Contents of "Brit-Am Now" Postings
Contents of "Brit-Am Now" Postings:
"Brit-Am Now" nos 1601 to 1800
"Brit-Am Now"-1601
1. Brit-Am Replies to Query by Diane Herndon: You Were Born As You Agreed and Wished to Be!
2. Brit-Am Replies to Query by Cherie Koch: Muslims Need to be Set in Place!
3. Brit-Am Replies to Query by Stella: Royal Family not Really Royal??
"Brit-Am Now"-1602
1. Michelle Bowie: Talmudic Saying Encompassed by Scripture.
2. Discovering Scottish and Jewish Roots: An Individual Experience.
3. More Articles that were Recently Updated and Information Added.
"Brit-Am Now"-1603
1. New Articles:
(a) Israelite Tribes Amongst Germanic Linguistic Groups.
Foreword and List of Contents.
(b) Germania and Tacitus: Israelite Origins.
2. Fulp van der Velden: The Rechabites Will Return with Israel.
3. Jeremiah 5: NKJV verses; Brit-Am Summary; Extracts from Brit-Am Commentary.
"Brit-Am Now"-1604
1. Brian Patmore: Both Houses of Israel are Under Siege by Islam!
2. Owen Murphy: Are SDAs Rechabites?
3. New Article: The Israelite-Ireland-Jewish Problem.
"The Confusion of the Irish" by Konrad Siegfried.
4. Need for Individuals to Find their Own Way.
5. Melody: How can I find out if I am Jewish?
6. Reb Y: Question about Lithuanians and Israel.
7. Shelley: Question About Coming to Work in Israel and Brit-Am Answer.
"Brit-Am Now"-1605
1. Steven Collins: Were Catapults a Secret Weapon of Ancient Israel?
2. Articles Updated, Information Added.
Various Celtic Traditions.
(14. Irish Mythology: Semiramus, Bartholomew, and Partholon.
(15. The Ladder of Jacob and the Stone of Scone.
(16. Early Hebrew Practices of the Celtic Peoples.
(17. The Chronicles of Eri.
(18. Morgan-Pelagius.
The Mosaic Faith as a Legitimate Alternative!
3. Deb: "Happy Thanksgiving Yair !!!!!
"Brit-Am Now"-1606
1. New Article:
"Arouse Yourself! O Israel!"
by Avigdor
2. A New Ongoing Brit-Am Series:
What Should the Ten Tribes Do?
3. New Article:
THE JOSEPH PROJECT by Eddie Chumney.
"Brit-Am Now"-1607
1. New Article:
Scandinavian Legends and the Hebrew Bible.
"The Aesir Legends from Norse Mythology" by John R. Salverda.
2. Rick Secoy: Question about the spelling of the name "G-d"?
3. Question from Avigdor Re Deleted Passage About Predicted Coming Events.
4. Additions to article: What Should the Ten Tribes Do?
#1. The Brit-Am View. What About Joseph Knowing as Well?
#2. At First only a Minority from the Ten Tribes Returns and Attaches Itself to Judah!
5. Questions from P. About Drink and the Bible, Jews and Witchcraft.
"Brit-Am Now"-1608
1. Comment on You Tube Brit-Am Clips: You speak the truth.
2. Alistair Williams: House of Rahab (Secret Adherents of Joseph) Awakening; Visitation has Begun!
A Response to the article:
Arouse Yourself! O Israel! by Avigdor.
3. Bruce McKerras: Biblical Sources Showing that ISRAEL AND JUDAH are not rejoined as yet.
"Brit-Am Now"-1609
1. New Article and Brit-Am Reply:
John R. Salverda: The Ten Tribes are Christian! What is Judah prepared to do about it?
Brit-Am Reply: What is Joseph Prepared to do for Brit-Am?
Conciliation and Tolerance: Reply by John Salverda.
3. Brian Sandridge: New Subscriber and Remark on Wales.
"Brit-Am Now"-1610
1. Dennis McGinlay:
So called 'Christian' nations will make war on the Messiah at his coming.
2. Chanukha.
(a) Does Chanukhah have Pagan Origins? Hindu Imitations.
(b) Brit-Am and Other Sources About Chanukha.
3. New Article:
Chanukha and the Lost Ten Tribes.
"Brit-Am Now"-1611
1. Appreciation for Brit-Am.
2. Alistair Williams: The Heathen have Contempt for both Judah and Joseph!!
3. The Book of Jeremiah chapter 6.
"Brit-Am Now"-1612
1. Question Concerning South & Central America, Caribbean, and Mexico.
2. Damon Casale: Insights re the Chosen from Birth.
3. New Article:
Are the Ten Tribes Like Ethiopians????
