see also:
Brit-Am Replies to Queries: Archaeology
Brit-Am Replies to Queries: Orjan
Brit-Am Replies to Queries: Linguistics
Brit-Am Replies to Queries: Scythians
Brit-Am Replies to Queries: Tarshish
1. What historical evidence is there to justify Brit-Am beliefs that the Lost Ten Tribes migrated to the west?
2. According to what Migratory Routes did the Ten Tribes come Westward?
3. Who Were the Hyksos?
4. What Connection did the Phoenicians have with Israel?
5. Who Were the Sea-Peoples?
6. Were the Celts Hebrews?
1. Question: What historical evidence is there to justify Brit-Am beliefs that the Lost Ten Tribes migrated to the west?
Answer: This question is answered in detail in our publications. An impression of our proofs is also to be found under the headings concerning Archaeology, and Linguistics.
Historical evidence is important and it does exist in abundance. Nevertheless the emphasis of Brit-Am is on
Biblical Proofs with the hsitorical evidence subservient to Scripture and considered as throwing light on Scriptural passages. Apart from that, a good portion of the total body of Brit-Am Literature involves historical studies one way or another in the wider sense.
Jean Francoise Le Petit ("Le Grande Chronicle. Ancienne et Moderne de Holland, Zeelande, Utrecht, Frise, Oversyseel, et de Groenungham", Dordrecht, 1601) related the tradition that a certain "Brutus" had expelled "giants" namedcafter Albion from Britain. These "giants" said Le Petit were refugees from Assyria who from Britain went to Holland and there intermixed with the Saxons who later invaded Britain. The related legends speaking of refugees from Assyria amongst the early Celts in Britain apparently were influenced by British sources since lost to us. Geoffrey of Monmouth related that "Brutus" found a large number of "giants" in Cornwall which is known as having had early Phoenician or Phoenician-Israelite contacts. The term "Albion" was another name for Britain. It is cognate with the name of Lebanon in northern Israel including or bordering on the Israelite territories of Asher, Dan, and Nephtali. The sacred stone (in the breastplate of the High Priest in the Temple of Jerusalem) of the Tribe of Asher was called "Tarshish". "Albion" in Roman accounts was considered a son of Neptune also known as Poseidon. The name "Neptune" has been associated with that of Nephtali and "Poseidon" with the "Sons of Dan". (NAHUM SLOUSCHZ, "Les Hebreo-Pheniciens. Introduction a l'Histoire Des Origines De La Colonisation Hebraique Dans Les Pays Mediteranee", Paris, 1909).
"The Cimmerians, Scythians, and Israel
"Various Traditions"
"Red Jews - or 'The Lost Ten Tribes?'"
"The Arabian Connection"
"Brit-Am Now"-246
#3. A Few Historical Points
"Brit-Am Now"-584
#2. Non-European Origins of Irishmen Not Acceptable to Conventional Academia?
"Brit-Am Now"-592
#3. Celtic Connection to the East in Music
#4. Ian McRae: Northern Sea-Land Routes
"Brit-Am Now"-594
#6. Mani and the MOON: A forgotten source
"Brit-Am Now"-362
#1. Old Testament Practices in Britain
"Brit-Am Now"-330
#3. New Historical Source or Literary Invention? From Syria to Wales.
"Brit-Am Now"-446
#3. Celtic, British, and Scandinavian Sources
"Brit-Am Now"-542
#5. The Cimmerians and the Later Celts
"Brit-Am Now"-625
#5. Dan in Ireland
"Brit-Am Now"-626
2. Question: According to what Migratory Routes did the Ten Tribes come Westward?
Answer: Below are the headings of the Major Migratory Movements. For details see our publications and relevant articles.

An old British-Israel Map showing the Migrations of the Lost Ten Tribes.
On the whole Brit-Am agrees with what is depicted.
(1). Movement by Sea: Phoenician and Philistine ships
working for the Assyrians transported Hebrews to Spain,
Gaul, and Britain.
(2). Movement by Land Northward
Ca.740-720 BCE: Israelites taken to North where they became identified with Cimmerians, Scyths, and Goths.
(3). Cimmerians-Israelites moved to Europe
(4). First Scythian Movements to Europe Ca. 550 BCE.
(5). Royal Scythians Move Westward 300-100 BCE.
(6). Barbarian Scythian-Israelites
associated with the Hun invasion of Europe in the 400s CE.
(7). The Danites and Nephtalites Move to Scandinavia
in the 400's to 600's CE.
(8). The Viking Invasions
(9). The Normans were descended from Vikings who settled in England, Ireland, Normandy (France),
and elsewhere.
(10). The Picts of Scotland and the Khazars who converted to Judaism were both derived from the Agathyrsy (of the Tribe of Manaaseh) of Scythia.
