in a cake o'lead,
Bade him lie still and sleep;
She's thrown him in Our Lady's draw-well
Was fifty fathom deep.
After centuries of pilgrimage to this site, as recently as the
20th century, the Anglican Church placed the following plaque in
"By the remains of the shrine of 'Little St. Hugh': Trumped up
stories of 'ritual murders' of Christian boys by Jewish
communities were common throughout Europe during the Middle Ages
and even much later. These fictions cost many innocent Jews their
lives. Lincoln had its own legend and the alleged victim was
buried in the Cathedral in the year 1255.
"Such stories do not redound to the credit of Christendom, and so
we pray: Lord, forgive what we have been, amend what we are, and
direct what we shall be."
Pessah was indeed a holiday in which human blood flowed. But it
was usually that of Jews who paid with their lives for baking the
most humble of pastries, matza, made with only flour and water.
Any other ingredient, most certainly blood, would render it
hametz and unfit for the Pessah ritual.
However, such a "probable" reason was not always necessary. A
more far-fetched excuse was the well-poisoning libel. During the
bubonic plagues of the 14th century, Jews were accused of
poisoning the wells of the towns to kill the Christians and to
spread the disease. Somehow the fact that the Jews shared the
same water, along with the consequences of the plague, seems to
have been forgotten by the murderers.
One of the more twisted, and possibly the most telling and
significant, of all libel events was that of the bleeding host.
Through this facade we can grasp the medieval Christian hatred of
the Jews as the deeper headwaters of the blood libels. To a
religious and superstitious person in dark Catholic Europe, the
wafer taken at mass was the body of their lord, and the wine
drunk with it was his blood. It was real -- the flesh and blood
of their savior, in the flesh.
Throughout the centuries, Jews were accused of stabbing the host
in an act of anti-Christian odium. Ergo, being the palpable body
of the savior, the little cracker did what you would expect it
to, it bled. Was it not enough that the Jews were responsible for
Jesus's death the first time? Seemingly once again they caused
his death through the biscuit's sanguinary surprise. This
accusation of host desecration was first leveled against the Jews
in 1243 at Berlitz, near Berlin, and resulted in all of the
town's Jews being burned. Over the centuries untold Jews were
killed for their supposed heinous act of killing the wafer.
LEST ONE think that these vile events represent the distant foul
past of an unenlightened world, we hear of an old-fashioned blood
libel in Damascus in 1840. Chief Rabbi Ya'acov Entabi and a group
of leading Jews of Damascus were accused of killing a Franciscan
monk and his Greek servant to use their blood in matza baking.
They were imprisoned and flogged and tortured to admit their
heinous crime. When no admission could be coaxed from the rabbi's
pain-racked body, "witnesses" were found who claimed to have seen
it all happen.
What was unusual about this particular libel was the active
involvement of the French representative in Syria. He seemed to
relish being in on the action and watched the torture and egged
on the participants. However, this was not the Dark Ages, this
was the enlightened modern world. The word of the assault spread
via the telegraph, and the Jewish world responded by bringing
intense diplomatic pressure to bear on Syria. Sir Moses
Montefiore made it a primary cause of his, and soon, all the
incarcerated were freed, that is, of course, except for those who
died during the torture. Rabbi Entabi was so revered for his
honorable behavior that he was received with kisses and honor by
the great rabbis of Safed, where he went the following year and
where he spent the rest of his days.
The most celebrated of modern libel cases is the Beilis trial in
Russia in 1913. The basic story we know without having to tell
it: Mendel Beilis, a quiet, reserved superintendent at the
Zaitsev brick factory, is accused of killing a Christian boy for
blood for his matza. While the reason is unclear, the czarist
regime decided at the highest levels to turn this into a show
trial. As the closed police records showed after they were opened
a few years after the trial, witnesses were procured and evidence
was fabricated. One of the greatest difficulties the Russian
police had was that not one priest in all of Russia could be
found who was knowledgeable enough in the Talmud to argue the
prosecution's claim that the Jewish writings themselves were the
basis for such a crime.
This time though, the Jewish and non-Jewish world and the world
press followed every aspect of the trial and the ultimate
acquittal of Beilis. Poor Beilis, a broken man whose health was
taken by the years in a Russian jail, arrived home on the day of
his freedom to a joyous welcome. Telegrams from around the world
poured into his home, and a single message caught his eye. It was
from Rabbi Avraham Kook, the chief rabbi of Palestine. Come home,
he said, to the land of Israel. And there, Beilis went (although
he later settled in the US).
Most of you reading this have also come home. You might have come
from Syria or England, Iran or Germany or even the US. There were
a few libels that happened there. Massena, New York, a small
village located near the Canadian border, which in 1928 had about
35 Jewish families out of a population of 10,000, was the site.
The US is different; there the accusation occurred not in the
spring, but on Yom Kippur eve when the Jews were accused after
four-year-old Barbara Griffiths failed to return home for dinner.
Rabbi Berel Brennglass denied all charges, and stormed out of the
police station. The little girl walked out of the woods unharmed
the next day, and the Jews too survived the incident unscathed.
But it is clear what could have been.
Now we are home and the insanity of blood libels from our lands
of origin is behind us. It was something our grandparents might
have seen or heard about. Sure some soon-to-be-forgotten history
professor made a fool of himself this year by being quoted as
claiming that Jews did actually kill Christian children for their
blood. He was so shocked to find that besides some neo-Nazis and
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, not a single person
believed him. In fact, with his tail between his legs and his
father, the former chief rabbi of Rome, along with many other
historians and scholars publicly denouncing him and his research,
he announced that the book was being taken off the shelves.
It is really unthinkable to imagine a more horrible and
antithetical act to Jewish law than the use of human blood for a
religious rite. The Bible insists that a human life is holy. The
most wicked of all human acts is taking the life of another human
being. The drinking or usage of blood, specifically blood, is
forbidden with language as harsh as we find anywhere in the text.
Another principle found in the Torah is human kindness to your
fellow man. That stems, as we are told, from constantly
remembering the experience of being slaves in Egypt.
These two principles, lovingkindness and the sanctity of human
life, are among the most clear directives and messages in the
Torah. How cruel it is then that the blood libel cynically plays
upon these two hallmarks of Judaism. By asserting that we killed
a young, helpless gentile child to utilize his blood, the gentile
plays upon exactly those pure traits.
BUT IS IT really a thing of the past? It is if 1982 is the past.
For my children it's like the Dark Ages. However, the then Syrian
defense minister published and defended his book entitled Matza
of Zion. I think that the cover art sort of says what the book is
about. And our neighbors in the Palestinian Authority have had
blood libels in the press and TV almost annually for the last few
Perhaps the most unique twist on the old story is 2002 article in
Al-Ridyah, the Saudi government's daily paper. One of the editors
was called by a US paper and asked whether it was true that
Al-Ridyah wrote that the Jews drink human blood and mix it into
their food on Purim.
For some real gore (viewer discretion advised), you could tune
into the Al-Manar 24-part TV series that looked at every major
catastrophic world event in the last 100 years and found a way to
make a segment showing how the Jews were the cause. It was shown
on cable all across the Arab world and hundreds of millions saw
it. Two very Semitic looking hassidim with beautiful ear locks,
looking like a cross between Zohar Argov and a Breslav hassid,
are seen plotting on how to make the matza with blood. A Jew by
the name of Nathan convinces a young Muslim boy to join him in a
cellar and there, with a prearranged conspiratorial wink at his
Jewish cohorts, they grip the lad and slit his throat, letting
his blood drain in full color and motion into a large pan. The
next shot is of the two rabbis meeting furtively in an alley to
each take a bite of the holy bread. Yes, it's all there in full
We could look for all sorts of deep psychological or religious
reasons for the perpetuation of this myth. All we know is that a
century ago our ancestors quivered with their doors locked on the
night of the Seder lest a knock unexpectedly spell disaster for
them and their families. In fact, there were rabbis who decided
that one should drink only white wine on the night of Pessah so
that no intruder should find a red liquid prompting a call for
3.Other Peoples:
Genetic Differences Within Austria
Genetic structure and suicide risk in Austria
Regional differences in suicide rates within Austria correspond to the genetic
structure of the population. The present evidence adds to related findings from
geographical and surname studies of suicide that suggest a role for genetic risk
factors for suicidal behavior. Genetic differences between subpopulations may
partially account for the geography of suicide.
Brit-Am Comment: This article and its subject matter are important in their own
From a Brit-Am there is even more importance in points the authors appear to
have taken for granted.
People in different regions of Austria behave differently.
There is an overlap between surnames and regions of origin.
The differences in behavior to some degree may reflect inherited differences.
4.Nice Overhead
Picture of Jews Praying at the Kotel
5. DNA: Epigenomics?
From: Richard Barnett
The idea that you have proposed many times regarding the modification of a population's DNA based on where they are, all being affected together, has certainly interested me. It didn't understand the direct mechanism allowing this, but I thought it possible. Then the other day I was watching a public broadcasting program about the field of epigenomics and it all came together.
It is not where we are but what we eat!
As a population migrates together, what it eats is directly affected by where they are. And that can and does directly affect the turning on and turning off of various DNA potential affects.
This is a link to the program's website:
These are good overviews of the technology, but more are available on the website above:
Dallas, TX USA
Ephraimite Forum-10
Date: 14 Av 5767, 29 July 2007
1. Bowl of tomato soup a day 'boosts fertility'
2. DNA: "Old" Article on
Epigenetics Provides Good
Introduction to Subject
3. DNA: Is There a Genetic Basis to Race After All?
1. Bowl of tomato
soup a day 'boosts fertility'
2. DNA: "Old"
Article on Epigenetics
Provides Good Introduction to Subject
DNA Is Not Destiny
The new science of epigenetics rewrites the rules of disease, heredity, and
by Ethan Watters
Short Extract Only
Remarkably, the researchers effected this transformation without altering a
single letter of the mouse's DNA. Their approach instead was radically
straightforward?they changed the moms' diet. Starting just before conception,
Jirtle and Waterland fed a test group of mother mice a diet rich in methyl
donors, small chemical clusters that can attach to a gene and turn it off. These
molecules are common in the environment and are found in many foods, including
onions, garlic, beets, and in the food supplements often given to pregnant
women. After being consumed by the mothers, the methyl donors worked their way
into the developing embryos' chromosomes and onto the critical agouti gene. The
mothers passed along the agouti gene to their children intact, but thanks to
their methyl-rich pregnancy diet, they had added to the gene a chemical switch
that dimmed the gene's deleterious effects.