"Brit-Am Now"-1613
1. Bo Ronn: Israelite Scandinavia Betrayed from Within?
2. Compliments to Brit-Am.
3. The Midrash on Unity Between Judah and Joseph.
"Brit-Am Now"-1614
1. New Article:
More Rabbinical Affirmation of Brit-Am Findings.
The Rabbi Said: GOMER is a Name of Israelites!
2. The Brit-Am Web Site. Some Figures.
3. John Hulley: Nobel Prices for Science.
"Brit-Am Now"-1615
1. New Article:
The Ten Tribes were all Exiled and are Amongst Western Peoples!
Polemics: David Parsons Refuted!
2. Alistair Williams: Remarks on the Gomer-Cimmerians Article.
"Brit-Am Now"-1616
1. Timothy F Murray: Is Ten Tribe Arousal amongst the Signs presaging the nearness of the
2. Kevin: Brit-Am Web Site is "Our Site"!
3. Brian S.: General and Linguistic Observations.
"Brit-Am Now"-1617
1. Dennis McGinlay: "The road has been rocky!"
2. Brit-Am Renewed Appeal and Poem.
3. Brit-Am Appeal Intended in All Seriousness!
4. Problems with PayPal? Please Write Us!
5. Different Christian Attitudes to Israel Categorized.
6. Additions to Article:
Electricity on Sabbath: An Alternative Approach?
7. Insight from Eddie Chumney:
Does Isaiah 49 indicate that Christian Zionists etc are from the Ten Tribes?
"Brit-Am Now"-1618
1. New-Old Article:
Joseph in the Eyes of the "Rebbe."
Characteristics of the Tribes According to Rabbinical Sources.
2. Brit-Am .mp3 Recordings.
Compliment and Query from Oregon USA.
3. New Article:
The "Mission" and Goals of Brit-Am.
"Brit-Am Now"-1619
1. Query About the Possible Jewish Lineage of a South African Huguenot Family.
2. Question Concerning the Confusion of Gomer with Israel.
3. Gomer Nations with whom Israelites Intermixed.
"Brit-Am Now"-1620
1. Where does the Funding for Brit-Am Come From?
2. Henry Rhea: "Recent emphasis on Gomer is interesting".
3. Patmore: Is Gomer "a type of the wayward House of Israel/Ephraim"?
"Brit-Am Now"-1621
1. Tim Griffiths: Hebrew Influence in Japan Due to Trading Contacts not Race!
2. Brit-Am Poetry Revisited.
3. Janelle: Thanks to Brit-Am!
"Brit-Am Now"-1622
1. Pastor James PS Templeton: Brit-Am Should Learn from Nehemiah!
2. Answer to Question by George Helon about the Brit-Am Rose.
3. Answer to Query by Nancy concerning the Tribe of Asher.
4. The Brit-Am Relevance of News Features to be Explained!!
5. Steven Collins (Brit-Am Ally) Interviewed by TRUNEWS.
"Brit-Am Now"-1623
1. Winston Churchill, the Threat from Germany (1911), and a Biblical Message.
2. Rob Moore from New Zealand: Joseph to Bring the "Great Deliverance"!
3. Answer to Question about Finding Individual Israelite Identity.
"Brit-Am Now"-1624
1. Natalie Pavlik: The Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and Ancient Israel.
2. Steve Mathe: The "Function" of the Covenant and Brit-Am.
3. The Unwanted American Empire?
"Brit-Am Now"-1625
1. New Article:
"Pelops, Ahab and the Achaeans" by John R. Salverda.
2. Hidden Stevens and Joseph!
3. War Time Speech by Hugh Davis in Darjeeling, India.
"Brit-Am Now"-1626
1. David Jackson: Have the European Israelites Migrated Out?
2. Cherie Koch: India, the Brahmans, and Abraham.
3. New Article:
Abraham in Greek Mythology by John R. Salverda.
"Brit-Am Now"-1627
1. New Article:
"The Origins of Japanese Populations" by KINO.
2. New Entry: Early Israelite Origins Belief in England.
Thomas Tarry 1650, Thomas Vernier 1657, British Israel, Edward Hine.
3. India and Abraham: Letters and Sources.
(a) Michelle Bowie: Brahmans sons of Abraham's Concubines?
(b) John Salverda: Abraham and Hinduism?
(c) Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson and Biblical Elements in Hinduism.
4. New Article:
My Brother's Keeper. The Obligation to Spread Israelite Awareness!
