Brit-Am Now no. 1318
March 19 2009, 24 Adar 5769
1. Avraham ben Gad: Compliments to Charlotte
2. Margie: Identifies Some Christians with Israel?
3. Broadcasts
(a) Interview
on Reasons for Rejection of Brit-Am and the World to Come
(b) Parshat HaShavua (Weekly Torah Portion)
Shabat (Should Ephraimites Keep Shabat or not?)
4. Christians Against "Lost Tribes" Belief.
5. Brit-Am Personal Notes


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1. Avraham ben Gad: Compliments to Charlotte
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1316
#4. Charlotte Mecklenburg:
Cannot Keep the Law Due to Prior Commitment!

Shalom Yair,

My compliments again to Charlotte Mecklenburg's wisdom and to Yair's 
reply. To some extent I agree that certain commandments should be
kept without understanding their intent or purpose. But only to a
limited extent because keeping [the ALMIGHTY's] commandments by rote obedience
is a futile endeavor to begin with. Only heartfelt obedience has
genuine merit in in the eye's of the Mighty One of Israel, and that
assumes that "understanding" is involved. But it is true that
understanding may come later.

I'm a "jot and title" Israelite, believing that all of the Mighty 
One's commandments should be kept by all of Israel throughout all our
generations. That leaves the question of the renewal of sacrifices as
a significant issue. When the occasion comes, the renewal of
sacrificial offerings in a Jerusalem Temple will surely be divisive. 
I expect that many Christians will balk at the idea, and that
includes Ephraimites. Sacrificial offerings has the potential to
split our Western culture on non-religious grounds as well, perhaps
inducing the wrath of the nations against Israel, against both Judah 
and Ephraim. We need to know where we stand on this issue and be

May Yah be with us all,
Abraham Rempel
Brit-Am Comment:
Rabbi Avraham HaCohen Kook was of the opinion that when the Temple will be rebuilt
it will be without animal sacrifices. Only Cereal (Meal) Offerings will be allowed.
I do not know what Rabbi Kook based his opinion on and other authorities disagree.

2. Margie: Identifies Some Christians with Israel?
re Brit-Am Now no. 1317
#3. How does one know? Is there a way to find out?
To Kathy's question, "How does one know...", in Hosea 1:10, it says,

Yet the number of the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that IN THE PLACE where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, YE ARE THE SONS of the living God.

Israel has birthmarks.  The seed of Jacob would be scattered (Jezreel) throughout the earth, but in the places, UK, Europe, USA, Canada, Africa... wherever it was scattered, they would come forth proclaiming, "we are sons and daughters of the Living Elohim".  That is what a host of people around the world, sitting on church pews every Sunday are doing; they sing and proclaim a new birth and that they are children of God.  Another birthmark is that a remnant of these people would wake up to their true identity--that no church denomination will ever, ever replace Brit-Am (the house of Judah and the house of Israel), and the people of the 10-tribes would take hold of the tzit-tzit of one Jew (Zech 8:23),  leave the wild olive tree (Christianity) and be grafted into the natural tree (Israel).  Learning Father's ways (Torah), they would spring up in those days and call themselves Israel, belonging to the whole house of Jacob (Isaiah 44:3-5). That is enough for me and causes me to bow and worship the Almighty for his great mercy.  He cannot give up his people!

Shalom & simchah,

3. Broadcasts
(a) Interview on Reasons for Rejection of Brit-Am and the World to Come
 From: "Kosher 101.9 Maccabee"
Shalom Yair,
KMLS FM 101.9

Points covered in the Interview:
Reasons why many reject Brit-Am beliefs, the Messianic Age, the World to Come, and Eternal Life.

(b) Parshat HaShavua (Weekly Torah Portion)
VaYakhel-Pekudei Exodus 35:1-40:37
47 minutes
Keeping Shabat (Should Ephraimites Keep Shabat or not?)
Building the Tabernacle Summarized

4. Christians Against "Lost Tribes" Belief.
This is what the Christians are teaching.

Dear Christian Friends,

CMRI will air another of our investigative television shows on the many false doctrines that plague the modern church. This Wednesday evening, we'll be examining the so called Christian Identity fraud. Also called Israel Identity, it is simply British-Israelism revisited, or what some call the "Lost Tribe" myth.

White Supremacists tend to love this doctrine, but it's a lie of the first magnitude. Using elaborate but contrived documents, migration maps, and even Scripture, Identity preachers tell us when the ten Northern tribes were deported by the Assyrians (II Kings 17:6), they wandered westward to become the British and the Nordic people groups. Others link the Germans, and even the Italians to the so-called "lost tribes."

This false doctrine is another Gospel, and it is also a key component of the emerging Antichrist doctrine known as "two house."

Once again, using SCRIPTURE, on the forthcoming Apocalypse Chronicles radio and television simulcast on the Internet, James Lloyd will be televising a 2 hour refutation of the Identity heresy.

As the author of many books on prophecy (including a book on this very subject entitled Recognizing Christian Identity), James is uniquely able to refute the doctrine. This Wednesday night's Internet TV show promises to be fascinating, so we hope you'll join us on the net.

Some of you have viewed the Internet Television Network, but for those who have not, we stream many video programs every weekday from 2-8 PM Pacific (5-11 EST). We also have Alternative Health, pro-Constitutional Patriot programs, Anti-New World Order material, and even Conspiracy Theory Thursdays -- but this particular show, the Apocalypse Chronicles special on Christian Identity, is only scheduled to run this Wednesday, March 18th, at 6 PM Pacific -- 9 PM EST.

Brit-Am Comment:
Notice that the individual, in question is apparently a Conspiracy Freak!
We do not know exactly what he says because we could not access the source.
Nevertheless it needs to be said.
Brit-Am is unique.
Brit-Am justifies its beliefs from the Bible, from Rabbinicial Sources, and from secular studies.
Other groups have similar beliefs but they pollute them by confusing the issue with racialist doctrines or other aberrations.
A tactic used by those who want to harm us is to concentrate on the "pollutants" adopted by non-Brit-Am groups to associate us with them.
The only solution is to concentrate on Brit-Am and to emphasize Brit-Am in all questions concerning the Lost Ten Tribes.
This is a service that Brit-Am renders. Appreciate it.

5. Brit-Am Personal Notes
We have been asked to react to the activities of a certain group and may do so or may ignore it.

Yair Davidiy was down with the flu for most of this week but hopefully next week will have fully recovered.

Brit-Am is suffering from lack of funds. We are in a quandary. There are no real options before us.
We are however considering two possibilities:

(a) Continuing present Brit-Am postings and services but at a lower level and looking for a supplementary source of income.

(b) Attempting to greatly increase the scope of Brit-Am outreach in a short space of time while possibly taking "on board" new hands.
The second alternative is the one we are inclined towards but are not sure as to how realistic the choice may be.


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  George Washington

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