In recent years, epigenetics researchers have made great strides in
understanding the many molecular sequences and patterns that determine which
genes can be turned on and off. Their work has made it increasingly clear that
for all the popular attention devoted to genome-sequencing projects, the
epigenome is just as critical as DNA to the healthy development of organisms,
humans included. Jirtle and Waterland's experiment was a benchmark demonstration
that the epigenome is sensitive to cues from the environment. More and more,
researchers are finding that an extra bit of a vitamin, a brief exposure to a
toxin, even an added dose of mothering can tweak the epigenome?and thereby alter
the software of our genes?in ways that affect an individual's body and brain for
The even greater surprise is the recent discovery that epigenetic signals from
the environment can be passed on from one generation to the next, sometimes for
several generations, without changing a single gene sequence. It's well
established, of course, that environmental effects like radiation, which alter
the genetic sequences in a sex cell's DNA, can leave a mark on subsequent
generations. Likewise, it's known that the environment in a mother's womb can
alter the development of a fetus. What's eye-opening is a growing body of
evidence suggesting that the epigenetic changes wrought by one's diet, behavior,
or surroundings can work their way into the germ line and echo far into the
future. Put simply, and as bizarre as it may sound, what you eat or smoke today
could affect the health and behavior of your great-grandchildren.
To the surprise of scientists, many environmentally induced changes turn out to
be heritable. When exposed to predators, Daphnia water fleas grow defensive
spines . The effect can last for several generations.
In November 2005, Marcus Pembrey, a clinical geneticist at the Institute of
Child Health in London, attended a conference at Duke University to present
intriguing data drawn from two centuries of records on crop yields and food
prices in an isolated town in northern Sweden. Pembrey and Swedish researcher
Lars Olov Bygren noted that fluctuations in the towns' food supply may have
health effects spanning at least two generations. Grandfathers who lived their
preteen years during times of plenty were more likely to have grandsons with
diabetes?an ailment that doubled the grandsons' risk of early death. Equally
notable was that the effects were sex specific. A grandfather's access to a
plentiful food supply affected the mortality rates of his grandsons only, not
those of his granddaughters, and a paternal grandmother's experience of feast
affected the mortality rates of her granddaughters, not her grandsons.
This led Pembrey to suspect that genes on the sex-specific X and Y chromosomes
were being affected by epigenetic signals. Further analysis supported his hunch
and offered insight into the signaling process. It turned out that timing?the
ages at which grandmothers and grandfathers experienced a food surplus?was
critical to the intergenerational impact. The granddaughters most affected were
those whose grandmothers experienced times of plenty while in utero or as
infants, precisely the time when the grandmothers' eggs were forming. The
grandsons most affected were those whose grandfathers experienced plenitude
during the so-called slow growth period, just before adolescence, which is a key
stage for the development of sperm.
Michael Meaney, who studies the impact of nurturing, likewise wonders what the
implications of epigenetics are for social policy. He notes that early
child-parent bonding is made more difficult by the effects of poverty,
dislocation, and social strife. Those factors can certainly affect the cognitive
development of the children directly involved. Might they also affect the
development of future generations through epigenetic signaling?
3. DNA: Is There a
Genetic Basis to Race After All?
It may not be a question of which genes, but how they behave.
by Kathryn Garfield
Ephraimite Forum-11
Date:02/08/07 18th Ab 5767
1. Presidents of
the USA and Jewish Firsts
2.Early "Anglo" Immigrants to the USA and Jews who came later
3. Deepest Syria
1. Presidents of the USA and Jewish
From: JerseyShoreGuy1184 <jerseyshoreguy1184@yahoo.com>
Subject: A proud bit of trivia
GEORGE WASHINGTON was the first President to write to a synagogue. In 1790 he
addressed separate letters to the Touro Synagogue in Newport, RI, to Mikveh
Israel Congregation in Savannah, GA, and a joint letter to Congregation Beth
Shalom, Richmond, VA, Mikveh Israel Philadelphia, Beth Elohim, Charleston, S.
C., and Shearith Israel, New York. His letters are an eloquent expression and
hope for religious harmony and endure as indelible statements of the most
fundamental tenets of American democracy.
THOMAS JEFFERSON was the first President to appoint a Jew to a Federal post. In
1801 he named Reuben Etting of Baltimore as US Marshall for Maryland.
JAMES MADISON was the first President to appoint a Jew to a diplomatic post. He
sent Mordecai M. Noah to Tunis from 1813 to 1816.
MARTIN VAN BUREN was the first President to order an American consul to
intervene on behalf of Jews abroad. In 1840 he instructed the U.S. consul in
Alexandria, Egypt to use his good offices to protect the Jews of Damascus who
were under attack because of a false blood ritual accusation.
JOHN TYLER was the first President to nominate a U.S. consul to Palestine.
Warder Cresson, a Quaker convert to Judaism who established a pioneer Zionist
colony, received the appointmen t in 1844.
FRANKLIN PIERCE was the first and probably the only President whose name appears
on the charter of a synagogue. Pierce signed the Act of Congress in 1857 that
amended the laws of the District of Columbia to enable the incorporation of the
city's first synagogue, the Washington Hebrew Congregation.
ABRAHAM LINCOLN was the first President to make it possible for rabbis to serve
as military chaplains. He did this by signing the 1862 Act of Congress which
changed the law that had previously barred all but Christian clergymen from the
captaincy. Lincoln was also the first, and happily the only President who was
called upon to revoke an official act of anti-Semitism by the U.S. government.
It was Lincoln who
canceled General Ulysses S Grant's "Order No. 11" expelling all Jews from
Tennessee from the district controlled by his armies during the Civil Wa r.
Grant always denied personal respon sibili ty for this act attributing it to his
ULYSSES S. GRANT was the first President to attend a synagogue service while in
office. When Adas Israel Congregation in Washington D.C. was dedicated in 1874,
Grant and all members of his Cabinet were present.
RUTHERFORD B. HAYES was the first President to designate a Jewish ambassador
for the stated purpose of fighting anti-Semitism. In 1870, he named Benjamin
Peixotto Consul-General to Romania. Hays also was the first President to assure
a civil service employee her right to work for the Federal government and yet
observe the Sabbath. He ordered the employment of a Jewish woman who had been
denied a position in the Department of the Interior because of her refusal to
work on Saturday.
THEODORE ROOSEVELT was the first President to appoint a Jew to a presidentia l
cabinet. In 1906 he named Oscar S. Straus Secretary of Commerce and Labor.
Theodore Roosevelt was also the first President to contribute his own funds to a
Jewish cause. In 1919, when he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts
while President to settle the Russo-Japanese War Roosevelt contributed part of
his prize to the National Jewish Welfare Board.
WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT was the first President to attend a Seder while in office.
In 1912, when he visited Providence, RI, he participated in the family Seder of
Colonel Harry Cutler, first president of the National Jewish Welfare Board, in
the Cutler home on Glenham Street.
WOODROW WILSON was the first President to nominate a Jew, Louis Dembitz
Brandeis, to the United States Supreme Court. Standing firm against great
pressure to withdraw the nomination, Wilson insisted that he knew no one better
qualified by judicial temperament as well as legal and social understanding, con
firmation was finally voted by
the Senate on June 1, 1916. Wilson was also the first President to publicly
endorse a national Jewish philanthropic campaign. In a letter to Jacob Schiff,
on November 22, 1917, Wilson called for wide support of the United Jewish Relief
Campaign which was raising funds for European War relief.
WARREN HARDING was the first President to sign a Joint Congressional Resolution
endorsing the Balfour Declaration and the Palestine Mandate supporting the
establishment in Palestine of a national Jewish home for the Jewish people. The
resolution was signed September 22, 1922.
CALVIN COOLIDGE was the first President to participate in the
dedication of a Jewish community institution that was not a house of worship.
On May 3, 1925, he helped dedicate the cornerstone of the Washing ton, D.C.
Jewish Community center.
FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT was the first President to be given a Torah as a gift. He
received a miniature Torah from Young Israel and another that had been rescued
from a burning synagogue in Czechoslovakia. Both are now in the Roosevelt
Memorial Library in Hyde Park. The Roosevelt administration's failure to expand
the existing refuge quota system, ensured that large numbers of Jews would
ultimately become some of the Holocaust's six million victims. Fifty-six years
after Roosevelt's death, the arguments continue over Roosevelt's response to the
HARRY S. TRUMAN, on May 14, 1948, just eleven minutes after Israel's
proclamation of independence, was the first head of a government to announce to
the press that "the United States recognizes the provisional government as the
de facto authority of the new state of Israel." Truman was also th e first U.S.
Presiden t to receive a president of Israel at the White House, Chaim Weizman,
in 1948 and an Ambassador from Israel , Eliahu Elat in 1948. With Israel
staggering under the burdens of mass immigration in 1951-1952, President Truman
obtained from Congress close to $140 million in loans and grants.
DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER was the first President to participate in a coast-to-coast
TV program sponsored by a Jewish organization. It was a network show in 1954
celebrating the 300th anniversary of the American Jewish community. On this
occasion he said that it was one of the enduring satisfactions of his life that
he was privileged to lead the forces of the free world which finally crushed the
brutal regime in Germany, freeing the remnant of Jews for a new life and
hope in Israel.
JOHN F KENNEDY named two Jews to his cabinet - Abraham Ribicoff as Secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare, and Arthur Goldberg as Secretary of Labor.
Kennedy was the only President for whom a national Jewish Award was named. The
annual peace award of the Synagogue Council of America was re-named the John F.
Kennedy Peace Award after his assassination in 1963
JIMMY CARTER in a number of impassioned speeches stated his concer for human
rights and stressed the right of Russian Jews to emigrate. He is credited with
being the person responsible for the Camp David Accords.
GEORGE H.W. BUSH in 1985 as Vice President had played a personal role in
"Operation Joshua," the airlift which brought 10,000 Jews out of Ethiopia
directly to resettlement in Israel. Then, again in 1991, when Bush was
President, American help played a critical role in "Operation Solomon", the
escape of 14,000 more E thiopian Jews. Most dramatically, Bush got t o the U.N.
to revoke its 1975 "Zionism is Racism" resolution.
Consider the last two officeholders
BILL CLINTON appointed more Jews to his cabinet than all of the previous
presidents combined and put Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer, both 1st
appointed to the federal bench by Jimmy Carter, on the Supreme Court.
2. Early "Anglo"
Immigrants to the USA and Jews who came later
To new shores
Emma Lazarus' famous lines
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe
free" reflect in part the perception of some Americans of who the emigrants to
the New World were. A friend of mine in 8th grade told me proudly that his
ancestors (Scotch-Irish) were the "trash" of Europe, but they had built the
greatest country on earth. The reality is more textured. If you read "Albion's
Seed" you will note that the various streams that settled the eastern
seaboard prior to 1776 fit the "huddled masses" stereotype to varying degrees.
