Note: New Joseph Forum is a continuation of:
Ephraimite Forum
New Joseph Forum no.1
1. Who Really Are Ephraimites? Towards a definition?
2. Positive Aspects of Ephraimites
3. Negative or Questionable Elements amongst the Ephraimites
4. Ephraimite Criticizism of Judah and Brit-Am
5. A Poem: Judah says not "No"!
New Joseph Forum no.2
1. What then is the Brit-Am Message?
2. Why do we need NJF? Is it not repeating the task of Brit-Am Now?
3. Suggested Future Threads for NJF.
New Joseph Forum no.3
1. Brian Patmore: Why Should Joseph Not Be Recognized by Judah?
2. Yair Davidiy: Why Joseph is not recognized by Joseph himself!!
3. Dennis: Question on Other Groups Contacting Brit-Am Subscribers
New Joseph Forum no.4
1. Conspiracy Theory Ridiculed
History of Jewish Bankers conspiracies
2. Brit-Am Protest at the inclusion "British Identity"
in Ridicule of Conspiracy Theory
3. Reply to Ephraimite Complaint concerning funds
for Ethiopian Jews etc
New Joseph Forum no.5
1. Bert Lorenz: New Website
2. Mass Converts Pose Dilemma for Latin American Jews
3. Lost Israelites Still Feeling Lost while Drawing Close to Judah
New Joseph Forum no.6
1. Is Brit-Am Ungrateful to Ephraimites? Does Ephraim Owe Brit-Am Something?
2. Letter from a Dutch Clergymen about his congregation making Aliyah?
3. Michelle: Should Not Israelites Keep the Sabbath?
New Joseph Forum no.7
1. Afro-American Ephraimite Congregations?
2. Bnei Noach and Ephraimites?
3. Ephraimite Correspondence with Each Other?
New Joseph Forum no.8
1. Does Anybody owe Brit-Am Anything?
2. Amnon Goldberg Queries Brit-Am on Religious Matters.
Brit-Am in Turn Challenges both Judah and Joseph
3. Succot: An All-Ephraimite Seminar or a Brit-Am Ten Tribes Movement Get-Together?
New Joseph Forum no.9
1. The Khazars went through an Intermediate Stage Before Returning to Judaism!
2. Is the Ephraimite Mass-Acceptance of their Ancestry Taken too Much for Granted?
3. Query from New Zealand Regarding Judah Seeking the LTTs in Other Places.
4. Owen Murphy: Joes, Torah, and the Land of Israel
5. Jews Cannot Become Christians and Remain Jewish!
Extract followed by Brit-Am Note.
New Joseph Forum no.10
1. Roger Malone: Losing hope in Brit-Am messages
2. Is Brit-Am Perceived as #destroying the "gospel of grace"#??
3.Background to the Poem Judah says not "No"!
New Joseph Forum no.11
1. Charlotte Mecklenburg: Personal Reactions
2. Tess: Each should carry on with the understanding they now have
3. Karaites and Ephraimites
New Joseph Forum no.12
1.Rob from New Zealand:
An Alternate Calendar and the Otherness of Ephraim
Brit-Am Reply:
(a) The Brit-Am Involvement
(b) Anti-Jewish Contrariness
(c) Sanhedrin Wannabees
(d) Rabbinical Sources Employed by ALL authorities.
(e) Returning to the Law and Malachi 4
(f) Representative of Ephraim?
(g) Zechariah (8:23), the Ten Men, and identity of the Jew
2. Tess from New Zealand: The Way of Ephraim is Unique
3. The Hebrew Calendar and Biblical Sources
Biblical Sources on the Calendar
New Joseph Forum no.13
1. Norbert H: The Return of the Lost Ten Tribes
2. Is Brit-Am the ONLY Real Ephraimite Organization? no.2
3. New Sister Feature to New Joseph Forum
"Telling it Like it is"
New Joseph Forum no.14
1. Answer to Nathan Barratt: Ephraimites, Brit-Am, and the Law of Moses
2. Descendant of Joseph Wishes to Move to Israel with his Wife
3. Kevin Opp: Blessings and Cursings from the Bible
White People Do Not Get it but I Do!
4. Margie: John Darby was Mislead and Misleading!
5. MT: Not All of US Are White Men!
New Joseph Forum no.15
1. Questions from David Bedwell on the Jewish Attitude Towards Ephraimites
Keeping the Commandments
2. Difficult Questions to Ephraimites About Keeping the Commandments
3. Brit-Am Message from Avigdor
New Joseph Forum no.16
1. David Tempelhoff: Appreciates Transparency of Accounting
2. Obadiah Avrahami: 10-Tribers should support Brit-Am!
3. Richard Johnson: I do not mind you asking for funding.
New Joseph Forum no.17
1. Richard Johnson: Wish that Brit-Am Should be Acknowledged
Obadiah Avrahami's letter regarding support for Brit-Am
2. Herbert W. Armstrong College Students Contribute to Archaeological Findings
3. The struggle of Brit-Am, the Ten Tribes Movement, is the Struggle of Joseph
New Joseph Forum no.18
1. Answer to ??? about the Gentile Status of the Ten Tribes and Jewish Souls etc.
2. Tessa: "classified as full Israelites at the appointed time."
3. Two Letters from Michael J. and Three Main Subjects.
(a) Compromise with Palestinians and Arab Converts?
(b) Ephraimites as Muslims.
(c) Noachides
New Joseph Forum no.19
1. Michelle Bowie: Karaite Episode is just a Phase?
2. Tessa Beswick: "true Ephraimites", rejection of Rabbis and Need for Patience.
Brit-Am Protests Against The Attempted Emasculation of Brit-Am!
3. Towards a New definition of "Ephraimites".
New Joseph Forum no.20
1. Letter no.1. Et tu Brutus?
How the Rabbinical Ancestors of Yair Davidiy Crucified the Karaite Messiah of Gentile Peoples.
by Mark A. Robinson.
2. Letter no.2. Why Yair Davidiy Should Not Be Offended by Letter no.1!
by Mark A. Robinson.
3. Rabbi Avraham Feld on the Karaites.
New Joseph Forum no.21
1. Nehamia Gordon and "Faith Strengthened".
2. Wes Bullock: Karaism and Replacement Theology.
3. Answer to Michelle Bowie: Why are the Karaites a Menace?
New Joseph Forum no.22
1. Michelle Bowie: Churches Coming Back to Torah?
2. David Tennefos: Connection Through Ten Tribes to Judah.
3. Pastor James PS Templeton: The reason Judah gives more support.
Continued in:
Ephraimite Forum-127.
"Ephraimite Forum" Postings: Table of Contents: nos. 127 onwards.