5. Brian Farmer: The Town-Name of "Purity" in Ohio.
"Brit-Am Now"-1628
1. Christianity as a Prophesied Characteristic of the Ten Tribes.
2. Ronald: Brit-Am Confirms Israelite Identification.
3. Are the Brit-Am Proofs and Evidence Mere Speculation?
"Brit-Am Now"-1629
1. Brit-Am,and Christian Zionists, etc
(a) Yair Davidiy Replies to Query.
(b) Eddie Chumney also Replies to Same Query.
(c) The Brit-Am Position.
2. Charlotte Mecklenburg: Possible Israelites in Japan and New Guinea etc?
3. Reactions to the availability of "The Vision Was There" by Franz Kobler.
(a) Ron Fraser: "an invaluable service".
(b) Stephen G. McLeod: "the world is in dire need of its message!"
"Brit-Am Now"-1630
1. YouTube Message About Brit-Am.
2. Brian Sandridge: "They called themselves LOVERS OF ZION!"
3. Brit-Am Replies to a Query about the Israelite Origin of a Personal Family Name.
4. Brit-Am Replies to Query Concerning the Adoption of Jewish Customs.
5. Rich Signs In!
6. Need to Inform Brit-Am About Mistakes, Typos, Links that do not work etc.
7. Dream About Israel and Belonging to the Tribes of Israel?
"Brit-Am Now"-1631
1. Susanna: Grateful for Brit-Am. "It truly is the best!"
2. New Article:
Religious Zionism, Jewish anti-Zionism, and the Lost Ten Tribes Today.
by Alexander Zephyr.
3. Shelley: Brit-Am Helps Keep Me Going!
"Brit-Am Now"-1632
1. Brit-Am is Blessed and a Source of Blessing!
2. Daniel Duffield: Letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu on behalf of Ephraim.
3. New Article:
Henry Rhea: The Need for Divine Sanction and Brit-Am Reply.
"Brit-Am Now"-1633
1. Hopes to Meet us in Israel!
2. Brit-Am Scenario for the End Times.
3. Question on Hebrew Term.
"Brit-Am Now"-1634
1. Letter from the Netherlands Confirms Brit-Am Remark about Holland in Biblical Codes.
2. First Replies to Brit-Am Questionnaire.
3. What Difference Could a Rebuilt Temple Make to Us?
"Brit-Am Now"-1635
1. Vincent: The book "Biblical Truth" is Fascinating!
2. Brit-Am Questionnaire: First 12 Replies.
3. Duane Hiebert: Questions about the Motivation of Brit-Am and "Ephraim" Terminology.
4. Question about the Golden Bull Calves of Samaria.
5. Brit-Am Message and Call for Offerings and Note.
"Brit-Am Now"-1636
1. Not Convinced by YouTube Clip!
2. Brit-Am Questionnaire:
More Observations. Additional Replies.
3. Moses Commanded Tithes!!
Mini-Article Discussion.
"Brit-Am Now"-1637
1. The Brit-Am Questionnaire and Interim Practical Conclusions.
2. Movement of Palestinians to South America proposed by Condoleeza
Rice Representing US Policy!
3. YouTube Compliment to Brit-Am.
4. Athol Bloomer: Give Brit-Am a Fair-go!
5. Edgar Pinto Xavier: This is what Brit-Am Talked About!
Movement of Palestinians to South America.
"Brit-Am Now"-1638
1. Flying Palestinians to the West: What Does Isaiah 11:14 Really Say?
2. Mikko (from Finland): Remember the Brit-Am Web-Site is Unique in What it Offers!
3. Ronald Ferguson: Brit-Am Has Not offended!
"Brit-Am Now"-1639
1. What Does Brit-Am Want?
2. Shily: Makes Brit-Am a Priority!
3. New Reply to the Brit-Am Questionnaire.
4. Answer to Query: Why is Brit-Am Not More Successful?
5. Is Hosea chapter nine coming to life NOW in Egypt?
"Brit-Am Now"-1640
1. Brian Sandridge: Linguistic Evidence.
2. Relative Intellectual Levels in Biblical Times?
3. New Brit-Am YouTube: Introduction to Hosea.
"Brit-Am Now"-1641
1. Comments on New Hosea YouTube Clip.
2. Amnon Goldberg: Egypt predicted?
3. What is Going to happen to Jacob (America/Britain)?
"Brit-Am Now"-1642
1. Brit-Am Interpretation of Isaiah 11:14 Disputed by Meyer Stahl and Brit-Am Reply.
2. Brian Sandridge: Some English-Hebrew Possibilities.
3. New YouTube Video Clip: Australia-Sinim.avi.
4. Question on the Dacians in Rumania.
5. New Article: "Prove Loyalty to Your Israelite Ancestors.
- Help Brit-Am" by Avigdor.