The Puritans of Massachusetts were very conscious of preferring literate
and relatively skilled settlers.
Not only did they exclude the majority of the
poor peasantry from their City on the Hill via monetary hurdles but they
implicitly rejected the migration of religiously like-minded nobility and gentry
to their Commonwealth when they refused to transfer the inherited privileges of
the English upper classes.
Though as a schoolboy I learned that Virginia was
founded by indentured servants, the reality is that the coastal colonies of the
south were seeded from the two ends of the socioeconomic spectrum, the gentry
and nobility and the destitute rural poor, who to some extent transferred their
class relations and sensibilities to the New World. Many of the leading
families which cohered into the Virginia and Carolina planter aristocracies have
their origins among the younger sons of the southwest British nobility
(primogeniture excluded them from the greater part of their familial fortunes).
States like Pennsylvania and New York clearly have more variegated origins, from
the Dutch remnants of New Amsterdam to the Quakers and fellow travellers of
Philadelphia, but overall one can say that this relatively heterogenous bunch
had a central tendency toward "lower middle class" artisan origins which they
leveraged into a positive attitude toward mercantalism.
Often not as as
cerebral as the Puritans of New England, the citizens of Philadelphia and New
York nevertheless did celebrate modern virtues of literacy and industry to the
extent that worldly goods could be best attained in such a fashion.
And then of
course there was the massive Scot-Irish emigration to the uplands which later
became Appalachia.
Coming from the borderlands of Scotland and England and
Ulster in Ireland, this group could best fit under the image that Lazarus' poem
evokes in us.
Lacking in the advantages of many of the other British groups who
settled the eastern seaboard this group had to grasp opportunity physically and
forced its way to the center of American life in part through its prowess in the
arenas of battle and politics.
Of course Emma Lazarus was speaking to
a later time, during the Great Wave of the turn of the 19th century when
millions upon millions of southern, eastern and Jewish Europeans swelled onto
the shores of the eastern United States. The Jews were often the most likely to
be literate and skilled of the new immigrant streams, and so they were the first
who made their presence felt in the professions.
Nevertheless, what was the
character of the Jewish immigrants relative to their source populations? We can
perhaps spy a hint if we look at the character of mass conversions
(assimilation) to gentile society in Europe. In "The
Pity of it All" a history of Jews in Germany from the first glimmerings of
tolerance during the life of Moses Mendelssohn until 1933, Amos Elon states:
"Conversion was mostly a
middle- and upper-middle-class phenomenon.
The richest, most talented,
successful and cultured men and women were often the first to convert.... (page
At the very moment when the new Jewish middle class was beginning
to enter German society and German politics, conversion deprived German Jews of
their social and intellectual elite.
The most influential segments of the
middle and upper middle class abandoned the poor and petite bourgeoisie to their
fate...." (page 90)
My impression (though I am not
sure about this, further illumination would be welcome) is that some of the same
dynamic characterized the conversion experience in pre-expulsion Spain, that
assimilative pressures were felt strongest by the Jewish elite who moved in
gentile circles.
But such assertions have a weaker weighting in my
world that some quantitative documentation. Which brings me back to the United
In "The
Jews in America", Arthur Hertzberg offers:
"in 1906, the year whem some two-hundred-thousand
Jews...came to the United States, only fifty listed themselves as
professionals (at that time, between five and ten percent of Jews in
various countries of Eastern Europe, including Czarist Russia, were in the
professions). (page 13)
This is a community which
today has an over
two times the frequency of college degree holders as the general
Via psychometrics one can assert that the American Jewish
community's median IQ ranges from 107-115.
It is interesting to reflect
whether perhaps the peculiar familial experiences of the Jewish intelligensia
(which I would estimate form about 1/4 of America's intellectual class,
conservatively) might not influence their relatively lack of interest in
strongly selective immigration in a manner remiscient of Canada. After all,
their forebears were not the great ones of the European Jewry, but rather those
of modest means (and even less than modest), but they have clearly succeeded in
this country
3. Deepest Syria
Article briefly discusses minorities (Alawites etc) in Syria and elsewhere in
the Middle East
Ephraimite Forum-12
Date:08/08/07 24th Ab 5767
1. Neanderthals still with us in Southwest France?
2. Study: Genes influence how we choose friends
3. The Alans:
An Example of Inter-Continental Migrations in Ancient Times
1. Neanderthals
still with us in Southwest France?
2. Study:
Genes influence how we choose friends
You've Got to Have ... Genes
by Sarah Kliff
A new study says that how we choose our friends is strongly influenced by
genetic factors.
Genes figure strongly into the drive to socialize, researchers found
Aug. 6, 2007 - Almost everybody knows by now that genes play an important role
in everything from how our bodies react to nutrients to our predisposition to
some cancers to whether or not we get depressed. A forthcoming study in the
Archives of Psychiatry says that we can add how we choose our friends to the
growing list of traits strongly influenced by genetic factors. A team of
Virginia Commonwealth University researchers found that genes, alongside
environment, strongly influence who we choose as friends. The researchers
studied the peer groups of approximately 1,800 male twins, having each subject
describe the level of social deviance among their friends, such as how many of
their friends got drunk, used or sold drugs, or damaged property. The research
showed that an individual's selection of friends--whether they chose to
socialize with fewer or more socially deviant peers--was shaped by genetic
factors. Not only did the researchers find that selection of friends has a
genetic basis, but also that the influence of genes actually increased over
time, as individuals gain autonomy in selecting their peers and building their
social world. NEWSWEEK?s Sarah Kliff spoke with lead author Kenneth Kendler, a
professor of psychiatry in VCU's School of Medicine, about the role that genes
play in determining our environments and our friendships. Excerpts:
Kenneth Kendler: When you?re considering behavior and genetics, you can think of
the brain as a transducing device, where the genes help structure the brain. The
brain then influences our behavior, although environment plays a big role too.
Our behavior then dramatically influences our physical and especially our social
environment. We?ve seen that a variety of what used to be considered solely
environmental risk factors, things like difficulties with marriages, rates of
accidents, levels of social support, are partially influenced by your genotype.
Take depression, for example. Part of the way that genes might influence your
risk for depression is by influencing your temperament, by making you have
somewhat more conflicted relationships and by increasing marital conflict, which
then feeds back on you to increase your risk of depression.
Imagine a person who is shy, likes to follow authority, very much enjoys doing
socially acceptable tasks. He or she might have grown up in a family not so much
like that, but by the time she?s 16, she?s finding a local church group of
people like herself; at the age of 18 she decides to go to a Christian
university. Her temperament allows her to shape more and more of her social
world. By the time she?s 25 she?s made her own life that way. The opposite story
is that you can have a hell-on-wheels 9-year-old, who thinks that nothing is
more fun then getting into fights. At 10 years old, you find him by a heavily
trafficked road throwing rocks at cars because he thinks that?s fun. That?s the
kid who is going to get in trouble. He makes his own life too, but by the time
he?s 25 he?s going to be able to shape himself much more. It?s not that the
temperament or genetic dispositions are not there early on. But it?s the
capacity you have increasing with time to be able to shape your own life. You
really do get to make your own life as you grow up. That?s what being an adult
is in some ways.
3. The Alans
An Example of Inter-Continental Migrations in Ancient Times
I've been having a correspondence with a reader about phylogeographic
issues, and one thing that I told him was that I think he underestimates the
possibility of long distance travel for steppe peoples. It may be correct that
in pre-modern times that "most people did not move more than 10 miles from where
they were born." I also believe that it is likely correct that the size of
"barbarian hordes" was relatively small in proportion to the local peasant
population which they ruled after the fall of Rome. But, none of this negates
the possibility that in particular circumstances long distance travel and
migration did occu. Obviously living a world where European descended peoples
dominate North American, Australasia and are non-trivial presences in South
America, we are aware that such migrations do occur. But even 4,000 years ago, a
man born in what is today Switzerland <a href="http://www.abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s781364.htm">found
himself buried</a> at Stonehenge! Though the expectation of travel was low in
pre-modern times, there was a variance. I think one illustration of this can be
the Alan peoples. Today the remnants of this Iranian speaking ethnic group
reside in the North Caucasus region as the Ossetes. 2,000 years ago their
precursors as the Alans were part of the Sarmatian hordes which battled the
Roman Empire. In the 4th century some were driven forward from the plains of
Pannonia (Hungary) and they eventually settled parts of France as Roman
federates. Others became the dominant power in early 5th century Spain, but
after their defeat at the hands of Roman armies they were absorbed by the Vandal
monarchy. When the Vandals set up their kingdom based out of Carthage in modern
Tunisia the Alans were still a distinctive part of their nation. The rulers of
North Africa were the "kings of the Vandals and Alans" up until their conquest
in the early 6th century. Another portion of the Alan peoples roamed the West
Eurasian steppes (between the Carpathian mountains and the Volga). These
eventually gave rise to the Ossetes. But, interestingly, I read once that there
were Christian priests in the Mongol capital in the 13th century because there
were Alans who served the Khan. So here you have an ethnic group whose members
have spanned the World Island, from Tunisia to China.
Ephraimite Forum-13
Date:15/08/07 1 Elul 5767
1. Epigenetics
2. Selected Death Tolls for Wars, Massacres and Atrocities Before the 20th
3. Narth Understanding Homosexuality:
4. Etruscan Genius?
5. Discrimination Against Redheads in Britain
1. Epigenetics
the hippest field on the block
The <a href="http://www.cell.com/content/issue?volume=128&issue=4">current
issue of Cell</a> is dedicated to the rapidly changing field of epigenetics,
loosely defined at the ensemble of chromatin and DNA modifications that
structure the genome and control gene expression. The only review I've worked my
way through yet is this one:
Timescales of Genetic and Epigenetic Inheritance.
<blockquote>According to classical evolutionary theory, phenotypic variation
originates from random mutations that are independent of selective pressure.
However, recent findings suggest that organisms have evolved mechanisms to
influence the timing or genomic location of heritable variability. Hypervariable
contingency loci and epigenetic switches increase the variability of specific
phenotypes; error-prone DNA replicases produce bursts of variability in times of
stress. Interestingly, these mechanisms seem to tune the variability of a given
phenotype to match the variability of the acting selective pressure. Although
these observations do not undermine Darwin's theory, they suggest that selection
and variability are less independent than once thought.</blockquote>
The authors limit themselves largely to bacteria and yeast, but they document a
great deal of evidence that parameters like the mutation rate change in response
to external stimuli, perhaps in almost a "directed" fashion.
Some work in primates</a> has shown a correlation between the amount of mutation
raining down on a population and the amount of beneficial mutations that arise.
Could "directed" mutagenesis be an explanation for this?
