Contents of "Brit-Am Now" Postings
Previous nos. 1601 to 1800
nos. 1801 to 1886 |
Contents of "Brit-Am Now" Postings:
"Brit-Am Now" nos 1801 to 1886
Brit-Am Now no. 1801.
1. Question About Dinah and Asenath.
2. Question From Germany Regarding German Ancestry and Esau.
3. New Member from Dan in New Zealand.
Brit-Am Now no. 1802
Advertising with Brit-Am.
Michelle Bowie: Ruth the Moabite Showed the Way for Israelites and
Books Received.
"Decorations Found in Traditional Artisan Craftwork in the Alps. Signs and
Symbols of Oriental and Jewish Origin"
by Ivan Magistrini, 2011, Switzerland.
Brit-Am Now no. 1803
1. New Article:
Rabbi Shimshon Dovid Pincus: The Kingdom of Joseph.
Brit-Am Preliminary Note on the Correspondence between Rabbinical Writings and Brit-Am Findings.
Part One: The Original Intention of Joseph was to Integrate with Judah!
2. Realities of Brit-Am Findings that are Worth Keeping in Mind.
a. Percentage of Israelites is Unknown.
b. Lack of Certainty in Identification Applies to the Individual For a Reason!
3. More About the Alpine Artisan Craftwork Book.
Brit-Am Now no. 1804
1. New Article:
The Kingdom of Joseph by Rabbi Shimshon Dovid Pincus.
Part Two. The Differences Between the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Joseph.
2. Joseph Must Search to Prove His Origins! Jeremiah 31:21.
3. David Hogg: Mormon Interest.
Brit-Am Now no. 1805
1. Andy Hoy: Questions, and Information.
2. New Article. Notes About Joseph.
3. More Megaliths from Norway
Brit-Am Now no. 1806
1. URL for New Article ("Notes About Joseph") not given!
2. Query Concerning Mennonites and Amish.
3. Renewed Connection.
4. Query About Tribal Symbols.
5. The Tribes - 4th Edition Fill Cover Spread.
Brit-Am Now no. 1807
1. New Article:
Ephraim Comes First! Malbim on Joseph (Genesis chs 48 and 49).
2. New Blog: The House of Israel.
3. Andy Hoy: Mennonites Like Hasidim of Jerusalem.
4. David Hogg: More About the Mormons.
5. Michelle Bowie: Tribal Symbols and Heraldry.
Brit-Am Now no. 1808
1. New Article:
Who Were the Sons of God? Two Opinions by Alexander Zephyr.
2. List of Articles by Alexander Zephyr.
3. New Article. In Defense of Anastasia.
Michaeli was Justified and had Little choice! Saved Jewish honor!
Brit-Am Now no. 1809
1. Joseph to blame for lack of recognition at least as much as Judah!
2. New Article. The Wife of Noah and Canaan by Alexander Zephyr.
3. Query on the Levites, Helveti, and Switzerland.
Brit-Am Now no. 1810
1. The first page of The Tribes 4th edition.
2. New Article. The Offspring of Noah: Japheth, by Alexander Zephyr.
3. Wayne Stark: More on Helvetia (Switzerland) and the Levites.
Brit-Am Now no. 1811
1. Israeli Commemorative Coin Depicts Joseph and His Brothers.
2. Cherie Koch: Swiss Ancestry and Possible Tribal Identification.
3. New Article. "The Offspring of Noah: Ham", by Alexander Zephyr.
4. Jared Welch: House of David descent.
5. Arieh Levi: Query about Ethiopian Jews.
Brit-Am Now no. 1812
1. Alistair Williams: The Task of the Individual Israelite from Joseph.
2. Brian Weston: Eliphaz and Job.
3. New Article. The Offspring of Noah: Shem
by Alexander Zephyr.
Brit-Am Now no. 1813
1. Family from Switzerland and Levite Tradition.
2. Brit-Am is Alone!
3. Alistair Williams: Towards an Answer.
4. John Boustead: An Army of Reserves.
5. New Article. Foreign Interference in Israeli Affairs.
Part Two of The Buses. The Anti-Jewish Aspect.
