Brit-Am Megalithic Bulletin Update (BAMBU)
Updates on Megaltihs, dolmens, and Israel
Brit-Am Megalithic Bulletin Update (BAMBU)
Tracing The Israelite Paths of Migration
according to the Directions of the Prophet Jeremiah 31:21
Dolmens and Megaliths
Introduction to "Brit-Am Megalithic Bulletin Update (BAMBU)"
"Brit-Am Megalithic Bulletin Update (BAMBU)" together with Megalithic Page" is intended to give you updated information
regarding the researches of Brit-Am and associated parties in proofs of Israelite Ancestry as derived
from The Megalithic Pathways of Migration
The Megalithic
Paths of Migration
We have interpreted Jeremiah 31 as predicting the Megalithic Path
would be referred to by the Lost Tribes of Ephraim-Israel in the future as proof
of their origin from the Land of Israel.
"Set yourself up stone monuments [menhirs, dolmens] and high heaps of stones
[cairns] [i.e. Megalithic monuments!]. Set your heart towards the prepared
way: The way in which you went. Turn back o virgin of Israel, return unto these
cities of yours.
Megalithic Monuments describe Routes of migration from the Land of Israel to the
The Brit-Am Megalithic
Bulletin Update (BAMBU) no.1
Brit-Am Megalithic Bulletin Update (BAMBU) no.1
recorded in Scottish Stones
2. Ireland: New Grange
3. Interesting British-Israel-New Age Type Site on New Grange
New Grange Pictures

Winter Solstice at New Grange |
1. Solstice
recorded in Scottish Stones
Archaeologists rise to solstice circle discovery
ARCHAEOLOGISTS working on a remote Scottish island have discovered an ancient
stone ceremonial enclosure that is perfectly aligned to the winter and summer
The find was made by members of the Bath and Camerton Archaeological Society (Bacas)
working on the island of Foula.
The stones were found on the last day of an extensive geophysical survey at an
area called Da Heights. The group found stones rising from the ground in a curve
which did not look like they were placed naturally.
Extensive research has shown the stones were part of an early Bronze Age
ceremonial enclosure. The structure would have been built some time between 3500
and 2000BC.
Jayne Lawes, the director of excavations, said: "This excavation has proved
conclusively that the stone enclosure is man made and similar in construction to
others of the late Neolithic or early Bronze Age.
"The actual date of the construction has yet to be proved, though one shard of
pottery has been found buried under 60cm of peat on the floor of the enclosure
and should help to provide evidence of a date when the site was in use."
John Holbourn, a Bacas member from Wiltshire, said: "The alignment of the stone
ring to the midwinter sunrise is of real significance.
"While in the summer the island is bathed in light throughout most of the day
and night, in the winter daylight lasts for only a few hours.
"The knowledge that the days will lengthen and get warmer is very cheering."
Isobel Holbourn, who owns the land in Foula where the discovery was made, said:
"We knew there was something there, and the archaeologists found an egg-shaped
circle of stones.
"It turns out that the winter sunrise goes right up the middle, while the summer
solstice rises at right angles to it.
"The circle is egg shaped, and in the centre they dug a trench and found a paved
area and a bit of black pottery in between the stones.
"This has been sent away to be dated. The team watched the summer solstice
sunrise on 21 June. From the middle spot the sun rolls and rises up the side of
Ronas Hill - the highest hill on the Shetland mainland."
2. Ireland: New Grange
Extrects from "101 Facts about New Grange"
General Information
Never used as a grave
Chris O'Callaghan, "Newgrange "Temple to Life"
14 The Winter Solstice event was known about in local folklore before the
alignment was rediscovered by Professor Michael J. O'Kelly in 1967.
On the Winter Solstice, the light of the rising sun enters the roofbox at
Newgrange and penetrates the passage, shining onto the floor of the inner
chamber. The sunbeam illuminates the chamber of Newgrange for just 17 minutes.