2. Selected Death
Tolls for Wars, Massacres and Atrocities Before the 20th Century
For example, you hear news and debates every day about the smallest events in
Israel but rarely about events in Indonesia, yet by every objective standard,
events in Indonesia are a lot more important. Indonesia has more people, more
resources, more struggles and more exports. Still, I'm sure that the number of
Anglophones who can name three leaders of Israel far outweighs the number who
can name three leaders of Indonesia. In fact, any attempt to defend the
attention we pay to Israel seems to be either 1) circular reasoning (Israel is
important because we consider it important.), or 2) incredibly self-centered
(Israel is important because it effects me personally.)
3. Narth Understanding Homosexuality:
Site contains interesting and useful articles on the subject of homosexuality,
how it may be avoided, and/or treated, and how its advocates are refuted
by known evidence.
4. Etruscan
<<Where did come from the genes of Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio, Leonardo da
Vinci, Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Galilei and other hundreds if not from
Etruscans? I remember to you all that the greatest Romans had an Etruscan origin
(Schultz, Zur Lateinischen Eigennamen). The ?Fiorentini? were few thousands:
only the Athenians had a comparable geniality, neither the genial Jews, with
their 25% of Nobel Prizes, who were 15 millions. >>
Source: Gioiello Tognoni del Badia
5. Discrimination
Against Redheads in Britain
Is gingerism as bad as racism?
by Finlo Rohrer
BBC News Magazine
A red-haired family claims to have been driven from their Newcastle home because
of abuse. Why is the harassment of redheads dismissed as just harmless fun?
Here's a joke. "What's the difference between a terrorist and a redhead?"
Here's the punchline. "You can negotiate with a terrorist."
Verbal abuse
Carrot-top, copper-top, ginger-nut, ginger minger, bluey (among Australians),
Duracell, Ronald McDonald, Simply Red, Queen Elizabeth. And so on for hours and
hours of the typical redhead's life. No wonder some gloss over their hair colour
as "auburn" and "strawberry blonde" and even "titian".
Photographer Charlotte Rushton has been chronicling the UK's redheads for a
book, Ginger Snaps. Of the 300 she snapped, only two have been spared bullying
because of their hair. She herself has suffered verbal abuse from complete
King David
Queen Boudicca
Pharaoh Ramses II
Henry VIII and his daughter Elizabeth I
Sir Winston Churchill
In adult life, women get stereotyped and red-haired men take much of the worst
abuse. Treatment of red-haired children in school ranges from mild taunts to
grim persecution.
Michele Eliot, the American director of British children's charity Kidscape,
regularly has significant numbers of red-haired children in courses on coping
with bullying.
Racism row
While there has been at least one report of a serious anti-red hair hate crime
in the UK - a 20-year-old stabbed in the back in 2003 - it's unclear whose
responsibility it is to monitor discrimination.
Caused by mutated MC1R gene
Most prevalent in far northern and western Europe
May have survived due to increased vitamin D production in pale-skinned
'Sexual selection' also possible
Disagreement over redheads' reputed higher pain tolerance
"It is certainly not us," says the Commission for Racial Equality.
Conservative backbencher Patrick Mercer, when recently sacked for alleged
racism, sought to get himself out of a hole by comparing treatment of black
soldiers to those with red hair.
"That's the way it is in the Army. If someone is slow on the assault course,
you'd get people shouting: 'Come on you fat bastard, come on you ginger bastard,
come on you black bastard.'"
Redheads sacrificed in ancient Egypt
Associated with witches and vampires in Europe
Reputed to bleed more
Mary Magdalene, Adam, Judas and even Jesus depicted as redheads
Red hair has great cultural resonance. Red is the colour of heat, danger and
warnings. When applied to women, it is the colour of sensuousness, fiery
temperament and emotional instability.
"Lilith [Adam's lover] was a redhead. It indicates red hair was bad. Shakespeare
made all his most menacing characters wear red wigs. That seeps into culture,"
Ms Rushton says.
Stress release
So when does this date from? Some claim it could be a throwback to anti-Irish
sentiment from the 19th Century and before when the Irish, with a greater
prevalence of red hair, were regarded as ethnically inferior.
Redheads are feared because they are believed in folklore to be the devil's
children and have red hair because they were conceived during their mother's
menstruation.A welsh proverb says "os bydd goch, fe fydd gythreulig" or "if he's
redhaired then he is of the devil". Yesterday's superstition has become today's
L, Wales
I oppose "bluey" being included as some of a red-head's taunts. In Australia,
this isn't a prejudiced comment, it is a term of endearment. As an Australian
living in London, I do not comprehend the prejudice surrounding red-head's. A
red-head woman is considered beautiful down under!
Laurel, London
In primary school I would tell boys my red hair was actually gold, and if they
married me they would be rich forever! Boys (although 5 years old!) fell for it!
As soon as I got a little bit older, the bullying started. I have been spat at,
as well as physically and verbally abused in the street because of the colour of
my hair. Abuse is abuse, whether sexist, racist, because of the colour of
someones skin or because of the colour of someones hair, and abuse should never
be tolerated.
Hannah Smith, High Wycombe
As a white redhead, I would agree that racism is different from "gingerism" -
redheads have not suffered centuries of systematic abuse ranging from slavery to
institutional racism. Abuse of redheads is usually personal and does not, for
example, affect our life or job prospects.
However, I would say that I have experienced abuse (although not so much as an
adult) and I was mightily relieved that none of my children have turned out to
have red hair and so they will not have to suffer similar abuse.
Rachel Pearce, Matlock, England
Ephraimite Forum-14
Date: 21/08/07 7 Elul 5767
1. Changes in the
average height of different nationalities
2. Did Prince Madoc of Wales Move to North America in 1170 CE?
3. Fertile Mules?
4. Isotopes and Human Migrations: Bavaria
5. Notes of Interest on Big Power Division of the World and US Interests
1. Changes in the
average height of different nationalities
The Netherlands, as any European can tell you, has become a land of giants. In a
century's time, the Dutch have gone from being among the smallest people in
Europe to the largest in the world.
Tall Tale
". . . in Northern Europe over the past twelve hundred years human stature has
followed a U-shaped curve: from a high around 800 A.D., to a low sometime in the
seventeenth century, and back up again. Charlemagne was well over six feet; the
soldiers who stormed the Bastille a millennium later averaged five feet and
weighed a hundred pounds. "They didn't look like Errol Flynn and Alan Hale," the
economist Robert Fogel told me. "They looked like thirteen-year-old girls."
"The men of the northern Cheyenne, he found, were the tallest people in the
world in the late nineteenth century . . . they averaged nearly five feet ten."
"In both Europe and the Americas, he discovered, humans grew shorter as their
cities grew larger . . . Heights also fell in synch with global temperatures,
which reached a nadir during the Little Ice Age of the seventeenth century"
Ok, but the article's main issue is this: The Dutch are the tallest people in
the world {average 6 foot 1}, while Americans are mysteriously short {average 5
foot 9.5; white Americans apparently being among the shortest European peoples
in the world}. This was not always the case, in fact it seems to have gone 180
degrees in about a century: Americans were about the tallest in the world for
two centuries while the Dutch were the shortest people in Europe. American
colonists at 5 foot 9 were basically the same height as modern Americans, and
three inches taller than Europeans at the time, and four inches taller than the
Dutch through most of the nineteenth century. Somewhere around the mid 1950s
though, Europe started rapidly growing and America stopped. Now Americans are
the ones who are about three inches shorter than the {Northern} European average
. . . almost the same as Japan even {5 foot 8 1/4}, which has had some rapid
growth spurts of its own.
Four inches taller to four inches smaller in about a century.
2. Did Prince
of Wales Move to North America in 1170 CE?
3. Fertile Mules?
4. Isotopes and
Human Migrations: Bavaria
There is a lot of new research out on detecting migrations using
isotope analysis in bones and teeth. For example, there are several
studies now conducted by the biology department of the University of
Munich (e.g. Schweissing & Grupe).
The scholars investigated several bavarian cemetaries, such as Alten
Erding, Peigen, Straubing, Neudorf. The graves date mostly to the 5th
century. They found that a third to one half of the people buried there
had grown up elsewhere, mostly in Bohemia and Moravia. These people
would probably have been the name-givers of the Bavarians as "men from
A further 10 to 20% of the people buried in these cemeteries had spend
much of their childhood in the middle and lower Danubian region up to
southern Russia. These would probably have been various East Germanic
people, Sarmatian and/or Huns. Interestingly, the studies find that
the "strangers" are more often females. Another interesting finding is
that there is only a weak correlation between seemingly "foreign" grave
goods and actual "foreign" isotopes. One explanation is that these
occurrences are second generation migrants who were buried with
inherited grave goods. If that was the case the percentage share of
migrants would be even higher.
5. Notes of
Interest on Big Power Division of the World and US Interests
Europe and
America: Sharing the Spoils of War
By Mahdi
Darius Nazemroaya
Limited Extracts
Article biased,
anti-Anglo-American, and incorrect in many ways but contains some points of
Article brought to to our attention by the
Origin Of nations List
Complete Article at:
Global Research,
August 19, 2007
Europe and America have been long-term partners as well as rivals. New spheres
of influence between the European Union and the United States have unfolded. The
Middle East and its peripheral geographic areas lie at the heart of this
In the wake of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, a unified stance has developed within
both the E.U. and NATO in regards to this geopolitical re-division. This unified
stance is a reflection of an unfolding political and strategic consensus between
the U.S., Britain, France, and Germany.
While Iraq falls within the Anglo-American orbit, the Eastern Mediterranean and
its gas resources have been set to fall into that of the Franco-German entente.
In fact, the entire Mediterranean region, from Morocco and gas-rich Algeria to
the Levant is coveted by Franco-German interests.
The Franco-German
Entente and Anglo-American Alliance: Rivalry and Partnership
The Anglo-American alliance and Franco-German entente are economic, political,
and military alliances that have been forged by historic and socio-cultural
realities that gave rise to opportunities of great magnitude. The Franco-German
entente is a continental European entity, whereas the Anglo-American alliance is
the incarnation of maritime trade and the overseas legacy of Britain.
The Franco-German entente is based on the post-war partnership of France and the
Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) after the Second World War. After the
unification of West Germany and East Germany the Franco-German partnership
evolved, strengthened, and spawned the European Economic Community (EEC). France
and a unified Germany were the basis for the evolving structure of the European
common market and later the European Union.
European nations such as Belgium and Luxembourg are members of the Franco-German
entente. These European countries are economically integrated with France and
Germany. This is why Belgium and France have been aligned together in an
economic face-off against the Anglo-American alliance in the African continent.
Countries like Belgium, Luxembourg, and Austria also sided with Paris and Berlin
against the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq. In February of 2003, Belgium even
assisted France and Germany in obstructing Anglo-American plans involving the
use of NATO in Iraq.