6. List of Contents for the Series of Articles, Post-Flood Rehabilitation.
7. New Article.
The Blessings of God to Shem and Japhet by Alexander Zephyr.
Brit-Am Now no. 1814
1. Bulk Sales of The Tribes 4th edition.
2. New Article. What is the Brit-Am Mandate?
3. Craig Driver: Brit-Am provides the reason.
Brit-Am Now no. 1815
1. Addition to article, What is the Brit-Am Mandate?
2. Charlotte Mecklenburg Requests Personal Testimonies of Israelite Awareness.
3. Winston Churchill: "Never give in."
Brit-Am Now no. 1816
1. Another Addition to article, What is the Brit-Am Mandate?
2. Question 1 from Richard Concerning Edomites, Canaanites, and Kenites.
3. Question 2 from Richard Concerning the Edomites and Jews.
4. James Stark: Remarks on David Goldman Article about Arabs.
5. Answer to Question about Reprinting "Lost Israelite Identity".
Brit-Am Now no. 1817
1. Article.
by Alexander Zephyr.
2. Identifies with the Tribe of Benjamin.
3. Owen Murphy: Teaching on Job is so very well done!
Brit-Am Now no. 1818
1. Brian Weston: Comments and Ancestry.
2. Question on Concerning non-Jewish Israelites and Keeping the Law in Our Time.
3. Old Brit-Am Articles are Still Well Worth Reading!
4. James Stark: Swedish Ancestry, General Remarks, and a Question About Population.
5. Reply to Richard.
Brit-Am Now no. 1819
1. Richard Reveals his Amalekite Affinities!
(a) Discussion Proposal.
(b) Brit-Am Answer.
(c) Richard Reaction.
2. David Jackson: The Milky Way and the Promise to Abraham.
3. The Term Jew and the Ten Tribes.
4. North America Before Columbus and the Ten Tribes.
5. Was Job Really a Real Person?
Brit-Am Now no. 1820
1. Andy Hoy: Use of the term Jews for the Ten Tribes is Offensive!
2. Upset by Ignorance? What Do You Do to Fix the Situation?
3. Where Does the Term Jew Come From?
4. Alistair Williams: Did Job exist?
5. Brit-Am Considerations.
a. You Are Our Team! Brit-Am Under-Estimates its own Potential!
b. Physical Descent is what Concerns Us!
Brit-Am Now no. 1821.
1. The Blessings of God to Shem and Japhet.
by Alexander Zephyr (URL corrected).
2. Letter from India: A Mass Exodus?
3. Oliver B: The Celts of Ireland and Historical Incongruencies.
Brit-Am Now no. 1822.
1. New Article.
The Epithet Jew, Tassels, and Redemption!
2. Reply from India.
3. Odds and Ends.
(a) Rabbi Yaacov Emden and Christianity.
(b) The Brit-Am Web Site. Some Statistics of Content.
Brit-Am Now no.1823.
1. New Article:
NZ Testimony: Saved by Brit-Am!
A Near-Victim of Conspiracy Theories and Media Bias Against the Jews Testifies to the Positive Effect Brit-Am Has Had On Him.
2. James W. Stark: Remarks on the Term "Jew".
3. Zeev Barkan: New On-Line Illustrated Book About the Star of David.
Brit-Am Now no.1824.
1. Tim Murray: "This is a priceless testimony" for Brit-Am!
2. Question on Irish Surnames and Hebrew Parallels.
3. Herman Hoeh: Irish Ancestry in Mythology.
Brit-Am Now no.1825.
1. A Few More Attributes of the Brit-Am Web Site.
2. Blessing to Brit-Am.
3. Charlotte Mecklenburg: Appreciated Article. A Megalithic Find in Ariel?
Brit-Am Now no.1826.
1. Brit-Am Update and Appeal (10 Shevet 5772).
2. Jay Tompkins: The Term "Jew" is a Compliment!
3. New Article.
The Name, the Language and Sacrifice by Bruce McKerras.
4. New Article.
The Two Houses Together by John Carrington Richards [aka John Hulley].
