21 May 2012 29 Iyar 5772
Job 6:1-10. True to Himself.
Brit-Am Research Sources.
1. British Intervention on Behalf of the Jews of Bagdad, Iraq (ca. 1880s-1890s?).
A Forgotten Incident.
2. The Philistine Connection to Minoan (Cretan) Civilization.
3. Philistines in Ireland??
4. Uncut Hair Due to Oath Similar to Vow of Nazirite.
5. Irish Word Similar to Hebrew.
Brit-Am Now no. 1878
1. Clarification. Re Relative Lack of Those Interested is Incorrect!
2. Clarification. Enemies.
3. Clarification. Jewish Sources.
4. Michelle Bowie: Celts and Chaldeans.
5. Mark A. Robinson: The Earth is Young.
6. Chuck Jean: Creatonist Origins of the Earth.
7. Andy: Likes Hebrew Nations!
Proverbs 10: 25-32 The Benefits to One's Self of Righteousness.
22 May 2012 1 Sivan 5772
Proverbs 10: 25-32 The Benefits to One's Self of Righteousness.
Brit-Am Now no. 1879
1. Duane Hiebert : Remarks.
2. 2nd Brit-Am Web-Site reactivated.
3. Is Brit-Am Beginning to Get Back
in Google's Good Books?
"Ten Tribes Tribal Report". Sweden, France, Ireland.
1. Bo Ronn from Sweden. Malmo Jews Under Siege.
2. France. Colonizing and Decolonizing French Algeria, 1830-1962.
An Arab Transfer of Europeans.
3. Ireland.
(a) Musicians Forced to Cancel Tour of Israel.
FM Shatter accuses Palestine group of cyberbullying
(b) Ireland: Tamar Yonah (Arutz-7, Israel) calls to Suppor Irish4Israel.
24 May 2012 3 Sivan 5772
Brit-Am Now no. 1880
1. Craig White (Australia): Recommends "The Tribes".
2. Owen Murphy: Pleased with BAC on Job.
3. S. Helped by BAC on Job.
Friendly Shadows?
Shavuot, Ruth, Bethlehem, and New Archaeology Find.
by Yair Davidy
25 May 2012 4 Sivan 5772
1. British government considers Iran war options: BBC. Britain Backs Israel.
2. Pakistani who helped US sentenced to prison.
3. New Archaeological Discovery. Bethlehem Mentioned!
1-Chronicles 1:24-33
The Distaff Offspring of Abraham.
Brit-Am Now no. 1881
1. New Article.
Friendly Shadows? Presaging the Messiah?
Shavuot, Ruth, Bethlehem, and New Archaeology Find.
2. New Articles on Brit-Am Israelite Statistics.
(a) A Hebrew Multitude.
(b) Israelite-Dominated Nations and World Population.
3. The Spoiled Brat Play-Boy Entertainment Aspect of Ephraim.
Is it worth Examining?