The Anglo-American alliance is formed from the remains of Britain?s overseas
colonies and territories. Unlike the Franco-German entente, the base of the
Anglo-American alliance is outside of Eurasia. This becomes apparent after one
considers the island nature of Britain in addition to the geographic situation
of America. This is additionally reflected in the naval strength of Britain and
Australia and Canada fall within the orbit of the Anglo-American alliance.
English is also the official language of many of the nations within the
alliance, which are also part of the Anglosphere (English-speaking World). This
is a reflection of the historical roots of the Anglo-American alliance. The
Anglo-American alliance also has an intimate relationship with Israel. Countries
like the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, and Guam that have been under the
military control of America in the past also fall within the orbit of the
Anglo-American alliance.
America: The
European Union's Fourth Power
The E.U. is the creation of France and Germany, but it has become a shared body
for the four most powerful nations of the so-called Western World. Without
giving recognition to the fact that the E.U. is a creature of France, Germany,
Britain, and America, it is hard to conceptualize Anglo-American foreign policy
objectives being implemented through Europe. It should also be remembered that
the E.U. is not the sole representative of the European continent or European
The three major powers in the E.U., the so-called "European Union-Three," are
France, Germany, and Britain. Yet, these three European countries are not alone.
America in reality is the European Union's fourth power, which acts through, or
more properly with, Britain. The alliance between Washington and London makes
America a de facto power in the European Union. London is also America's voice
in Europe. Several other mechanisms including control of Eastern European E.U.
members and NATO also allow America to exert itself in Europe.
When it is recognized that the E.U. is a creature of both the Anglo-American
alliance and the Franco-German entente, it can be recognized that American
interests, like those of the British, are served through E.U. expansion. The
expansion of the E.U. is an indirect expansion of America's orbit and interests.
This is why the E.U. is called a part of America's bridgehead in Eurasia.
E.U. expansion also serves a second purpose for Anglo-American interests. The
strength of the Franco-German entente can also be diluted or undermined as a
result of E.U. expansion. However, this depends on the rate or velocity of E.U.
expansion. A fast rate of E.U. expansion, but not exceedingly fast, serves
Anglo-American interests by not allowing the Franco-German entente to
consolidate its power within the E.U. and commandeer it. A steadier rate of E.U.
expansion is in the best interests of the Franco-German entente. This is one of
the reasons why tensions existed between Britain and France over E.U. expansion
in Eastern Europe. This is also the reason why the U.S. openly called for the
entry of several Eastern European countries such as Poland into the European
Although the E.U. is a body of both the Anglo-American alliance and the
Franco-German entente, the European bloc is overtly managed by the Franco-German
side. France and Germany, with their allies, are still the dominant forces
within the European Union. When international analysts talk about rifts or
arguments between the E.U. and America they really mean the disagreements are
between the Franco-German entente and America (and by extension Britain).
Dividing the World
between the Twin Pillars of NATO
When NATO acts it does not necessarily serve Anglo-American interests. Just as
when one conceptualizes that the E.U. also serves the interests of America they
must also recognize the Franco-German relationship in NATO. NATO is the iron rod
that both alliances share within the broader trans-Atlantic framework which
evolved after the Second World War. In parallel to the dichotomy of the E.U.,
NATO is also divided into two main branches: the Franco-German entente and the
Anglo-American alliance. The stronger of the two is the Anglo-American side
because of the military might of America.
entente which, with the help of Russia, created a worldwide political firestorm
for Britain and America.
Despite the fact that new governments have taken office in Berlin and Paris,
under Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and President Nicholas Sarkozy
of France, Franco-German objectives have not changed. French and German policies
like American are part of a continuum. The administrations of Merkel and Sarkozy
are continuations of their predecessors, Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder .
At a summit between the U.S. and E.U. both sides stated that economics was the
most important factor in their relationship and that politics was merely
secondary. What appear to be radically pro-American governments in Europe are
merely European administrations which reflect the merging of Franco-German and
Anglo-American interests.
United States
Central Command (CENTCOM)
Tension has gradually been building up in the Middle East.. This area also
roughly corresponds to what the U.S. military identifies as US Central Command (CENTCOM
The U.S. military, through the inheritance and legacy of British geo-strategic
projects, is acquainted with the pivotal area and has identified it in roughly
the same corresponding areas that have just been defined. CENTCOM is the active
manifestation of this conceptual geographic area.
CENTCOM is one of five U.S. military regional active theatre-stage command
zones. It is also no mere coincidence that the geographic area that CENTCOM
encompasses is also the most active plain of U.S. military action on the face of
the earth.
CENTCOM is composed of East Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Although
the Balkans, Turkey, the Caucasus (Caucasia), and Russia are located within the
operational boundaries of another U.S. military region, United States European
Command (EUCOM or USEUCOM), they are also vital to CENTCOM operations and are
integrated into the preparation and the planning of CENTOM by the Pentagon and
It should be noted that Israel is not within the boundaries of CENTCOM by the
Pentagon. Syria and Lebanon were also recently, in 2004, re-categorized or
redrawn into the borders of CENCTOM. Both Syria and Lebanon were previously
included as part of EUCOM, like Israel and Turkey, prior to 2004. This is an
important fact to keep in mind and it is linked to the interests of the E.U. in
the Mediterranean area.
With the recognition of a strategic consensus within NATO, the Franco-German
entente has allowed NATO and the E.U. to play a far stronger role in the outer
periphery of the theatre of operations from Central Asia to the Mediterranean
Sea and the coast of Somalia.
Anglo-American occupied Iraq, Eastern Syria, the Persian Gulf, portions of
Turkey, and Iran seem to be the centre of this strategic area. The outer
peripheries are currently the following; (1) the Eastern Mediterranean and the
Levant, (2) NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan and Pakistan, (3) the ex-Soviet
republics of Central Asia, (4) the Horn of Africa and East Africa, and (5) the
The encirclement of the Eurasian core, which was where the Soviet Union was
geographically placed, is still a U.S. objective after the end of the Cold War.
Containment theory it appears may really have been more about "penetration."
Penetration of the Eurasian core is underway. NATO is a bridgehead from Europe
that is pushing towards Russia. An Asiatic sister-alliance of NATO is being
forged against China.
The Geo-Strategic
Importance of the Middle East in regards to Eurasia
The Middle East, formerly called the Near East, is an abstract geographic
concept that has been shifting with geo-strategic, political, and socio-economic
policy. For example, there was a time when academics, map makers, and
geographers considered the Balkans as a part of the region. In the mind of many
the Middle East is a synonym for Arab World or for Southwest Asia, but both
terms are different. The Middle East includes non-Arab countries like Iran,
Turkey, and Cyprus. The term Southwest Asia also excludes Egypt, the European
portion of Turkey in Thrace and even Greece, depending if you categorize it as a
part of the region. The Middle East is a region that embraces three continents
(two if you look at Europe and Asia as Eurasia); Europe, Asia, and Africa. It is
from here that Anglo-American geo-strategists believed they could establish
global hegemony by controlling Eurasia.
Three important maritime passages and five important bodies of water also are
located or embrace the area around the Middle East. The important maritime
passages and straits can be used to manipulate, cut, and control global
navigation, international trade, maritime traffic, and energy supplies. Theses
strategic maritime passages are the Suez Canal of Egypt, the Bosphorus/Bosporus
of Turkey, and the Gate of Tears (Bab al-Mandeb) located between Djibouti and
Yemen at the southern tip of the Red Sea. The five important bodies of water in
this area are the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, and
the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea. Control over these maritime passages
would have grave ramifications for Russia, China, Iran, and any adversaries of
NATO in regards to trade, naval movements, and energy supplies.
Yugoslavia was effectively divided by the "Big Four" of NATO as Henry Kissinger
refers to America, Britain, France, and Germany. In the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), NATO operations wield great control over the
country and its government. Germany and the U.S. both play major roles. Under
the shadow of the E.U., NATO still plays a role in the former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia.
Slovenia, the northernmost and smallest republic of the former Yugoslavia, has
been absorbed into both NATO and the European Union. Nothing remains of the
Yugoslav Federation. Serbia, the last and declining bastion of independence in
the Balkans, is under siege and has been reduced to a landlocked and paralyzed
In Bosnia-Herzegovina, NATO used to reside as the Implementation Force (IFOR)
and the Stabilization Force (SFOR), before operations were handed over to the
so-called European Union Forces (EUFOR). France, Britain, and the U.S. divided
the Slavic country into three militarized sectors before the "Global War on
Terror." Despite the name change, nothing changed on the ground in
Bosnia-Herzegovina in regards to the deployment of NATO troops. EUFOR was merely
a facelift for Franco-German and Anglo-American operations.
While Bosnia-Herzegovina was divided between France, Britain, and the U.S., the
German military was deployed to Croatia, where Germany had major interests. In
fact, in regards to the former Yugoslavia, both Germany and the U.S. played the
lead roles of dismantling the federation.
After the Kosovo War of 1999 between NATO and the remnants of the Yugoslav
Federation, Serbia and Montenegro, the province of Kosovo was occupied and
divided under a formal UN mandate into sectors. Kosovo Force (KFOR) was created
by NATO to be in charge of Kosovo. Kosovo was divided into five zones by NATO.
The U.S., France, Britain, Germany, and Italy all commanded one zone and the
military forces of other NATO members in their respective zones of
responsibility. However, Russian forces rushed into Kosovo to secure the area
and their interests. Thus, the situation in Kosovo was complicated for NATO by
the presence of Russia.
The other step being taken to alleviate the concerns of Asian societies about
the militarization of Japan is the formulation of an Asiatic military alliance.
This is where Australia has played a key role, by creating a framework for an
alliance with Japan. In the mantle of collective security, a militarily robust
Japan will not be seen or feared as a threat. It will be China and China's
allies which will be portrayed as the threat to Asian security. Thus, Japan and
Australia will lead a military front in Asia as American surrogates.
Ephraimite Forum-15
Date: 24/08/07 10 Elul 5767
1. Synagogue Goers
Live Longer
2. Jay: Average Heights and Personal Case
3. Words of Wisdom
4. Winston Churchill and Anti-Semitism
5. The Neocon Movement: pro-"Anglosphere" and pro-Israel
6. Redheads Liable to Disappear?
7. Interesting Genetic Marker
1. Synagogue Goers
Live Longer
From: Menachem <mma2@gmx.net>
Subject: Study: Synagogue Goers Live Longer
Study: Synagogue Goers Live Longer
A Hebrew University study found recently that adults who attend synagogue
regularly live longer than those who do not attend synagogue. The research was
conducted by Professor Howard Litwin of the Israel Gerontological Data Center (IGDC),
and was published in The European Journal of Aging.