5. Query from the Netherlands and the Loneliness of Our Message.
Brit-Am Now no.1827.
1. Walter W. Baucum has Passed Away.
2. New Article. Christian Conversionist Intentions and Brit-Am.
3. Allen Ramsay: The term Jew and the Future in Scripture.
Brit-Am Now no.1828.
1. Andy: Brit-Am Should be More Open to Eastern Peoples!
2. New Feature. The DAILY PROOF: The Ten Tribes in the West.
3. Katrina Peterson: Walter Baucum.
Brit-Am Now no.1829.
1. Brit Am ~ A Covenant of People by Steve Mathe
2. Michelle Bowie: The Bible does not call Israel Jews!
3. New Brit-Am YouTube Video Clips:
(a) Ephraim in the West.
(b) The Malbim and the USA as Manasseh.
Brit-Am Now no.1830.
1. The Daily Proof:
The Ancient West and North Europeans Called Themselves Hebrews!
2. The Palestinians Must by Humanely Transferred Elsewhere!
3. New Brit-Am YouTube Video Clip
The Celts Called Themselves Hebrews!
Brit-Am Now no.1831.
1. Selected Comments to Brit-Am YouTube Video Clips.
(a) Awesome Info!
(b) Brit-Am is Telling the Truth!
(c) Brit-Am is Something Different!
(d) The Name Yank from the Dutch Jan and Kees!
(e) Brit-Am Representation of Dan is Preferable! Thank you for this!
(f) Very Interesting presentation...
2. Mark Robinson: The Palestinians are Edomites!
3. Alexander Zephyr: Are the Ten Tribes Really Still in Exile?
Brit-Am Now no.1832.
1. Brian Patmore: Palestinians are Edomites!
2. Alexander Zephyr: The Prophecy of Daniel and the Iranian Confrontation.
3. The Daily Proof. Ten Tribes to be Found at the Ends of the Earth.
Brit-Am Now no.1833.
1. Bo Ronn: Mauritius is also at the End of the Earth!
2. News and New Appeal from Brit-Am.
3. New Article:
Hebrews at the Ends of the Earth.
Brit-Am Now no.1834.
1. New Brit-Am YouTube Video Clips.
(a) Dan the Redeemer.
(b) Hebrews at the Ends of the Earth.
2. New Article.
Hebrew Bagpipes in the Temple
and the Harp of David.
3. Amazon Sells Copies of $10 Brit-Am Book for $130 each!
Brit-Am Now no.1835.
1. New Article: An Eye for an Eye in the Bible?
2. Sincere Gratitude for your Research.
3. The Daily Proof :
The Best Places on the Earth at the Ends of the Earth.
Brit-Am Now no.1836.
1. New Brit-Am YouTube Video Clip. Best Hebrew Places.
2. Ron Fraser: I admire your scholarship.
3. New Article. The Judgment of Edom by Bruce McKerras.
Brit-Am Now no.1837.
1. New Brit-Am YouTube Video Clip. The Importance of Brit-Am Knowledge.
2. New Brit-Am Article. The Importance of Brit-Am Information.
3. Don: "I long for the day of the restoration of both houses. "
4. Meredith: Thanks to Brit-Am.
5. Brit-Am on the Gavin Finley Channel.
Brit-Am Now no. 1838.
1. New Brit-Am YouTube Video Clip.
Why the Jews Should Know about Brit-Am!
2. New Article.
Why Jews Should Support Brit-Am!
3. New Article.
Statistics: Brit-Am Nations and CleanTech Innovation.
Brit-Am Now no. 1839.
1. New Article.
Past History and Future Redemption. The Prophecies of Micah ben Moresheth.
by Bruce McKerras.
2. New Article.
Thighs (Peninsulas) of the Earth. A Biblical Proof.
3. New Brit-Am YouTube Video Clip.
Thighs of the Earth.
Brit-Am Now no. 1840.
1. The Tribes (4th edition) now available!
2. The Daily Proof: Thighs (Peninsulas) of the Earth.
3. Brit-Am Books: New Prices.
Brit-Am Now no. 1841.