A survey of the roofbox, passage and chamber of Newgrange by Dr. Jon Patrick in
1972 found that the Winter Solstice orientation of the site was an original
feature, and that they were sophisticated constructions, intended to maximise
the accuracy and length of the beam entering the chamber.
21 Newgrange mound should be properly referred to as a cairn, because it
consists of water-rolled pebbles, each of which is between 6 to 9 inches across.
22 The entire mound contains an estimated 200,000 tonnes of material, and it has
been estimated construction would have taken about 30 years using a workforce of
about 300.
23 It is not known with any certainty how the larger stones which form the kerb
and passage and chamber of Newgrange were brought to the site. Many of these
stone slabs, 550 in number, were collected from where they had been lying in the
landscape. Because many of the stones were found to be weathered, it is believed
they were not quarried, so there would have been a huge logistical task in
finding suitable boulders dotted throughout the landscape.
24 Because Newgrange sits atop a ridge, many of the large slabs would have
needed to be brought uphill, again suggesting a highly organised community was
behind its construction.
30 Various estimates of the original height of Newgrange have been guessed at in
recent centuries, with some explorers of the site giving estimates as high as
45.7 metres (150 feet). Archaeologists believe the actual height would not have
been much more than 11 to 13 metres.
Passage and Chamber
38. At one time, there was what was described as a "pyramidal-shaped" stone in
the centre of the chamber. Some time after it was recorded by Thomas Molyneaux,
it disappeared and has not been seen since.
The Great Circle
46 Archaeoastronomer Frank Prendergast has produced data which shows that the
"Great Circle" stones were astronomical and calendrical in function.
47 Excavations revealed that the Great Circle was erected some time after
2000BC, meaning it was the final stage of construction at Newgrange.
48 It is known that the Great Circle was erected when Newgrange was still in
use. It had been put in place before the collapse of the cairn, which is obvious
from the way the cairn slip material mounted up against the GC stones.
50 An implement described by Professor Michael J. O'Kelly as an "iron wedge" was
found under the turf near a pit which may have originally been a socket for
stone GC-3. The archaeologists speculated this implement could have been used to
split the stone - fragments of which may have been found nearby.
Brit-Am Note: Taking nos 48, 49, and 50 together indicates that the construction
of New Grange Belongs at least in part to the Iron Age.
Satellite Sites
63 A survey of the whole area around Newgrange by Dr. Jon Patrick revealed some
very interesting points: Newgrange and sites E, F and H are in a straight line.
So also are Dowth and sites F, D and C. Patrick indicated that Newgrange was the
focus of the groups of alignments which he found.
Megalithic Art
85 The majority of decorated passage-mounds, accounting for more than
four-fifths of the decorated stones, are located in Co. Meath, including
91 On the Winter Solstice, the light of the rising sun enters the roofbox at
Newgrange and penetrates the passage, shining onto the floor of the inner
chamber. The sunbeam illuminates the chamber of Newgrange for just 17 minutes.
96 A survey of the roofbox, passage and chamber of Newgrange by Dr. Jon Patrick
in 1972 found that the Winter Solstice orientation of the site was an original
feature, and that they were sophisticated constructions, intended to maximize
the accuracy and length of the beam entering the chamber.
97 A further study by Tim O'Brien showed that at the time of construction the
sun-beam was so accurately framed by the roof-box aperture that Newgrange could
be used to determine the exact day of solstice.
100 Frank Prendergast's research demonstrated how the shadow of GC1, the
megalith adjacent to the entrance, would have crossed the lower part of the
three spirals on the west side of K1 at the winter solstice; that the shadow of
GC-1 would have crossed through the centre of the three spirals at the period
when the south declination of the sun was half its annual maximum; that the
shadow of stone GC-2 similarly crosses the same three spirals at the equinox.
Click here for more.
More on Astronomy
. In 1999, there were 297,000 visitors to Newgrange, and numbers have been
rising steadily.