The study?s data showed that the death rate was 75 percent higher among the
group that did not attend synagogue than it was among the group that attended
synagogue regularly. ?Those who attended synagogue regularly clearly had the
highest rate of survival," said Litwin.
The Talmud in tractate Berachot 8a, coincidentally, makes a similar statement:
"R. Yehoshua ben Levi said to his children, "Go early and stay late in shul
[synagogue] in order that you should live a long life."
The study was based on a 1997 Central Bureau of Statistics survey in which
5,000 Israeli men and women aged 60 and above were interviewed about their way
of life.
2. Jay: Average
Heights and Personal Case
re Ephraimite Forum-14
#1. Changes in the average height of different nationalities
Shalom Yair:
In regards to changes in average height: My adoptive father was of
Dutch origin. He died in 1980 but never knew this. I discovered this
after seeing his grandfather's record in the 1881 Canadian census from
the Mormon's family history site. Dad's ancestors probably settled in
Manhatten (New York City). His ancestor emigrated to Canada in 1778, no
doubt he was a British Empire Loyalist. There's evidence that Dad's
ancestor changed his name to something that was English. Dad was 5' 7"
tall; none of his relatives that I remember were any taller.
My own biologcal ancesters could have been Dutch also, immigrants from
Holland during the 1600s to Suffolk and Norfolk Counties. Based on a
surname similar to Da Vinci, my ancestors could have been Roman or
Italian. This is a only a speculation. My height is also 5' 7". I may
have inherited this stature from my maternal grandfather who was 5' 9"
tall. From a WW I record, I see that my paternal great grandfather,
born in 1857 was 5' 4 1/2" tall in 1916, when he enlisted.
3. Words of Wisdom
From: Ned Jimmerson
Subject: [DNA] testing email address
To: GENEALOGY-DNA@rootsweb.com
hello everyone.
No Matter; Where ,You go, There You ,are.
4. Winston
Churchill and Anti-Semitism
5. The
Movement: pro-"Anglosphere"
and pro-Israel
"The neocons and allied British conservatives like Conrad Black and John
O'Sullivan, now editor of the Washington-based journal the National Interest,
are enthusiastic about the idea that the world should be led by the "Anglosphere"...As
for the Israeli connection "a familiar feature of neocon ideology" Churchill,
a lifelong supporter of Zionism, was a social Darwinist who preferred Jews to
6. Redheads Liable
to Disappear?
extinct in 100 years, say scientists
REDHEADS are becoming rarer and could be extinct in 100 years, according to
genetic scientists.
The current National Geographic magazine reports that less than two per cent of
the world's population has natural red hair, created by a mutation in northern
Europe thousands of years ago.
Global intermingling, which broadens the availability of possible partners, has
reduced the chances of redheads meeting and producing little redheads of their
It takes only one red-haired parent to produce ginger-headed babies, but two
redheads obviously create a much stronger possibility.
If the gingers really want to save themselves they should move to Scotland.
An estimated 40 per cent of Scots carry the red gene and 13 per cent actually
have red hair.
Some experts say that redheads could be gone as early as 2060, but others say
the gene can be dormant for generations before returning.
National Geographic says the gene at first had the beneficial effect of
increasing the body's ability to make vitamin D from sunlight.
However, today's carriers are more prone to skin cancer and have a higher
sensitivity to heat and cold-related pain.
The Daily Mail, in The Courier-Mail
7. Interesting
Genetic Marker
The HLA-B18 antigen is a genetically transmitted function granting a degree of immunity against certain allergies(?).
It interests us since it suggests a certain degree of ancestral connection
between areas where it is the most frequent.
[This is if we do not assume that it was initially triggered by environment and then after that is transmitted by heredity - which could be so in this and
other cases as
Brit-Am repeats often.]
Though transmitted genetically it is defined as "autosomal" and not associated
exclusively with either YDNA (Male) or mtDNA (female) and so does not coincide with commonly accepted ancestral
divisions popular at present.
We came across it by chance.
It does not prove anything.
We just thought it a curiosity and worth noting where it does occur and where
it does not,
Aside from the genes encoding the 6 major antigens, there are a large number
of other genes, many involved in immune function located on the HLA complex.
Diversity of HLA in human population is one aspect of disease defense, and, as a
result, the chance of two unrelated individuals having identical HLA molecules
on all loci is
very low.
Ephraimite Forum-16: Issue on Islam
Date: 12/09/07 29 Elul 5767
1. Aram Paquin: The Moon god?
2. O.Shane Balloun: Israel versus Ishmael
3. Thomas Malloy: Note the Differences
The Moon god?
From: Aram <yarnia@charter.net>
Subject: Not in MY house!
here's another good article
which identifies Allah as not only a pre-Islamic moon god but as the very
antithesis of the God of Abraham,, Isaac and Jacob. Call our God Allah? Oh,
sure! Or why not Dagon, Zeus or, even, Moloch!
Aram Paquin
The latest post-Christian theological spectacle comes to us from the Netherlands
(of Ayaan Hirsi Ali fame), where
the Roman Catholic Bishop of Breda,
Tiny Muskens,
says he wants Christians to start calling God "Allah" because he believes such a
gesture would promote "rapprochement between Christianity and Islam". Appearing
on Dutch television, the 71-year-old cleric said: "Allah is a very beautiful
word for God. Shouldn't we all say that from now on we will name God Allah?
[...] What does God care what we call him??
Inquiring minds want to know: If the bishop really thinks the names "God" and
"Allah" are interchangeable, why doesn't he ask Muslims to start calling Allah
"Yahweh", the biblical name for God? But he won't, because he knows they won't.
...During the last two centuries,
prominent archaeologists have unearthed thousands of inscriptions which
prove beyond any doubt that the dominant religion of Arabia during Mohammed's
day was the cult of the moon-god.
In fact, for generations before Mohammed was born, the Arabs worshipped some 360
pagan gods housed at a stone temple in Mecca called the Kabah. According to
archaeologists, the chief deity of Mecca was the moon-god called al-ilah
(meaning the god or the idol), which was shortened to Allah in pre-Islamic
times. Pagan Arabs even used Allah in the names they gave themselves: Mohammed?s
father (Abdallah), for example, had Allah as part of his name.
What History Says about Allah
Historians say that pre-Islamic Arabs worshipped the moon-god by bowing
in prayer toward Mecca several times a day. They would also make a pilgrimage to
Mecca, run around the Kabah seven times and throw stones at the devil. And they
fasted for one month, which began with the appearance of the crescent moon and
ended when the crescent moon reappeared.
These same rites form the core of Islam today: Muslims bow in prayer toward
Mecca; they make a pilgrimage to Mecca and run around the Kabah seven times; and
they still throw stones at the devil. They also observe the fast of Ramadan,
which begins and ends with the crescent moon.
Moreover, the ancient symbol of the pagan moon-god, the crescent moon, is the
official symbol of Islam; it appears on the flags of Muslim countries, as well
as on the tops of mosques and minarets everywhere....
No surprise, then, that some
scholars refer to Islam as monotheistic heathenism.
This article was originally published at the
Thinker website on August 23 .
Israel versus Ishmael
From: "O.Shane Balloun" <o.shane@gmail.com>
Subject: YHWH vs. Allah
To further this discussion, let me add my two shekels. This is from an email I
wrote to some coworkers a little over a year ago. I work for a company that has
free and open discussion lists about everything under the sun. This came up on
our politics (which includes religion) list. By "this" I mean the supposed
belief that YHWH and Allah are one and the same. My responses follow with my
own notes from today encapsulated by carets (<>):
The recorded character of Allah is different from the recorded character of "I
If The Divine Being is self-referentially coherent, then there's
no way at all that Christians and Jews worship the same God as Muslims, given
what each group says God told them.
<Of course, I mean to imply that even using the Muslim's own holy words from the
koran, one easily discovers that Allah is beneath YHWH. A friend then asked me
this instead, " Ah, thanks for the edification. In your knowledge then,
what are the inconsistencies between the sayings of the different Gods of
Jews/Christians and Muslims? The recorded character (I'm assuming you mean a
"written word", not a "part played by an actor") is not really a convincing
difference to me." So of course I replied simply by contrasting the different
pronouncements by YHWH in the TNK vs. the so-called pronouncements by Allah:>
Sure. Let me point out a few quick contrasts:
Oaths made by Deity
The God of the Bible swears by His own name, because He knows there is nothing
greater than it:
I have sworn by Myself, the word has gone out of My mouth in righteousness, and
shall not return, that to Me every knee shall bow..." (Isaiah 45:23)
I swear by Myself, says the LORD." (Jeremiah 22:5)
Allah swears by things less than him:
By the Quran, full of wisdom. (S 36:2)
By the sky and the night visitant... (S 86:1)
By this city (S 90:1)
Commands to worship / angels
You shall fear only the LORD your God; and you shall worship Him and swear by
His name. (Deut. 6:13)
You shall have no other gods besides me (Exodus 20:3)
What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?
For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned him
with glory and honor" (Psalm 8:4-5)
Lo! I am creating a mortal out of potter's clay of black mud altered, so, when
I have made him and have breathed into him of My spirit, do ye fall down,
prostrating yourselves unto him. So the angels fell prostrate... (Surah 15)
God of the Bible:
For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness; No evil dwells with
You. The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes; You hate all who do
iniquity. (Psalm 5:4-5)
Your eyes are too pure to approve evil, and You cannot look on wickeness with
favor... (Habakkuk 1:13)
Verily the hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, but it is He Who deceives them...
(S 4:142)
...They scheme and plot, but the best of schemers is Allah. (S 8:30)
(Note in this sense, the word for schemer or deceiver is "makr", which always
has a negative connotation vis-a-vis character in Arabic)
O.Shane Balloun
3. Thomas Malloy:
Note the Differences
From: thomas malloy <temalloy@usfamily.net>
Subject: Further comments on Islam
Jonathan Tillotson wrote
Hope that sheds some light. Do check it all for yourself, don't trust me. But I
would say that a Christian calling God 'Allah' is just Political Correctness
gone bonkers.
I think that calling G-d Allah is another sign of the coming world religion.
There are some Eschatologists who believe the the Man of Lawlessness will forge
a religion which many Jews, Christians and Muslims accept. This will include
worship of the Holy Mother or the Blessed Virgin. The book Mary, Queen of
Everything talks about this.
Based on my reading of the Bible, I would expect there to be two companies of
nations; both claiming descent from Abraham, both claiming to worship the G-d of
Abraham. However one of them reverenced the Holy Torah, and the other believes
that the Jews corrupted it. One has produced many democratic nations with first
and second world economies. One respects the rights of women, the other treats
them as chattel. One detests war but is quite good at waging it the other loves
war, but can't win.