For details on Movements 11 and 12 below see our book "Joseph".
(11) From Germany to North America: In the 1700s and 1800s CE Israelites separated themselves from their non-Israelite neighbors and moved out to North America.
(12). The Rest of Europe
People of Israelite origin separated themselves from their non-Israelite moved to Israelite Nations.
See Also:
DNA #1. Question: What DNA Proof is there linking Brit-Am Western Peoples to the Middle East and AncientIsrael?
"Brit-Am Now"-317
Background Conditions that caused the Migrations:
"Brit-Am Now"-371
Climate Changes and Migrations in History
Historical Sources:
"Brit-Am Now"-21
# 3. JUDAESAPTAN, legendary kingdom in Austria
"Brit-Am Now"-22
#2. A Jewish Kingdom in Austria
"Brit-Am Now"-368
#1. Phoenicians
"Brit-Am Now"-305
#5. Amber
"Brit-Am Now"-300
#5. Question on Angles-Aegel
"Brit-Am Now"-301
#1. Betty Rhodes: The name "Aegel" was common amongst Saxons
"Brit-Am Now"-438
#2. Degree of Conventional Acceptance of Brit-Am Historical Explanations
3. Question: Who Were the Hyksos?
Answer: The Hyksos were native Egyptian rulers who were advised and influenced as a matter of principle by foreigners
especially those from the areas of Canaan. The Israelites were to a degree the bearers of Hyksos culture and identified with
the Hyksos in the eyes of others. The symbol of the Hyksos was a griffin which was also a symbol of the Tribe of Dan who appear to have become prominent at some stage in the Hyksos framework and are referred to in Greek tradition as the People of Danaus. In Irish tradition the ancestors of the Irish nation fulfilled the role of the Hyksos in Egyt whilst including Israelites within their ranks.
"Brit-Am Now"-307
#8. Archaeology: The Four-roomed house
4. Question: What Connection did the Phoenicians have with Israel?
Answer: The Phoenicians were Sea-going Canaanites who dwelt on the coasts. The Canaanite cities of Tyre and Sidon were major Phoenician cities. Some Israelites Tribes (such as Dan and Asher) were involved with the Phoenicians and sometimes identified with them. The Phoenicians also transported, on behalf of the Assyrian authorities, Israelite captives to areas of Phoenician influence over the sea to the west, to Spain, Gaul, and Britain.
Entries above to History Questions nos. 1 &2;
See also:
Entries on Archaeology especially Question no.4.
Orjan-Archaeology, etc.
"Brit-Am Now"-382
#4. Phoenician Finds in Spain
Cadiz (Gades) is revealing Phoenician pottery
"Brit-Am Now"-453
#5. Phoenician Participation
A. C. Lombardero: Phoenicians responsible for Celtic-Gaedel settlement in Gallicia in Spain. Phoenicians
had "effective monopoly of navigation and lucrative commerce that was related to
copper, tin, and bronze (coming from Galicia and the British Islands and
destined to the markets of the Mediterranean) until Roman times."
"Brit-Am Now"-191
#2. Phoenician Boats = Viking longships?
"Brit-Am Now"-474
#4. Phoenicians in Britain
Rochelle Altman: Phoenicians were in
Britain from ancient times. Christianity came to Britain
via the overseas connections of the Phoenician community.
Question 5. Who Were the Sea-Peoples?
"Brit-Am Now"-11
#5. David Livingstone: Who were the Sea Peoples?
6. Question: Were the Celts Hebrews?
Answer: The Celts or at least the Western Celts appear to have referred to themselves as "Iberi" or "Hiberi" meaning "Hebrew". In the British Isles at least there is no evidence that they or anyone else in their own time called them "Celts" but they did call them "iberi". "Hebrew" can connote "Wanderer" and the name "Scotti" has also been attributed a similar meaning through there exists no unanimous opinion on this matter. The names "Celt" and "Scotti" have also both been interpreted to mean "hidden".
"Brit-Am Now"-160
#The British HEBREWS
"Brit-Am Now"-623
"Brit-Am Now"-169
#4. woodrow lovett :The Celtic Toe
#5. The Celts by Raymond E. Hunter (extracts)
"Brit-Am Now"-170
#2. Question on the big toe and Celtic people.
#3. More Toes and Some Red Heads
"Brit-Am Now"-171
#1. Joan Griffith : Celtic Toes
#2. Betty Rhodes: Celtic features [and the "toe" question]
"Brit-Am Now"-298
#1. Hebrew Celtic Namesakes no.1
"Brit-Am Now"-299
#2. Hebrew Celtic Namesakes no.2
"Brit-Am Now"-304
#1. Hebrew Celtic Namesakes no.3:
YAIR of Judah, Manasseh, Scotland, and Ireland all in One!