The Winter Solstice sunrise event at Newgrange, where the sun shines into the
long passage on the shortest day of the year and illuminates the central
chamber, is the most heralded event in the Irish cultural calendar, and attracts
major media attention every year. Most people know about it, and many gather at
the famous mound every December to witness the event, even though most of them
have to make do with seeing the event from outside. It is a famous example of
ancient astronomy in action in modern times, and is a fitting beginning to our
exploration of the ancient Irish skywatchers.
At dawn on Winter Solstice every year, just after 9am, the sun begins to rise
across the Boyne Valley from Newgrange over a hill known locally as Red
Mountain. Given the right weather conditions, the event is spectacular. At four
and a half minutes past nine, the light from the rising sun strikes the front of
Newgrange, and enters into the passage through the roofbox which was specially
designed to capture the rays of the sun.
The sunlight appears to be split into two beams - a higher beam and a lower
beam. This is in fact true, the lower beam being formed by the doorway to the
passage. It is the light which enters through the roofbox, however, which
reaches the central chamber.
For a very short time, the beam of sunlight enters the chamber, illuminating the
floor. It is a narrow beam, only 34cm wide at the entrance and narrower in the
chamber. Originally, the beam would have struck the rear chamber orthostat (C8)
and, possibly, would have been reflected onto another chamber stone, C10, which
contains the famous triple spiral. After just 14 short minutes, the beam
disappears from the floor of the chamber, retreats down the passage and once
again the heart of newgrange returns to darkness.
3. Interesting
British-Israel-New Age Type Site on New Grange
Information to be accepted with great reservation but site
includes some valuable illustrations and facts worth noting:
Professor Michael J. O'Kelly states on page 41:-
(Sean P.) O'Riordhain (Professor of Archaeology at University College Cork and
Prof. O'Kelly's teacher) said it was certain that "The stone (GC -10) was
erected clear of the edge of the cairn and that it fell before any collapse (of
the cairn) took place because none of the cairn material lay beneath it." The
orthostat and circle, therefore, must either be contemporary with the mound or
earlier (and David Sweetman the chief archaeologist at Duchas / OPW has
ascertained using rain-water-corrupted material that gave a radiocarbon reading
for an earlier date than the real age, that these GC stones including GC -10
were erected post Bronze-Age [Iron-Age] - Technology Ireland; March 1991, page
This cairn was built, as legend and Ogham script within the cairn on Stone C4 in
the West Recess tell us, by Eochaidh Ollathair the Daighda and his son from his
marriage-union with Teia Tephi (Tailte) / Bovinda, called Aengus/Oengus Mac Ind
Oc, who lived in the sixth century BC. - the Iron Age; not the Stone Age and
from whom it acquired its rightful name - Brug Aengusa or Brug Maic Ind Oc.
The Daighda - Eochaidh Ollathair reigned from c. 633 B.C. for forty years. The
Book of Lecan states that the Daighda had three sons :- Aedh; Aengus and
Aengus was the son of Eochaidh Ollathair, the Daighda, High-king of Tara who
reigned at the beginning of the sixth century B.C. and according to the Annals
of the Four Masters he died at Newgrange in "year of the world" 3450 (554 BC)
and so Newgrange is Iron-age NOT Stone-age. It was built in the sixth century
B.C. with metal tools, using horses and carts to haul and transport the approx.
200,000 tons of stones.
The age of the cairn is also confirmed by the astronomical alignment of the
cairn with the Winter Solstice sunrise at this time - 600 - 550 BC.
New Grange by Gail Kelly
Megalithic Monuments may serve as proof of the Migratory paths of the Israelite
For a Map and List of Israelite Migratory Routes see:
For more maps of the Megalithic Trail of Migration see:
There is much archaeological evidence some of which we have
quoted in the past.
Dolmens and the Bible
Pictures: Dolmens from Around the World
Answer to Queries on Archaeology Question no.3:
"What do Dolmens and other megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge tell us?
Dolmens by Yair Davidiy
Dolmens in Biblical Codes
Immanuel Velikovsky and the Change in Our Calendar

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