Allah is the Moon god, which explains the use of the crescent moon. Back then he
was known as Senna. One of the kings who conquered Israel was Sennacherib, his
name as based on this idol. Before that he was know as Baal, the master, who
expects submission.
Ephraimite Forum-17
Date: 17/09/07 5 Tishrey 5768
1. Genetics: Face-scan can spot genetic illnesses
2. Voltaire: On Originality
3. Amnon Goldberg:
Christian Jews
4. Arabs and Islam: Some Past Notes of Interest
5. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of
1. Genetics:
Face-scan can spot genetic illnesses
2. Voltaire:
On Originality
From: dailyquote@thequoteboard.com
Originality is nothing but judicious plagiarism.
Amnon Goldberg:
Christian Jews
From: thaxted@netvision.net.il
THE death of Paris cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger reminded me of how there has
been a steady trickle of apostates to Christianity.
This is despite the vast majority of Jews remaining loyal to their faith over a
millennia of threats, torture, inquisition, pogroms, cultural censorship and
economic repression.
Notable Jewish apostates included Pablo Christiani, Petrus Alfonsi, Artephius,
Nicholas Donin, Abner of Burgos, Petrus Schwarz, Joshua Lorki, Johann
Pfefferkorn, the parents of Nostradamus, Abraham Benveniste, Pfaff Rapp, Jacob
Frank, Domenico Gerosolimitano, Paul Levertoff, the daughters of Moses
Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Aloisius Wiener, Franz Wentzel, Moshe Schneerson
(son of the first Lubavitcher Rebbe), Bonaventura Mayer, George Lazarus, Isaac
d'Israeli (father of Benjamin d'Israeli), Michael Bernays, Heinrich Marx (father
of Karl Marx), Hans Herzl (the son of Theodore Herzl), Franz Rosenzweig and the
composer Gustav Mahler.
More recently, there have been Heinrich Heine, Boris Pasternak (author of Dr
Zhivago), the grandparents of 1964 US presidential candidate Barry Goldwater,
Bernard Berenson (art historian), Marcel Dassault (French industrialist), the
nun Edith Stein, Chief Rabbi of Rome Anton Zolli, Moshe Rosen (US director of
Jews for Jesus), Clifford Goldstein (leading Seventh Day Adventist), Rev Robert
Weissman (of the London Christian Jew Foundation), musician Bob Dylan (on and
off!), British MPs Robert Adley and Edwina Currie, Bishop Hugh Montefiore,
singer Helen Shapiro, the father of former US Defence Secretary William Cohen,
Israeli atom spy Mordechai Vanunu, James Rubin (former US State Department
spokesman) and the grandfather of Nicolas Sarkozy.
Amnon Goldberg,
4. Arabs and
Islam: Some Past Notes of Interest
"Brit-Am Now"- 458
#3. Future Biblically-predicted Expulsion of Palestinian Arabs from the Land
of Israel
Jerusalem News-362
#2. Brit-AM on Hosea 9: Arab Moslems Liable To Bring Disaster to Ephraim
"Brit-Am Now"-726
#1. The Brit-Am (ca. 1995) warning against Islam and possible terror and
5. Archaeology:
Brit-Am Version of Explorator
From: david meadows <rogueclassicist@gmail.com>
explorator 10.21 September 16, 2007
The Egyptians mummified cats with great care:
Remains of a secret tunnel found in Jerusalem:
http://tinyurl.com/2coy5z (IAA)
http://tinyurl.com/2uew4c (USA Today)
http://tinyurl.com/ywtyal (AFP via Yahoo)
(El Pais)
This week's Temple Mount coverage ... first, an opinion piece
by Herschel Shanks:
... a story on what they're finding:
http://tinyurl.com/2k4dh6 (JPost)
... legal manoeuvres:
http://tinyurl.com/3c37ra (JPost)
... more op ed pieces:
http://tinyurl.com/3bmzv9 (FP)
... alia:
Report on excavations on Mount Zion:
Nice overviewish thing on Beit She'an:
http://tinyurl.com/2twk29 (JPost)
More coverage of biblical beehives:
Persepolis Fortification Archives:
Ancient Scots mummified their dead too, it appears:
A prehistoric building in a Swiss lake:
Some recently-found Avar burials:
http://burgenland.orf.at/stories/220730/ (German)
Some Viking remains were removed from their mound this week:
... not sure if this is the same:
A Viking ship beneath a British pub?:
(AFP via Yahoo)
How Scotland lost her empire:
The UK's ten oldest recipes:
http://tinyurl.com/3x2f9y (Daily Mail)
Phoenician DNA is the latest bit of genetic material of
interest to us:
... while quite a few folks in Egypt claim descent from
http://tinyurl.com/2syas9 (El Pais ... Spanish)
On potatoes and evolution?:
Another xray technique for reading ancient manuscripts:
Latest replica ship launch ... a Roman Galley (sort of):
Medieval women had 'girl power' (scary photo):
Genghis Khan was not, shall we say, 'tolerant':
A sort of 'state of the thing' thing on the Odyssey odyssey:
http://tinyurl.com/2nwk2f (CNN)
... and a story on Rosh Hoshanah in a New York temple:
Archaeology Briefs:
King Lear:
John Crook (Roman Social History):
Alexander McKay (Classicist):
Douglas Eugene Savoy:
Ephraimite Forum-18
Date: 28/09/07 16 Tishrey 5768
1. Archaeology:
Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.22
2. Physical Anthropology: Uselessness of Blood Groups?
3. Top 20 WebSites followed by britam.org
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of
Explorator 10.22
From: david meadows <rogueclassicist@gmail.com>
explorator 10.22 September 23, 2007
A Bronze Age structure from the Gaza Strip:
http://tinyurl.com/3dclb2 (JPost)
... and one from the Negev:
http://tinyurl.com/2s66pr (JPost)
Developments in the Temple Mount legal proceedings:
http://tinyurl.com/3xyf38 (JPost)
Excavating (the possible site of) Sodom:
Tourism plans for the Phrygian Valley:
More on the Tel Rehov beehives:
http://tinyurl.com/2u9vmx (GFT)
Review of Sean King, *God's Gold*:
http://tinyurl.com/3yx4nv (Inquirer)
You can own your own Roman bath house:
http://tinyurl.com/2bls4s (Times)
Another Thracian tomb has been excavated:
... and another:
A Bronze Age burial near Peterborough:
Sites from various periods in Malta:
More coverage of the ancient Scots mummifying their dead story:
Review of Richard Aldous, *The Lion and the Unicorn*:
Archaeology in Europe Blog:
40 more Peruvian mummies have been found:
Aztec child sacrifice:
An update on the Odyssey kerfuffle:
A pile of rare medical and astronomical manuscripts were
'rediscovered' in Egypt's National Library:
Interesting item on the Brunel Tunnel:
The annual 'endangered languages' piece:
... and another:
Aftermath of Europe's last 'witch hunt':
Genetic origins of morality?:
The British Post office has a set of stamps commemorating 350
years of British military uniforms:
Strange mummified baby story (even made it to our local news):
Sloppy revisionism in the Joan of Arc story:
Interesting research into 'handedness':
Israel's Archaeological Centre holds an annual auction:
http://tinyurl.com/2mraan (JPost)
Haven't heard about that 'Japanese Atlantis' in a while:
2. Physical
Anthropology: Uselessness of Blood Groups?
3. Top 20
followed by britam.org
1. Yahoo!
2. Microsoft Network (MSN)
3. Google
4. YouTube
5. Windows Live
Search engine from Microsoft.
6. Myspace
Social Networking Site.
7. Orkut
Social networking and discussion site operated by Google.
8. Facebook
A social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study,
and live around them.
9. Wikipedia
10. Baidu.com
The leading Chinese language search engine,
11. Hi5
Social networking site offering media sharing, affinity groups, and messaging.
12. Rapidshare.com
13. Blogger.com
14. Megaupload
15. 51Snap.Com
16. Friendster
Friendster is a leading global social network
18. Microsoft Corporation
Main site for product information, support, and news.
19. Fotolog.com
a great online community of interconnected photo-weblogs.
20. EBay
Ranking for Brit-Am
Not in top 100,000
britam.org has a ranking of 1,458,365
Note: We are not sure that this figure is accurate but it was the only one we
could obtain
for the present.
Ephraimite Forum-19
Date: 5/Oct/07 23 Tishrey 5768
1. Archaeology:
Brit-Am Edition of Explorator
2.The Practice of Human Sacrifice
3. Study shows genes exert
behavioural influence
1. Archaeology:
Brit-Am Edition of Explorator
From: david meadows <rogueclassicist@gmail.com>
explorator 10.23 September 30, 2007
Interesting new (!) finds from Tut's tomb:
(AFP via Yahoo)
Zahi Hawass is also on record that Tut was not black:
Plenty of coverage of the discovery of the quarry used to build
the Second Temple:
(AFP via Yahoo)
Interesting controversy brewing over Nadia Abu El-Haj's tome on
archaeology in Israel:
Nice article on 'Biblical Archaeology'(with a sidebar):
On the Ramel Rahat excavations:
Plans are afoot to excavate at Karkamis:
Excavations at Cyrus' palace have resumed:
The Tel Dor shipwreck may provide evidence of 'fire fishing' in
An interview with Gabriel Barkai on the damage being done to
Temple Mount:
... not sure whether this is a 'twist' in the saga or not:
Evidence of a settlement near a Roman fort at Perthshire:
Teaching Latin is a good thing:
More 'colorization' efforts:
More coverage of that shipwreck found off the coast of Albania:
More on that Roman bath house that's for sale:
Visit our blog:
3500 b.p. child burial near Peterborough:
1000 b.p. 'portable altar' from Sweden:
Ice Age Australians lived in caves:
The Hawaii-Tahiti connection has been proven:
Gotland and Easter Island try to preserve their heritage:
New Zealand Archaeology eNews:
Still looking for the 'lost colony':
PreColumbian canoes in Lake Trafford:
Mapping Mannahatta:
A mystery cannon from Virginia:
Interesting remains at Toronto's Don Jail:
Nice feature on the House of the Seven Gables:
Assorted theories on the peopling of the Americas:
Searching for Indiana's past:
Problems for 18th century intellectuals when they went to Big Bone
That comet/Ice Age theory is back in the news:
Interesting story about American Digger magazine:
About.com Archaeology:
Archaeology Briefs:
2.The Practice of
Human Sacrifice
By Dr Mike Parker-Pearson
[Extracts Only]
Garrotted, throats slit, bludgeoned to death - preserved bodies that have been
sacrificed to the gods are being discovered the world over. But were these
people victims, or did they surrender themselves in a bid to woo supernatural
powers? Dr Mike Parker-Pearson explores the dark history of human sacrifice.