"Brit-Am Now"-1643
1. Question on Glenn Beck, George Soros, and Conspiracy Ideas.
2. Cristian Sildan: Israelites and Others in Rumania.
3. Ron Ferguson: The Islamic Problem is NOT Israel!
4. Duane Hiebert: Bless You for Your Compasion!
5. Alexander Zephyr: Prophecies of Isaiah 11.
6. Jim Wright: Interesting Titbits About Family Names and Israelite Origins.
7. Need to Establish Brit-Am Doctrine re Israelite Identity.
Judah is Not Asking for Favors!
"Brit-Am Now"-1644
1. Positive Reactions to "Prove Loyalty to Your Israelite Ancestors" by Avigdor.
(a) Pleased with Message from Avigdor.
(b) Beautifully-written, Avigdor! I'm in for 12!
2. Duane Hiebert: Message from Brit-Am Bible Study.
3. Cristian Sildan: Biblical Insights from Velikovsky?
"Brit-Am Now"-1645
1. New YouTube Clip:
Britain, France and the Ten Tribes (Obadiah 1:20).
2. Germany, Anti-Semites, and Israelite Origins.
3. A Negative Reaction to "Prove Loyalty to Your Israelite Ancestors"
and Brit-Am Reply.
"Brit-Am Now"-1646
1. New YouTube Clip: Abarbanel. The 14 Principles of Prophecy.avi
2. Avigdor Replies to Criticism.The Golden Gate and Brit-Am.
3. Michelle Bowie: Aspects of Mosaic Law Existed Before Moses!
4. Brit-Am Message: Noachide Thread Closing Down. New Policy Avoids
Extraneous Controversies.
5. Noachides and Brit-Am: Historical Considerations.
"Brit-Am Now"-1647
1. New Brit-Am YouTube Clip. Promised Blessings to Abraham.avi
2. New Brit-Am YouTube Clip. Promised Blessings to Isaac.avi
3. Bagpipes in the Bible. Rashi; A New Source.
"Brit-Am Now"-1648
1. Query About Middle East Origins of Scandinavian Mythology.
2. Queries About Edomites, the Catholic Church, and Japan.
3. Query Concerning the Israelite Origins of Ancient Settlers of the British Isles.
"Brit-Am Now"-1649
1. Question about the Lands of Edom, Moab, and Ammon.
2. New YouTube Clip: Dan and Judgment.avi.
3. New Article: The Tribe of Dan, Judgment, and Justice.
4. Ingileif: Phoenician Danites and Benjaminites
-Lebanese Phoenician Fashions Amongst Traditional Icelanders!?
5. Foremost Rabbinical Opinion: Britain to Become Part of the Land of Israel?
"Brit-Am Now"-1650
1. Dafydd Cotter: Denmark as a Danite Example for all Israelites!
2. Books Received.
"Who Were the Phoenicians?" by Nissim R. Gannor, Israel, 2009.
3. Message from Finland: Indications of Origin from Ephraim?
4. Appreciates YouTube Clip.
5. Question from South Africa re Biblical Agricultural Laws.
6. Question About Possible Moloch Practices in Polynesia and Paraguay.
7. New Article:
Did the Jews Know Where the Ten Tribes Are?
"Brit-Am Now"-1651
1. John Salverda : Recommends Gannor's book "Who Were the Phoenicians?"
2. New Brit-Am YouTube Clip. Jewish Knowledge of the Ten Tribes.avi
3. New Jewish Futuristic Source. Interesting Possibilities.
"Brit-Am Now"-1652
1. Message from Avigdor
on 2-Kings 17:32-41.
The Need for the Ten Tribes to Repent.
2. Question Concerning Identity of anti-Jewish Offender.
3. New Article:
THE WARS of GOG and MAGOG by Alexander Zephyr.
Part One.
In Criticism of the Great Scholar and Esteemed Ally of Brit-Am, Steven Collins.
"Brit-Am Now"-1653
1. Brit-Am Radio Interview with Rachel Cohen and Cynthia Grace.
2. THE WARS of GOG and MAGOG by Alexander Zephyr. Part Two.
Different Explanations as to the Identity of Gog.
3. Reactions to Part One of THE WARS of GOG and MAGOG
by Alexander Zephyr.
(a) Edward Anderson: Israelites to be Re-Gathered to Israel!
