Contents of "Brit-Am Now" Postings
Previous nos. 1801 to 1886
nos. 1887 to 2000 |
Contents of "Brit-Am Now" Postings:
"Brit-Am Now" nos 1887 to 2000
Brit-Am Now no. 1887
1. Mark Williams: Similarities Between the Oral Torahic and Celto-Germanic Law.
2. Query Concerning the Island of Malta.
3. New Article.
Lost Ex-Jewish Americans.
How Many Gentile Descendants of Jews in the USA are there?
Brit-Am Now no. 1888
1. Andrew Jackson: Buy Sinai From Egypt!
2. GG: This means I'm a Jew!
3. Brian Patmore: Scripture in the British Common Law System.
Brit-Am Now no. 1889
1. New Article.
Lone Option. Brit-Am and the Jewish Do-Gooders: The Difference Between Us.
2. New Article.
Wilderness of the Nations by Alexander Zephyr.
3. The Google Gaggle Goes On.
Brit-Am Now no. 1890
1. Meredith Carpenter: Americans like to be armed!!
2. Nan: wonderful and reinforce in me who I am.
3. Catherine. Very Compelling.
4. Vanessa. Agrees.
5. Esther: Supporter.
6. New YouTube Clip. General Overall View.
7. Question on the Jews and Levi, a Nation of Priests?
Brit-Am Now no. 1891
1. New Brit-Am YouTube Clips:
(a) Lost Ten Tribes More General Points.
(b) Proverbs ch.11 First Part.
2. Comment on Tarshish.
3. New Article.
Wahhabi Woes.
Who's Who in the Sunni Shiite Muslim World? Religion and Minorities.
Part One.
Brit-Am Now no. 1892
1. Henry Rhea: Islam Wants the Whole World!
2. J wrote: Problem with Brit-Am Position on Evolution.
3. Amazing Grace as Background Music.
4. New YouTube Clip: Comparisons Proverbs 11 pt.2.
5. Query Concerning Dan In Ireland.
6. Query on Etymology, Scythians, and Irish Celts.
7. Query: How Can You Be Sure?
8. Reply to Query on China and Sinim.
9. Letter from the UK.
10. Personal Experience and Meaning of Family Names.
Brit-Am Now no. 1893
1. Request for your financial support from Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations.
2. Google Gaggle Continues. No Explanation has been received.
3. Brit-Am Statistics. New Revelations. Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
(a) Total Number of Subscribers to Brit-Am e-mail List.
(b) Visits to our web-site and other characteristics.
(c) Brit-Am YouTube Viewing.
4. Requests to Lower Volume of Background Music on YouTube Clips.
5. Jackie Bourg: Descendants of Jews from Majorca Amongst French Canadians.
6. Meredith Carpenter: All I need to know about Islam.
7. Esther:
(a) Query about the Lost Tribes and Aliyah. Brit-Am Answer.
(b) Further Comment by Esther: Greek Christians Would Murder Circumcised Children!
8. Pam McCall: Judah to Arrive first!
9. Enough Lack of Response to Brit-Am.
Brit-Am Now no. 1894
1. New YouTube Video Clip and Upgraded Article.
You Lucky People! King David and Repentance.
(a) Extract from R.B. Wein re the Needed Unity of all Israel.
(b) Praise of The Tribes and Yair.
3. Harte Joseph: Some Druids became Rabbis.
Brit-Am Now no. 1895
1. Mariaan: South Africa and God's Covenant people.
2. Statistics: More Possibilities.
3. Rabbi Kook: Understanding of Israel and Humankind.
4. David Jackson: Evolution Theory is Like a Religion!
5. Meredith Carpenter: Tribute to Yair.
6. Question on "eretz acheret".
7. New Article.
Arabia. Who's Who in the Sunni-Shiite Muslim World?
Islamic Religion and Minorities. Part Two.
Brit-Am Now no. 1896
1. New YouTube Clips.
(a) Stages of Exile.
(b) Completeness of the Exile.
2. Brian Weston: Poor response may be a sign that the end is very, very near.
3. Melvin: Many Jewish Surnames in Malta!
4. Sarah: Comments re Yair on YouTube.
5. Chronicles of Eri.
Brit-Am Now no. 1897
1. Letter Against Homosexuality sent by Yair to an Academic Forum.
2. New Article. Goat Grit.
Handling Transfer with Kid Gloves and Encouraging Palestinian Emigration.
3. Meredith Carpenter: Enjoyed Response of Subscribers.
Brit-Am Now no. 1898
1. New YouTube Video Clip.
Pro-Jewish Israelites. The British in Palestine.