1. New Brit-Am YouTube Video Clip: Tarshish.
2. The DAILY PROOF: Tarshish.
3. Owen Murphy: "Righteousness is it's own Reward"!
4. Meredith: Pleased with Posting!
5. I Am Enjoying YouTube Clips.
6. Interesting Article on the Origins of Nations.
7. Correction to Proverbs Chapter 8. Reward in the Next World is the Main Thing!
Brit-Am Now no. 1842.
1. Brit-Am Replies to Critic from Europe.
2. Yair Replies to Authun on Linguistics and DNA.
3. More Challenges from Authun: re The Mutual Enemies of Israel and the West.
Brit-Am Now no. 1843.
1. Questions and Remarks from Lloyd.
2. Ben Sieira: Agrees with Brit-Am.
3. New Article: The Israelite Sea Captives.
Part One: Over the Ocean Blue!
4. New Brit-Am YouTube Video Clip. SeaTravel.
5. The DAILY PROOF: Sea Travel.
Brit-Am Now no. 1844.
1. Brit-Am Importance: As individuals we need to all know where we stand!
2. Jonathan Caro: Scythian Finds of Importance.
3. Additional Note to An Eye for an Eye.
4. Academic Prejudice Against Brit-Am: A Recent Unfortunate Encounter on Germanic--L.
5. New Article. The Fulfillment of the Prayer of Asaph by Bruce McKerras.
Brit-Am Now no. 1845.
1. Cristian Sildan: The Boar-Thing is not that Far-Fetched!
2. Richard Johnson: Thank you for fighting for us!
3. Thanks from New Zealand.
Brit-Am Now no. 1846.
1. James W. Stark: Comments and Queries.
2. Max Rambow: Amazing Resemblance Between Phoenician Ships and those of the Vikings!
3. New Article.
Were the Ancient Hebrews the Same as the Habiru?
Brit-Am Now no. 1847.
1. Meredith Carpenter: Appreciates BAC [Brit-Am Commentary] on Proverbs 1:9.
2. SC: The Mongolian Ancestry of Anne Boleyn and Other Matters.
3. Ronald Ferguson: The Names of the Twelve Gates.
Brit-Am Now no. 1848.
1. Brit-Am Appeals Again!!!
2. Judith: Brit-Am is a Blessing!
3. New Article.
We are the People. Tribal Hints to Goodness (Addition for Zebulon).
4. David McLeod: The Dilemma of Modern Man.
5. Appreciated Poem.
(a) Meredith Carpenter.
(b) Brian Weston.
6. Question about Simeon and Scotland.
7. Poem: The Family of Abraham (Revised).
Brit-Am Now no. 1849.
Special Dafydd Posting.
"Dafydd " from Sinim (Australia):
Assorted comments to some recent Brit-Am postings
(a) Naphtali in the Orkneys.
(b) Naphtali and Nordic Parliaments.
(c) Naphtali - both first and last!
(d) The Australians NOT Lawrence and the Arabs Captured Damascus!
(e) Yew Trees and Boars.
(f) Chuck is now in New Zealand!
(g) Buddha and Israel.
(h) Milk and honey and Lactose Tolerance.
(i) ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand) and Jewish Graves Desecrated in Libya!
Brit-Am Now no. 1850.
1. Judah was also known as Israel!!!!
2. Letter from Australia.
3. A Personal Case of Jewish and Israelite Ancestry.
Brit-Am Now no. 1851.
1. Alexander Zephyr: All Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews!!!
2. James: What "Race" is Brit-Am involved in?
3. Second Query from James: What are the Aims of Brit-Am?
4. Colin Power: Philosophical Encouragement.
5. Michelle Bowie: Irritated by Chuck Missler.
6. Andy Hoy: Sundry Remarks and Reservations.
Brit-Am Replies:
(a) Concentration on the Ten Tribes rather than all Twelve.
(b) Why Not Reserve the Term Israel for only the Ten Tribes??
(c) Request for Link and Proven Intention to Offend.
(d) We are Not all Brothers!