"Brit-Am Now"-308
#7. Hebrew Celtic Namesakes no.4: Druids and the gods of Gaul
"Brit-Am Now"-312
#3. Hebrew Celtic Namesakes no.5: Gilead
"Brit-Am Now"-315
#4. Hebrew Celtic Namesakes no.6: The Hebrew Celts
"Brit-Am Now"-191
#2. Phoenician Boats = Viking longships?
"Brit-Am Now"-317
(a) Movement by Sea
(b) Movement by Land Northward
(c) Cimmerians to Europe and Galatian-Gaul
(d) First Scythian Movements to Europe
(e) Royal Scythians Move Westward
(f) Barbarian Scythians
(g) The Danites and Nephtalites Move to Scandinavia
(h) The Viking Invasions
(i) The Normans
(j) The Picts and Khazars
(k) From Germany to North America
(l) The rest of Europe
"Brit-Am Now"-368
#1. Phoenicians
#2. John Salverda: Europa Lost
"Brit-Am Now"-370
#3. Climate Changes and Migrations in History
"Brit-Am Now"-372
#2. Celtic Roots
"Brit-Am Now"-382
#7. Historical Developments and The Last Days
"Brit-Am Now"-390
#3. Sceath
"Brit-Am Now"-394
#4. Feet and Origin: Is there a Tribal Foot?
"Brit-Am Now"-396
#2. Curiosities: The Changing heights of Human Races
"Brit-Am Now"-409
#3. Dafydd Cotter: Points of Interest
"Brit-Am Now"-412
#4. Question on Ancient History
"Brit-Am Now"-415
#3. Question on Gu-ti
"Brit-Am Now"-417
#5. Question on Celtic Hebrews
"Brit-Am Now"-436
#1. Question on Phocia (Ionian Greece) and Phaeacia (Britain)?
"Brit-Am Now"-483
#1. Sparta: Israel or Edom?
"Brit-Am Now"-495
#3. New Finds Confirm Brit-Am Historical Explanations?
#4. Article on the Herules of Gad
"Brit-Am Now"-535
#3. History: Halstatt and the Early Celts part one
"Brit-Am Now"-536
#1. Halstatt part two
"Brit-Am Now"-537
#1. Brit-AM Claims Justified by New Studies: Changes in "ancient genetic patterns."(Migration)
Brit-Am Now"-543
#9. Meaning of the Name "Celt"
"Brit-Am Now"-548
#2. The Parthians and Israel
#6. Tore Gannholm: Ancient Swedish Connections to the Middle East
#4. Ian McRae: Northern Sea-Land Routes
#7. Brit-Am Historical Research Conclusions Strengthened
(Scythians to the West)
(Phoneicians in Scandinavia)
#1. (c) Israelite Traditions Prominent in Greek Mythology
#2. Phoenicians and the Like
#3. Brit-Am Updates on Tarshish
#4. Ancient Britain, Phoenicians, Horses
#6. Atlantis and Tarshish
#1. "Mousehole of the Phoenicians"
#4. Arthur & Rosalind Eedle: "THE TIN ISLANDS"
#4. Gold and Silver in Ancient Ireland??
#5. Hebrew, Celtic, and Scythian Art
#7. Gold in Bronze Age Ireland
#7. Welsh Daffodils and the Phoenicians?
#3. Question about the Ancient Greeks
#2. Walter Baucum: Philistines and Pelasgians
#2. Populations Increase and "Bottlenecks": A Biblical Precedent
#1. Were The Celts More Advanced Than the Romans?
#3. Phoenicians in South America?
#2. Historical Interest: "Anglo-Saxon Mass Migration"
#2. Walt Baucum: The Solomon Building
#2. Robert Jones: Assyrians
#5. Sha'ul Suhr: Agreement
#1. Goths and Parthians?
#2. Steve Collins: Parthian-Goths
#5. Peter Piper: Historical Observations?
#2. Interesting and important article on Ptolemy
#4. Historical Achievements Due to Bible Study
#3. Black Athena -3rd Volume
#2. Herman L. Hoeh: Compendium of World History
#2. Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III - Close Up of Jehu
#1. Teeth unravel Anglo-Saxon legacy
#5. Criticisms on "What Spake Zarathustra?"
#2. Historical Studies Justify Brit-Am Researches
#1. The Worship of Baal in North Europe of Ancient
#1. Philistines, Crete, Israelites, and Northern Europe
#1. The Northwest Peoples: Neither Celtic nor Germanic
#5. Ancient Britons from "Armenia" or France? (a)
#6. Ancient Britons from "Armenia" or France? (b)
#2. Dr David Faux -a new positive force
Brit-Am Now"-966
#3. Questions: About Celts and Hebrew Origins
Jerusalem News-305
#4. Periodical Height Differences in History
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