(b) Jim Wright: Huge Difference between The Day of The LORD and the Gog/Magog Attempted Invasion!
4. Alexander Zephyr: Judah and Joseph Will Combine to Defeat Semitic Opponents!
5. Message from Steven Collins re Brit-Am Radio Interview.
"Brit-Am Now"-1654
1. Reaction to Radio Show with Rachel Cohen and Cynthia Grace.
2. New Article. THE LAND OF MAGOG., Part 3 of THE WARS of GOG and MAGOG by Alexander Zephyr.
3. Joan Griffith: Genealogies.
"Brit-Am Now"-1655
1. Appreciation of Brit-Am.
2. Query on First Appearance of the Scythians.
3. New Subscriber from Ireland.
Part Four of
The WARS of GOG and MAGOG by Alexander Zephyr.
5. New Brit-Am Book in Preparation. Hosea
"Brit-Am Now"-1656
1. Cam Rea: Great broadcast Yair!
2. Arieh Liked THE 'DRY BONE' AND 'TWO STICKS' PROPHECIES by Alexander Zephyr.
3. Randy Appreciates Brit-Am.
"Brit-Am Now"-1657
1. Thomas Malloy: Sabbath Keepers in Europe.
by Alexander Zephyr.
3. Biblical Explanations of Brit-Am and Alexander Zephyr ARE NOT according to mainstream Rabbinical accounts!!
"Brit-Am Now"-1658
1. Cam Rea: Gog and Magog.
2. Daniel Duffield: Are Not Mountains Symbolic of Countries?
3. Brit-Am and Wikipedia: Is Brit-Am Not Really Present?
Are You a Victim of Mass Illusion?
4. Neither Minister nor Rabbi!
5. Brit-Am No Longer Needed?
"Brit-Am Now"-1659
1. New Article: THE TARGET OF GOG'S ATTACK by Alexander Zephyr.
2. Globetrotter Comments:
(a) Mountains as Nations.
(b) Wikipedia Wrong.
(c) Deep roots go way back and that is the point of restating them.
3. Brit-Am Health Advice.
"Brit-Am Now"-1660
1. E-Book from Steven Collins now Available.
2. Answer to Question on Daniel 11 and Prototypical Prophecies.
3. Additions to Article: Traditions of Israelite Descent in England.
Notable adherents.
Notable Adherents Added by Brit-Am.
by Alexander Zephyr. Part Seven of THE WARS of GOG and MAGOG.
5. Some Points of Interest.
Wikipedia Article on British Israelism.
(a) History of the Belief in pre-Modern Era.
(b) Modern Era.
(c) Genetics.
"Brit-Am Now"-1661
1. Alexander Zephyr: (a) Good Broadcast and (b) the Metaphor of Dry Bones.
2. Damon Casale: Muslim Connection to Daniel 11.
3. Challenge to Land of Israel Interpretation of Ezekiel and Brit-Am Reply.
(a) Literal Meaning to be Always Preferred.
(b) Mountains and Hills.
(c) Waste Lands.
(d) Will All Israelites Return to the Land of Israel or Only a Portion of Them?
"Brit-Am Now"-1662
1. Damon Casale: Reply to Alexander Zephyr regarding Ezekiel's dry bones.
2. New Brit-Am YouTube Clip. Ephraimite Criteria.avi.
3. Jo Ann: Who Are the Caucasians?
"Brit-Am Now"-1663
1. Kino (from Japan): Japheth and Others.
2. New Article and YouTube Clip: Two Sticks Re-Union.
3. Thanks from Gayle (re Jo Ann) and Agreement with Brit-Am.
"Brit-Am Now"-1664
1. New YouTube Clip and Articles: The Return in Ezekiel.
2. Answer to Question: Am I the Messiah?
3. Interesting Source of Value: "Yechezkel" by Rabbi Moshe Eisemann.
Messiah Son of Joseph to determine Tribal origin of Israelites?
4. Gavin Finley's Brit-Am YouTube Clips.
5. Comments on YouTube Clip "Two Sticks Reunion.avi".
6. Comment on YouTube Clip "Sequence of Return in Ezekiel.avi"
7. Query Concerning the Two-Stick Becoming One Stick Assemblage of Tom Turner.
"Brit-Am Now"-1665
1. Damon Casale: Sequence of Restoration.
2. Nine Attributes of the Coming Messiah by Don Isaac Abarbanel.
3. Question on North Amerindians and Kedar.
"Brit-Am Now"-1666
1. "Freddie Staton" is Forelawn! And Brit-Am Laments Upon!