7. Question About the Basques.
Brit-Am Now no. 1852.
1. New Article.
Hebrews or Yew Trees??
What Did the Celts Call Themselves?
2. Question on Cyprus and the Promised Land.
3. Use of Term Anti-Semitism instead of anti-Jewish.
4. Academic Claims to be Dealt With!
5. Joan Griffith: Ambassador College Assists Important Archaeological Work in Jerusalem.
6. Call to Members of the Ten Tribes: Stop this Negative Obsession with Judah!
7. Brian Patmore: More on the Basques.
Brit-Am Now no. 1853.
1. Letter from Spain, connected to Basques and Lost Jews.
2. Foreign Admixtures. Each Individual Needs to Strengthen Their Own Hebrew Soul!
3. Pesach: Israelites Are Called to the Flag!!!
Brit-Am Now no. 1854.
1. Brit-Am Gives You the Low-Down on Several Issues.
2. Challenge on the Jews and Ashkenazim.
3. Chris Geary: Unconvinced.
Brit-Am Now no. 1855
1. The Hebrew Warriors. Brit-Am Speaks.
2. Duane Hiebert: Let HaShem [the Almighty] do the sorting!
3. Extracts from Brit-Am Reply to Hate Letter.
White Supremacists and Black Racists from the Same Stock!!!
4. Ordering Joseph and other books via PayPal.
5. Sending of The Tribes in Progress!
Brit-Am Now no. 1856
1. Meredith Carpenter: Some Thoughts and an Anecdote.
The Philistines as Facilitators of the Israelite Movement to the West.
3. New Article.
Philistines and Israelites in the West.
Part One. Who Were the Philistines?
Brit-Am Now no. 1857
1. Bill Rrasmussen: Brit-Am is "A light to the Gentiles and a bridge to the people of Yehudah".
2. Michelle Bowie: Encouragement to Meredith.
The Phoenicians from Tyre as Facilitators of the Israelite Movement to the West.
Brit-Am Now no. 1858
1. Jacob's Sheep: A point of interest?
Interesting extracts from two articles.
2. Resurrection and Eternal Life. Addition to Article.
Do traditions of British and French Kinship Reflect Ancestral Connections?
Brit-Am Now no. 1859
1. Dempsey Bruton: letter of Appreciation.
2. Question on the Massagetae, Ten Tribes, and Russia.
3. New Mini-Article. Well, Tickle Me Pink!
Defendants of the Samaritans Criticize the Brit-Am Approach!!!
Brit-Am Now no. 1860
1. Improved Article. Hebrews or Yew Trees??
What Did the Celts Call Themselves?
2. Question about coming to Israel.
3. Encouragement from Sheri.
4. Ilan: Follow Up on Samaritans.
5. Meredith Carpenter: Israel Plants Trees.
6. JT: Pleased With BAC [Brit-Am Commentary] Proverbs Project.
7. David Barlow: "The Tribes" in New Zealand.
Brit-Am Now no. 1861
1. New DNA Article. Some Came Running!
The Very Recent Movement of YDNA R1b to Western Europe.
The Ten Tribes and the European Children of Gomer.
3. Article Upgraded. Brit-Am History.
4. Nelson Thall: Pleased with Book.
5. Letter of the Day:
Does Brit-Am Seem like "a high-powered business organisation"?
Brit-Am Now no. 1862
1. Alistair Williams: Joseph and Forgiveness.
2. New Article. Brit-Am Statistics:
Relative National Rates of Judeophobia. Part One.
3. Query About Hosea Book.
Brit-Am Now no. 1863
1. New Article.Individual Tribal Personalities.
2. Addition to articles:
(a) Hebrews or Yew Trees?? What Did the Celts Call Themselves?
(b) Origin of the Name "Wales". A New Appreciation.
3. Question on the Lemba of South Africa.
Brit-Am Now no. 1864
1. Checks from Australia, Canada, and Other Such Places.
2. Query About the Lemba.
3. Question on the USA, Manasseh, and the American Melting Pot.
Brit-Am Now no. 1865
1. New Article.
You Lucky People! King David and Repentance.
