by Yair Davidiy
![]() 1. Ends of the Earth: Deuteronomy 33:13 on, Isaiah 24:16, 26:15, 41:8-9, 43;6, 49:6 2. Bald-Headed Eagle Micah 1:16 3. Isles Isaiah 24;15 49:6 60:9 Jeremiah 31; 9-10 4. Cyrus: Messiah son of Joseph see Joseph Isaiah (44:28) 5. Thighs, Peninsulas, and Coasts: Jeremiah 31:8 6. Brit-Am Isaiah 42:6 49:8 Covenant of the People 7. Tarshish Isaiah 60;9 8. Seafarers Isaiah 42:10 9. Rule Over Peoples Genesis 27:29 48:19 MULTITUDE OF NATIONS (Malo HagGoyim), Psalms 47:3 10. Be the Dominant World Power (Balak, Ephraim): Numbers 24:7-9 Micah 5:7-9 11. Military Power: Deuteronomy 33:27 33:29 Jeremiah 51:20-21 (battle-ax) Zechariah 10:7 12. Defeat Edom Ezekiel 25:14 Obadiah 1:18 13. Light for the Gentiles Genesis 12:2-3, 18:18-19, 22:18 24:4 Isaiah 42:1 42:6 Amos 6;15 14. Separate from Judah. Isaiah 11:12-13 49:21 15. Not known to Judah Isaiah 49:13-14, 21. Hosea chapter one: Judah excepted 1:7 16. Numerous: Genesis 15:5, 22:17, 24:60, 32:12, Numbers 23:10, Isaiah 10:22, 24:16, 26:15 Hosea 1:10 17. West Isaiah 24:14 (sea in Hebrew is yam meaning west); Hosea 11:10 18. Northwest Isaiah 49:12 19. North Country Jeremiah 3;18 31; 6-10 20. Agricultural Plenty Genesis 27:28 49:25 Deuteronomy 33:13-16 Hosea 2:8 21. Mineral Resources Genesis 49:25 Deuteronomy 33:13, 15 22. Australia (Sinim, Codes) Isaiah says (49:8 23. Best Places (Atziliyah) Isaiah 41: 9 24. Christianity Hosea 2:8, 2:13, 2:16 11:12 Notsrim (see Ephraim) 25. Fires in the Isles Isaiah 24:15 26. GATE(s) OF YOUR ENEMIES Genesis 22:17 24:60 27. John Bull Deuteronomy 33:17 Jeremiah 31:18 Aegel 28. Nobility Ephraim Jeremiah 31:20 29.Representative Democracy Manasseh Genesis 41:51 30. Dolmens: Jeremiah 31:21 31., 32., 33. Cush, Egypt, Chains See no.4 Cyrus Isaiah 44:28 also Isaiah 43:3 45:14 34: Zarephath Obadiah 1:20 35: Alcoholic Drunkards Isaiah 28:1, 3 36. Ruled by Sons of David Jeremiah 33:22, 26 37. Kings Genesis 17:6, 16, 35:11 38. Many Waters Numbers 24:7 39. Gomer Hosea chapter one 40. The name Hebrew: Genesis 14:13 Genesis 14:13 (on Joseph) Genesis 39:17 40:15 41:12 43:32 Jonah 1:9 41-111. 70 Tribal and Clan Names 112. Jacob: Isaiah 49:6 Tribes of Jacob: Union Jack, Yankee, King James 113. Lion and Unicorn 114. Mission Isaiah 42:13, 19 115. Identity Lost: Hosea (chapter one) predicted that the Lost Ten Tribes would be considered non-Israelites Hosea 7:8 116. Distinct from Judah: Census lists of Ezra and Nehemiah, Isaiah 11:11 49:21 117. Membership Suspended: Jeremiah 3:8 (divorced, cf. Yebamot 17), Hosea 1:9 118. Gomer; Hosea ch.1 119. Re-Unite with Judah 3;18 Isaiah 11:11 120. Last Days: Isaiah 60:8 Aeroplanes 121. Jeremiah 50:4 they would seek God ![]() HOME |