2. New YouTube Clip: The Promises to Jacob.avi.
3. Favorable Comment on The Promises to Jacob.avi.
"Brit-Am Now"-1667
1. Query from Nelson Thall re Overlap of Race and Tribe?
2. Letter from Anat in South Africa.
3. Jay Tompkins: Thoughts on Israelites and Ancient Egyptians.
"Brit-Am Now"-1668
1. Michelle Bowie: Israelites are Both White and Black!
2. New Brit-Am YouTube Clip: The USA is Manasseh. Part One.
3. New Brit-Am YouTube Clip: The USA is Manasseh. Part Two.
"Brit-Am Now"-1669
1. Another One Not Convinced by Brit-Am YouTube Clip! and the Family Situation?
2. New Brit-Am YouTube Clip. The USA is Manasseh. Part Three- Summation.
3. Appreciates Brit-Am YouTube Clips.
4. Ephraim also in USA? Perhaps Ephraim is Numerically greater in America
than Manasseh?
5. Books Received:
(a) "Legends of Judea and Samaria" by Zev Vilnay, 2006.
(b) Tzvi MiSinai "Lo Yisa Ach el Ach Cherev", Hebrew language version of
"The Engagement".
Claims Ten Tribes became Palestinian Arabs!
(c) Trei Asar. Artscroll Commentaries on the Ten Minor Prophets.
(d) Werner Keller, "The Bible as History", 1965.
6. New Brit-Am Regular Feature. Brit-Am Research Sources.
7. Thomas Malloy: Purim study.
"Brit-Am Now"-1670
1. "Globetrotter" : Thoughts on Ephraim and Manasseh.
2. Brian Sandridge: The US is Ephraim!!!
3. B Must Know if descended from King David!!
4. Answer to Question About How "Lost" Scripture says the Israelites would be.
5.Brian Patmore: Re Saul and Mordecai, Obedience pays!
6. Manasseh Remains in Control! Answer to Query from Max Rambow.
7. Important New DNA Article:
YDNA Haplogroups Determined by Climate!
"Brit-Am Now"-1671
1. Brit-Am YouTube Clips.
2. Brian Patmore: Prince William will honour Israelite tradition!
3. Edward Anderson: Ephraim would be a Company of Nations!
4. New Article: The Ephraim-Manasseh Settlement of the USA,
by David Jackson.
5. Reply to Will Benedetti re Ephraim and Manasseh.
"Brit-Am Now"-1672
1. Alistair Williams: What Matters Now!
2. Replies to Challenges Over YouTube Clips.
Round One.
(a) Re The Khazars.
(b) Re Herbert Armstrong.
(c) Torah Scholar Approval?
Round Two.
(a) Laws of Noah and Sambation.
(b) Need for Sources and Not Personal Predilections!
3. New Article: Why the British are Ephraim!
"Brit-Am Now"-1673
1. Three New Brit-Am YouTube Clips.
(1) Britain as Ephraim: Introduction Part A.
(2) Britain as Ephraim: Introduction Part B.
(3) Britain as Ephraim -1 Precedence in Time.
2. Henry Rhea: No Such Thing as Race! and Brit-Am Reply.
3. Pedro: In Defence of the Portuguese Empire.
4. More Remarks from Kilgore.
5. Thomas Malloy: My Response to Kilgore.
"Brit-Am Now"-1674
1. New Brit-Am YouTube Clip.
Britain as Ephraim -2. Relative Self-Importance.
2. Dorothy Daigle: The "chosen people" were chosen to be a light to the world!
3. New Article: Notes Concerning the British Empire.
"Brit-Am Now"-1675
1. New Brit-Am YouTube Clip.
Britain as Ephraim -3. The British Empire.
2. David Jackson: Reflections on Race.
3. Steve Mathe: Forgetting of the Tribes was Prophesied!
4. Dafydd Cotter: Remarks and Addition to Article:
"Notes Concerning the British Empire".
5. Thank You from Jan, USA.
"Brit-Am Now"-1676
1. A Brit-Am Appeal and Information appraisal.
2. You Need to Know Who You Are!
An addition to existing article.
3. Letters of Appreciation.
"Brit-Am Now"-1677
1. New Article:
All the Israelites Will Come Back!
Remark About Mashiach son of Joseph and the Last Days by Alexander Zephyr.
2. How Does Brit-Am Differ from Other groups with a Similar Israelite Identity Message?
3. New Article:
Nennius. The Israelite and Scythian Origins of the Scots in Early British Tradition.