2. The Daily Proof. The Ten Tribes and ISLES OF THE SEA.
3. Meredith Carpenter: We Must Repent First!
4. Brian Weston: Brit-am has... widened a path to finding out who we are!
5. K: Does Bath-Sheba Have Allegorical Significance for the Ten Tribes?
Brit-Am Now no. 1866
1. More Concerning the Lemba of South Africa.
2. Alistair Williams: Does the Book of Daniel Refer to Google?
3. New Article.
Ronald Reagan and Belief in the Ten Tribes.
Brit-Am Now no. 1867
1. Ronald Reagan and Belief in the Ten Tribes.
Reactions and Remarks to the Article.
2. Michelle Bowie: The Beginning of a Journey.
3. Alistair Williams: The Need for Humility and Brit-Am Reply.
4. Jayne Botha: Received the Book.
5. Dr. J: Appreciation.
Brit-Am Now no. 1868
1. The Google Case Exemplified by Comparison to Yahoo Search Results.
2. Brit-Am Versus Google and Other Parties!!!
3. The Google Problem.
4. Is the Jewish State Prophesied in the Torah?
5. The Google Problem to be Solved?
Brit-Am Now no. 1869
A. The Google Losing Lost Tribes Loss:
1. The Effects of Google Losing the Major Lost Ten Tribes Site.
2. David. Checked Yahoo.
3. Probable Cause A Technical Mistake on the Part of Google.
4. W: A Word of Encouragement Based on Misunderstanding the Issue.
B. Other Matters:
5. All books sent out!
6. New Feature.
BAC (Brit-Am Commentary) to 1-Chronicles.
7. Please Send Comments and Reactions to The Tribes 4th edition.
Brit-Am Now no. 1870
A. Other Matters.
1. Brian Sandridge: Hebrew-English Equivalents.
B. Google Goggled. Reactions from our Subscribers to Google.
2. Why Did Google Do It?
3. Robert Graves: Uses Google as Little as Possible.
4. Garry Umphress: National Malaise.
5. A. Seen Google Black Out Others.
6. Victor Michael Lashewitz: The Chinamen and Google.
7. Meredith Carpenter: Let's not jump to any conclusions.
8. Mark A. Robinson: Another media source says Google is anti-semitic.
9. Brian Weston: stay strong remain willing.
C. The Brit-Am Google Problem.
10. Brit-Am Summary of the Problem.
11. Replies (Possibly Automated) from Google.
(a) April 25. Request For Reconsideration.
(b) May 1. No Manual Actions (i.e. no human involvement) on the part of Google is responsible.
12. Other Google Points by Google Found Elsewhere: Not Enemies, Data Center Differences???
Brit-Am Now no. 1871
1. Yoel: Was the Great Depression Due to Anti-Jewish Prejudice?
2. Our book, The Khazars. Tribe 13.
3. New Article. Longtom and Shortjohn. Reply to Hate and Mendaciousness.
Brit-Am Answer to Brit-Am Exposed - Part 1.
Brit-Am Now no. 1872
1. Whatever happened to W. F. Dankenbring?
2. Question on the Picts.
3. Atlas Laster: Considering An Input from Ham and the Rechabites into Israel.
Brit-Am Now no. 1873
1. Robert Bowie Johnson: Naamah is Athena!
2. Article Upgraded. Finland and the Ten Tribes.
3. Upset by Longtom alias Avraham Sandor!
4. Alexander Zephyr: Disputing the Brit-Am Interpretation of the Black Woman!
5. Charlotte Mecklenburg: Some Remarks on Long Tom Inferior Superiority.
6. Question on China Being Sinim Instead of Australia and New Zealand.
7. David Jackson: Website Matter.
8. Mark wrote: ten tribes in the west on Google.
9. Update on the Google Gaggle.
10. Blessing to Brit-Am.
11. Question About the Germans and Assyria.
12. Question on Jeremiah 31 and Finding the Way Back.
Brit-Am Now no. 1874
1. Question Concerning Family Ancestry.
2. New Article. Slow-Down Planet? Is the Year Now longer?
A New Research Breakthrough Thanks to Velikovsky??? Or A Wild Goose Chase? by Yair Davidiy.