2. Brian Patmore: Comments.
3. Meredith Carpenter: More Comments.
Brit-Am Now no. 1899
1. New Article.
The Two Houses Together in the Re-Conquest
by John Hulley (Richards).
2. New Article and Report of Meeting.
The Striped-Tie Triad.
Brit-Am Ephraimite Mini-Summit in Jerusalem.
Subject of Discussion: Proposed Establishment of Ten Tribes Colonies in Israel and the Middle East.
3. Meredith Carpenter: In Praise of Britain.
Brit-Am Now no. 1900
1. Correspondence on The Striped-Tie Triad.
Do the Ten Tribes Needs to Be Settled in Israel or Along its Borders?
2. Question on the correct Translation of Hosea 10:11.
3. New Map of Greater Israel.
Brit-Am Now no. 1901
1. New Brit-Am YouTube Clip. Proof of Josephite Origin: The UN-US Vote for Partition.
2. New Article.
The UN-US of Joseph Vote for Partition.
A Brit-Am perspective.
3. Duane Hiebert: Prepared to be a ploughman!
4. Pleased with Clarification of Difference Between Judah and Israel.
5. Thoughts from Chris Josephson.
Brit-Am Now no. 1902
1.Submission of Articles to Brit-Am: Requirements.
2. yairdavidiy's channel.
3. Query on the Present Day and Predictions of the Sages.
Brit-Am Now no. 1903
1. Question Concerning Ten Tribes amongst Jewish Sephardim.
2. Coincidences or Divine Providence? Keep your EYES Open!
3. Question about the name Yankee.
4. A Proud Jew Criticizes the British.
5. The Almighty has Blessed Brit-Am and Us Personally.
6. New YouTube Clip. Large Numbers Were Exiled.
7. New YouTube Clip. A Great Many People.
Brit-Am Now no. 1904
1. Trevor Barnes from South Africa: The Dutch Yank also means Yaacob!
2. New Article. Judah and Ephraim Need Each Other!
The Separate Tasks in One Verse.
3. New YouTube Video Clip
Judah and Ephraim Need Each Other!
Brit-Am Now no. 1905
1. New YouTube Clip and Article.
Awareness of Your Israelite Ancestry is Imperative!
Awareness of Israelite Origins and National Survival.
2. Charlotte Mecklenburg: Judah and Joseph.
3. New Article.
A Call to Israelites of Britain and the West by Alistair Williams
Considerations of Hosea 10.
4. Query Concerning Whether or Not to Convert to Judaism.
5. Was the Expression "Needed for National Survival" Exaggerated?
Brit-Am Now no. 1906
1. Certain e-mails to be posted later.
2. YouTube Channel Re-Arranged and Re-Located by YouTube (not us).
3. New Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations Web-Site in preparation.
4. Pleased with YouTube Clip.
5. Keven Benefield: BRIT-AM remains at the leading edge
Brit-Am Now no. 1907
1. New Article and YouTube Clip. Highlights from the Book of Zechariah.
2. New Article and YouTube Clip. To Rebuild the Temple.
3. Nan on Brit-Am YouTube Clips.
Brit-Am Now no. 1908
1. Kevin Benefield: Pleased with The Tribes.
2. Fredrick: Comments on Latest YouTube Clips.
3. Reply to Query About Coming to Israel.
4. Atlas Laster: Ephraim Distraught?
5. Cristian Sildan: Early Christian European History Needs to be Taken into Persecutive.
6. Meredith Carpenter: The USA is not all that Bad!
7. Brian Somers: Initial Reactions; and Brit-Am Reply: Each has their Role to Play.
8. Demoralisation Due to Negative YouTube Clips About the Royal Family.
9. Wil: Ephraim and England connected to dual prophecy.
10. Steven K: A Few Questions about Prophecy and Tribal Inheritance etc.
11. Michelle Bowie: Hebrew Roots Movement Happening among Christian Churches.
12. Pete: Remarks and Query on Ancient Hebrew versus Modern Hebrew and English.
Brit-Am Now no. 1909
1. Announcing the New Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations Web Site.
2. Reactions to the New Site:
(1) Jonathan Caro: Lovely site transformation!
(2) Bill Rasmussen: Greets the Site with Mixed Feelings.
(3) Mark Williams: It looks cool.
(4) John: Much Better!
(5) OvadYah: KOL HA'KAVOD! [Hebrew, "All Honor" i.e. Well Done!].
3. Answer to Query Concerning the Mother of the Future Messiah Coming from Dan or Naphtali.
4. New Article.
The Yom Kippur War. The Fight of Israel for Survival in 1973, US Support, and its World-Shattering Significance for Yair Davidiy.
5. John Salverda: Brit-Am Does Not Give Enough Room.
TO CONTINUE (1910 ) Onwards.