"Brit-Am Now"-1678
1. Mark A. Robinson: "I've always been a Lord Byron fan!"
2. New Article: Reply to a German Apologist.
3. Answer to Question About Verse Supporting "All the Israelites Will Come Back!" by Alex Zephyr.
4. New Entry: Will the Land of Israel Encompass North America?
5. Brian Patmore: We Should Pray to Abba (Our Father) for Others!
"Brit-Am Now"-1679
1. Jeff Booth: Only a "Residue" of Israelites will Return!
2. Jeff Booth: Judah to be Both Praised and Vexed!
3. Letter from Charlene.
"Brit-Am Now"-1680
1. Brother Gilbert Bloomer: Byron and Hebrew Melodies.
2. Answer to Question by Jeff Booth Concerning Zebulon and the Sea.
3. Changes in Article Arrangement. "All the Israelites Will Come Back!"
4. New Article:
Debate: "Will All the Israelites Will Come Back?"
Completeness of Resettlement in the End Times?
5. Jeff Booth: Zebulon and Sidon.
"Brit-Am Now"-1681
1. New Subscriber and DNA Test Question.
2. New Entries to,
Debate: "Will All the Israelites Will Come Back?"
#6. Abraham (Rudy) Rempel: Even a Portion Out of Many is a Lot!
# 7. Interim Conclusion to Debate by Brit-Am Adjudicator.
3. New Article: Ephraim-Britain, "A COMPANY OF NATIONS".
"Brit-Am Now"-1682
1. New Brit-Am YouTube Clip.
Britain as Ephraim -4: A Company of Nations.
2. New Article. The British Island Nations.
England, Eire (Ireland), Ulster (North Ireland), Scotland.
3. Letter from Damon Casale about Velikovsky, Megalithics, and Brit-Am Reply.
"Brit-Am Now"-1683"
1. Compliment from Jeannette.
2. Duane: Debate Followed with Interest!
3. New Article:
Was King Jeroboam the First Ephraimite?
The Ten Tribes and Replacement Theology in Biblical Times and Today!
"Brit-Am Now"-1684"
1. Question on "the Lost Tribes work with the Israel Government".
2. What Brit-Am Research Remains to be Done?
3. Steve Mathe: Pesach 2011/5771 message.
4. Pesach Wishes:
(1) Steven Collins:
(2) Sharon:
(3) Henrik
5. Damon Casale: Carbon Dating Has not Been Discredited!
6. Damon Casale: No Change Took Place in Length of Year!
7. Peter Sutton: Eye-Witness Reaction to the Earthquakes in New Zealand.
"Brit-Am Now"-1685"
1. New Article. Preparation for Moloch?
A Preliminary Overview of Germany, World War-2, and the Holocaust.
2. Jeff Booth: About Obama..
3. Albert Delai: Israelites in Fiiji?
4. Dell Griffin (aka Magid ben Yoseif) back on the warpath!
Is President Shimeon Peres really "a good friend and former neighbor" of Yair Davidiy?
5. New Article: Subjective Well-Being and Israelite Nations in Statistics.
"Brit-Am Now"-1686"
1. New Article. Judah and Joseph: Different Roles But the Same Destiny!!
2. Jeremiah Chapter 7 and Some Brit-Am Notes.
3. The Tribes has Sold Out Again!
"Brit-Am Now"-1687"
2. New Article. UK-USA, Ephraim-Mannaseh.
The British-American Symbiosis in the Light of Scripture and History.
3. Jeremiah 8.
"Brit-Am Now"-1688"
1. New YouTube Video Clip. The British as Ephraim -5: Nobility.
2. Important Additions to Article. UK-USA, Ephraim-Mannaseh.
The British-American Symbiosis in the Light of Scripture and History.
(a) Prophecy of Isaiah 49 Applicable to USA!
(b) Wikipedia Quote on Special Relationship.
3. New Article. Why Britain is Ephraim: Nobility
"Brit-Am Now"-1689"
1. New Article. Joseph in Cush.
The USA and UK in Afghanistan. A Maelstrom of Conflicting Interest.
2. Bruce McKerras: Hope for the future.
3. Max Rambow: Aristocracy Compared to Fraternal Jealousy.
4. New Article.
Is Not DNA Determined by the Environment???
5. Letter of Support from Sheri in Texas.
"Brit-Am Now"-1690"
1. Brit-Am Will Always Need Money!
2. New Brit-Am YouTube Clip.
Britain as Ephraim -6: John Bull
3. New Feature.
Latest Postings - Brit-Am Daily Output Record.