3. Upgraded Article. Is the USA Ephraim or Manasseh?
Brit-Am Now no. 1875
1. New Article. Brit-Am and Herbert Armstrong.
2. Only Two Weeks? Brit-Am Needs to Meet its Needs.
3. Does Brit-Am Inadvertently Put Up Barriers to Christians?
Brit-Am Now no. 1876
1. S. in Arizona: Very Pleased with Brit-Am.
2. The Message they want you not to Know!
3. Atlas Laster: Brit-Am Fulfills Need for Jewish Input.
4. Towa (in Japan): Google Marks Brit-Am E-Mail Message as Spam!
5. Duncan Long: BAC on Proverbs A Real Inspiration!
6. Nelson Thall: Very nice article on Mr. Armstrong.
7. New Article. Cimmerians, Celts, and Hebrews.
Other Possibilities Refuted.
Brit-Am Now no. 1877
1. What May Brit-Am Offer the Individual?
2. Brit-Am Update. New Organization to be Set Up Alongside Brit-Am: Hebrew Nations.
3. A Misunderstanding Straightened Out.
Letter from David Jackson followed by Clarification by Yair Davidiy.
Brit-Am Now no. 1878
1. Clarification. Re Relative Lack of Those Interested is Incorrect!
2. Clarification. Enemies.
3. Clarification. Jewish Sources.
4. Michelle Bowie: Celts and Chaldeans.
5. Mark A. Robinson: The Earth is Young.
6. Chuck Jean: Creatonist Origins of the Earth.
7. Andy: Likes Hebrew Nations!
Brit-Am Now no. 1879
1. Duane Hiebert : Remarks.
2. 2nd Brit-Am Web-Site reactivated.
3. Is Brit-Am Beginning to Get Back
in Google's Good Books?
Brit-Am Now no. 1880
1. Craig White (Australia): Recommends "The Tribes".
2. Owen Murphy: Pleased with BAC on Job.
3. S. Helped by BAC on Job.
Brit-Am Now no. 1881
1. New Article.
Friendly Shadows? Presaging the Messiah?
Shavuot, Ruth, Bethlehem, and New Archaeology Find.
2. New Articles on Brit-Am Israelite Statistics.
(a) A Hebrew Multitude.
(b) Israelite-Dominated Nations and World Population.
3. The Spoiled Brat Play-Boy Entertainment Aspect of Ephraim.
Is it worth Examining?
Brit-Am Now no. 1882
1. Shelley Cadd: IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE!
2. Wallace Robinson: Could the Reformation Have been the Beginning?
3. New Article.
Statistics: World Jewish Populations and the Ten Tribes.
Brit-Am Now no. 1883
1. New Article.
The Hebrew Nations: An Overview of Brit-Am Beliefs.
2. Mark Williams: The Name Cohen.
3. Marieta Louw: Economic Collapse May Bring the Israelites Home!
Brit-Am Now no. 1884
1. Remarks about the Japanese.
(a) The First Letter and Brit-Am Reply.
(b) Reply to Brit-Am Reply.
2. Question on Coming to Israel.
(a) The First Letter and Brit-Am Reply.
(b) Reply to Brit-Am Reply.
3. Need to Present Brit-Am as an Ideological Option.
The State of Israel, Western nations, and the USA are all in danger of Destruction.
4. Answer to Suggestion that Orthodox Jewish Scruples may be an Impediment.
5. Returning to Israel: Brit-Am may be the best chance.
6. Meredith Carpenter: God has a great plan!
7. Jonathan Caro: Pleased with The Tribes.
Brit-Am Now no. 1885
1. Andrew feels inspired by John and his wife.
2. Tracing Jewish Ancestry: 2nd Letter to John.
3. Alex Zafran: Remarks on Economic Collapse and the Coming of the Messiah.
Brit-Am Now no. 1886
1. Brit-Am Planned Activities.
2. Meredith Carpenter: Need to Repent.
3. Marieta Louw: Reply and Remark.
