1 June 2012 11 Sivan 5772
Brit-Am Now no. 1884
1. Remarks about the Japanese.
(a) The First Letter and Brit-Am Reply.
(b) Reply to Brit-Am Reply.
2. Question on Coming to Israel.
(a) The First Letter and Brit-Am Reply.
(b) Reply to Brit-Am Reply.
3. Need to Present Brit-Am as an Ideological Option.
The State of Israel, Western nations, and the USA are all in danger of Destruction.
4. Answer to Suggestion that Orthodox Jewish Scruples may be an Impediment.
5. Returning to Israel: Brit-Am may be the best chance.
6. Meredith Carpenter: God has a great plan!
7. Jonathan Caro: Pleased with The Tribes.
4 June 2012 14 Sivan 5772
Brit-Am Now no. 1885
1. Andrew feels inspired by John and his wife.
2. Tracing Jewish Ancestry: 2nd Letter to John.
3. Alex Zafran: Remarks on Economic Collapse and the Coming of the Messiah.
5 June 2012 15 Sivan 5772
Proverbs 11:1-4 Honesty is the best Policy.
Brit-Am Research Sources.
A collection of informational leads for further study.
5 June 2012, 15 Sivan 5772.
1. Jewish Descendants of King David.
2. Comments from Ha-Natziv on Yair, Manasseh, Ephraim, Dan.
3. How the USA Helped Establish the State of Israel.
Jerusalem News.
1. Reuben on the Warpath.
Why is France so Eager to Destroy Syria but not Nuclear Iran?
from Steven Shamrak.
2. British SAS [and US Seals] free four hostages in daring Afghanistan raid.
3. The problem was Oslo - not the occupation.
Brit-Am Now no. 1886
1. Brit-Am Planned Activities.
2. Meredith Carpenter: Need to Repent.
3. Marieta Louw: Reply and Remark.
6 June 2012 16 Sivan 5772
Lost Ex-Jewish Americans.
How Many Gentile Descendants of Jews in the USA are there?
Brit-Am Now no. 1887
1. Mark Williams: Similarities Between the Oral Torahic and Celto-Germanic Law.
2. Query Concerning the Island of Malta.
3. New Article.
Lost Ex-Jewish Americans.
How Many Gentile Descendants of Jews in the USA are there?
Job 6:20-30: The Victim is at Fault Syndrome.
8 June 2012 18 Sivan 5772
Brit-Am Now no. 1888
1. Andrew Jackson: Buy Sinai From Egypt!
2. GG: This means I'm a Jew!
3. Brian Patmore: Scripture in the British Common Law System.
Brit-Am Anthropology and DNA Update.
1. The Arab Beduin Intruders of Southern Israel.
2. Most British Blondes Are Fake.
3. Men's Hair and Eye Color Preferences.