When the prehistoric site at Fiskerton in Lindisfarne was first excavated in
1981, archaeologists found part of a human skull lying among the swords, spears,
tools and other items that had been placed along the causeway. It represented
the back of a man's head and was badly damaged.
Fissured Fred, as the skeleton became known by the excavators, had been hit by a
sword, which had taken out a chip of his skull. Other than a couple of bones,
the rest of Fissured Fred was never found, so there is no further evidence of
how he met his death. The sword blow by itself would not have killed him, but it
was inflicted around the time of his death 2,500 years ago.
Was Fissured Fred a human sacrifice? We shall probably never know for certain
but there is circumstantial evidence to suggest he was. His remains were mixed
up with weapons and equipment, which had themselves been sacrificed and thrown
into the water.
The evidence for human sacrifice in this period of the Iron Age is most prolific
in Denmark, Germany and Holland, where many bodies have been found completely
preserved in peat bogs. Some were hanged or strangled, the noose still around
their neck, and others were bludgeoned on the head or had their throat slit.
They too, like Fissured Fred, were found in special places, where people had
made offerings to an afterworld. It seems clear that these were not murders, but
deliberate, socially sanctioned, killings.
Writing much later, in the first century AD, the Roman historian Tacitus tells
us that these Germanic peoples executed their social outcasts - cowards,
shirkers and those of disrepute - by pressing them down into bogs. So were these
bog victims in fact executions and not sacrifices? If such a distinction could
be drawn between the two, it does seem most likely that they were sacrifices,
because bogs were places where other, inanimate offerings were made.
Julius Caesar and other Romans were appalled by the custom of human sacrifice
among the Celts. 'They used to strike a human being, devoted to death, in the
back with a sword, and then divine from his death struggle,' wrote Strabo.
According to Diodorus Siculus, the Gauls 'kill a man by a knife-stab in the
region above the midriff, and after his fall they foretell the future by the
convulsions of his limbs and the pouring of his blood'.
'Julius Caesar and other Romans were appalled by the custom of human sacrifice
among the Celts.'
Yet the Romans had double standards; although human sacrifice had ended in Rome
a century earlier, gladiatorial games and feeding people to lions were regular
sport, whilst many thousands of conquered Celts in Gaul were victims of Roman
atrocities, such as cutting off their hands and feet and leaving them to die
slowly. By accusing the Celts of practicing human sacrifice, the Romans thought
they had an excuse for their own unlicensed cruelty.
The Romans reserved their comments about sacrifice to the Celts and Germans,
with no reference to such practices in the British Isles. Bog bodies have been
found in Britain, however, which indicates that human lives were sacrificed to
the gods in these islands too.
Three bog bodies (or parts of them), for example, were found in Lindow Moss in
Cheshire, dating from the beginning of the Roman period. The best preserved of
the three was a man who had been hit on the head with sufficient force to detach
chips of his skull into his brain, and to crack a molar. His throat had been
slit and there was also a leather garrotte, tightened with a slip-knot, around
his neck. He was almost naked except for a fox-fur armband and, amongst his
stomach contents of burnt bread was pollen of mistletoe, a plant sacred to the
Celts and Britons.
One member of the investigating team thought that this was an ancient murder
rather than a ritual killing, but this seems unlikely in the light of the body's
Of the two other bodies, one was very unusual in having a sixth finger. A
surprising proportion of bog bodies from northern Europe have physical defects -
such as spinal abnormalities or foreshortened limbs - and these people may have
been selected for sacrifice because they had been 'touched by the gods'.
Human sacrifice requires the exchange of a life - willingly or not - in return
for supernatural assistance or for a greater cause. Exactly where we draw the
line between altruism and coercion is not always clear, as a surviving account
of a Viking's funeral in Russia in AD 921-2 makes plain:
'The dead man's slave girls were asked who wished to die with him; one
volunteered to be burned in his ship with him... When she went to her death the
men began to strike with the sticks on the shields so that her cries could not
be heard and the other slave-girls would not be frightened and seek to escape
death with their masters... a dagger was plunged between her ribs repeatedly,
and the men strangled her with the cord until she was dead... The flames grew
and engulfed the pyre and the ship.'
Human sacrifice was practiced at least 5,000 years ago among the early
agricultural societies of Europe. Danish farmers sacrificed their stone axes and
flint tools, their amber jewellery and their food, by depositing them in pots,
together with human offerings, in bogs. Probably the earliest case in the world
is that of two girls found at Sigersdal near Copenhagen, killed about 3500 BC.
One was about 16 while the other, who was about 18, still had a cord around her
Mass human sacrifices were particularly a feature of ancient states whose dead
leaders required their courtiers and followers to accompany them into the
afterworld. The tombs of the first dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs (3100-2890 BC)
were each surrounded by the graves of their courtiers.
In the royal tombs of ancient Mesopotamia the courtiers - guards, musicians,
handmaidens and grooms - died at their posts in the tomb, having taken a lethal
draught of poison. Some of the largest mass sacrifices accompanying dead rulers
are the royal tombs of the African kingdom of Kerma, around 1500 BC, where 500
people at a time were buried in huge grave pits next to the dead king, and
covered by a large mound.
Around the same date, the royal tombs of the Shang Dynasty at Anyang in China
were similarly provided with sacrificed bodies. In the second century BC,
workers and soldiers were buried in the tomb of the first Chinese emperor and,
in addition, he was provided with an other-worldly army of terracotta substitute
The ancient civilisations of the Americas are also well known for their human
sacrifices. Aztec priests believed that the sacrifices they performed in the
temples on top of pyramids - cutting out the still-beating heart of their
victims with the blood flowing down the steps of the pyramid - were necessary to
keep the sun on its daily path.
There is evidence that human sacrifice still continues today in isolated parts
of the world, and researchers have known cases where it is practiced by shamans
on behalf of people - including cocaine traffickers - seeking to avert natural
disasters or to improve their wealth.
Earlier this year in London, an archaeologist was brought in as an expert by the
Metropolitan Police to help them identify a southern-African style ritual
killing thought to be a human sacrifice.
Some anthropologists interpret the executions of condemned men and women on
death row in America as another form of sacrifice, perceived as removing evil
and thereby cleansing American society. The suicide bombers of Palestine and the
11 September terrorists are also modern-day human sacrifices.
3. Study shows
genes exert behavioural
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
Evidence that some people are born to play fair, while others can't help being
cads, has come from a study of twins.
For the first time it has been shown that genes exert influence on people's
behaviour in the idealised setting of a game, revealing that identical twins are
more likely to behave the same way, whether fairly or unfairly, as non-identical
Traditionally, social scientists have been hesitant to acknowledge a role for
genes in explaining economic behaviour. But a study indicates that there is a
genetic component to people's perception of what is fair and what is unfair.
The paper, published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, looked at the ultimatum game, in which a proposer makes an offer to
another person on how to divide a sum of money.
The researchers found that twins were more likely to behave in the same way as
each other when deciding whether to accept an offer.
"This raises the intriguing possibility that many of our preferences and
personal economic choices are subject to substantial genetic influence," said
the study's lead author, Bjorn Wallace of the Stockholm School of Economics.
For Previous issues see:
Ephraimite Forum Archives
Ephraimite Forum-20
Date: 10/Oct/07 28 Tishrey 5768
1. Archaeology:
Brit-Am version of Explorator:
2. The Benefits of Flaxseed Oil
3. Geneaology:
Royalty in the USA?
1. Archaeology:
Brit-Am version of Explorator:
From: david meadows <rogueclassicist@gmail.com>
explorator 10.24 October 7, 2007
Some significant discoveries at Ebla:
A Parthian fort in Malayer:
Ancient documents portend a major earthquake, apparently:
Now Cyrus' tomb is threatened:
The Sanhedrin at Sepphoris:
This piece on the ancient Greeks building wonderful things
without fully understanding the math involved is being picked
up in a lot of places:
The Archimedes Palimpsest is in the news again (although I don't
see anything 'new'):
'300' is still being analyzed for meaning:
... while Mary Beard is commenting on what it got right and
More coverage of Rome Reborn:
Bronze Age remains in Edinburgh:
Scotland's earliest settlement:
Viking remains in Norwich:
A mysterious face in a tapestry depicting the Battle of Culloden:
A runestone which was built into a Norwegian church has been
... related:
Archaeology in Europe Blog:
New Zealand Archaeology eNews:
A bunch of Confederate documents were auctioned off this week:
Latest video at the Archaeology Channel is about the Queen Anne's
Plenty of coverage of this story of Inca children being
"fattened up" for sacrifice:
http://tinyurl.com/29xaxc (Telegraph)
http://tinyurl.com/26mc5z (LAT)
Nice pair of essays on Islam, the Greeks, and the Scientific
More 'culture cards' for US troops in Iraq:
Antispam technology is helping to preserve old books:
The Vatican is about to release an important document about the
Erosion and rising sea levels threaten sites:
On historical revisionism:
Ostia: Topographical Dictionary:
Danaos Project (deepwater archaeology in the Aegean):
EXPLORATOR is a weekly newsletter representing the fruits of
the labours of 'media research division' of The Atrium. Various
on-line news and magazine sources are scoured for news of the
ancient world (broadly construed: practically anything relating
to archaeology or history prior to about 1700 or so is fair
game) and every Sunday they are delivered to your mailbox free of
The Brit-Am
is a basically an abridged version of the original produced by Brit-Am and concentrating on those issues that are more likely to
interest Brit-Am subscribers. It is produced with the permission of
2. The Benefits of
Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed or Steroids?Why did Marion Jones and Barry Bonds think they were taking
flaxseed oil?
An Interesting Article worth reading for the athletically involved
Royalty in the USA?
Amazon.com: The Royal Descents of 500 Immigrants to the American
Outlined on 466 pages of charts in this work are the best royal descents of 576
immigrants to the American colonies or the United States who were notable
themselves or who left descendants who were notable in American history. Based
on a comprehensive survey, undertaken over a period of more than 25 years, of
virtually all printed sources that lead to these lines, this book quantitatively
and qualitatively redefines the entire discipline of royal genealogy and
outlines--definitively to date--American genealogical links to medieval kings
and their forebears. Fully half of the 570 immigrants treated here have never
appeared in earlier books on royal genealogy. Mr. Roberts, Director of
Publications at the New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston, has
also prepared an excellent summary of all pertinent royal genealogy research
published through mid-1993. Although his book does not supersede such works as
Weis's Ancestral Roots and Magna Charta Sureties, or Stuart's Royalty for
Commoners, it builds on and outlines the best royal descents in these and
similar works, providing a ready means of access to royal descent literature.
For Previous issues see:
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