"Brit-Am Now"-1691"
1. Is Brit-Am Racist?
2. Isaiah chapter 11 on the Future Messiah.
3. Abarbanel, Isaiah 11, and Messiah.
"Brit-Am Now"-1692"
2. Pastor James PS Templeton:
"The Tribes" quoted in on-line book and suggestion for .pdf publication.
3. New Article: Esau in Germany.
"Brit-Am Now"-1693"
1. Alex Zephyr: Pleased with Message from Bruce McKerras.
2. Reply to Question from Susanna Garlitz About Evolution.
3. New Article:
Edom Amongst Other peoples?
China, Japan, Italians, Hispanics?
4. Proposed New Book Cover, Hosea: Ten Tribes Identified.
5. Susanna Garlitz: In Defence of Evolution and the Bible.
"Brit-Am Now"-1694"
1. Susanna Garlitz: Ideological Discrimination is Different from Color Prejudice!
2. Susanna Garlitz: Proposed Covers for "Hosea: Ten Tribes Identified".
3. Cecil Davis: Discussion of Evolution is Irrelevant!
"Brit-Am Now"-1695"
1. David Jackson: Evolution Theory Lacks Transitional Forms.
2. David Jackson: Temple Mount Should be Under Jewish Control!
3. Questions on the Names of God.
4. Brian Sandridge: Glenn Beck will talk in Jerusalem to Lost Israelites of Joseph!
5. Letter from South Korea.
6. Answer to Question from Frank Brown about Rahab.
7. Charlotte Mecklenburg: Suggestion for the cover of "Hosea".
"Brit-Am Now"-1696"
1. Special Offer: Only $5 for Bronze Age Atlantis.
2. Zionism and the Holocaust.
3. Brit-Am Needs from You.
"Brit-Am Now"-1697"
1. Chris Josephson: WE MUST STAND WITH ISRAEL.
More than friends, we are family.
2. Order for $5 "Bronze Age Atlantis" Now.
3. (a) New Article:
Is Obama a Wild Donkey-Man Lackey?
Reply to Speech about Israel (May 19, 2011).
(b) Obama and the Axis of Evil.
"Brit-Am Now"-1698"
1. Dafydd: US Must Not Abandon Israel!!
2. Brit-Am Rachael Cohen and Cynthia Grace Radio Show Interview Comments on Obama and 67.
Recording and Transcript.
3. New Subscriber Wishes to Deepen Knowledge.
"Brit-Am Now"-1699"
1. Brit-Am Replies to Query about Tribal Names Used by Religious Jews.
(a) The name of King Manasseh.
(b) Members of the Ten Tribes who did remain with Judah.
(c) Remarks on Jewish Naming Trends in General.
(d) Different Israelite Tribes amongst Present-day Jewish groups.
2. Jack Hertzog: There Will Always Be An Israel!
3. Owen Murphy: Brit-Am Commentary (BAC) Complimented.
"Brit-Am Now"-1700"
1. New Article:
Will They Ever Learn? Remarks on the Speeches of President Obama (May 19, 2011) and Prime Minister Netanyahu (May 24, 2011)
by Alex Zephyr.
2. Nolan Glauner: Extracts from A Mormon Perspective on the Reunion of Judah and Joseph.
3. Letter from J.
"Brit-Am Now"-1701"
1. New DNA Article:
DNA Types Changed According to Surroundings!
2. Brit-Am Appeal for Needed Funds.
3. Steven Collins a Victim of Flooding?
"Brit-Am Now"-1702"
1. New Brit-Am Research Article:
Assyrians, Scythians, and the Ten Tribes.
The Almighty As a Husband to Israel.
2. New DNA Article:
DNA Types Changed According to Surroundings!
3. Message from Walt Baucum.
"Brit-Am Now"-1703"
1. Jack Herzog: The World Stage is Being Set!
2. New Article:
Well Spoken or Badly Spoked?
Brit-Am Replies to PM Binyamin Netanyahu Speech, May 24, 2011.
3. A selection of Comments to Brit-Am YouTube Clips.
4. Comments on "Well Spoken or Badly Spoked?"
5. Trina: Update on Steven Collins, the Flood, and the Book from Walt Baucum.
"Brit-Am Now"-1704"
1. Where Does the Money for Brit-Am Come From?
2. Gaza, Obama, USA, and Manasseh.
New Interview of Yair Davidiy on the Rachael Cohen and Cynthia Grace Show.
3. Initial Reactions to Radio Interview.
4. Pattie Farm: Encouragement for Brit-Am.
5. New Article:
The Gaza, Sinai, and Israel Conflict.
Part One: Background Information.
"Brit-Am Now"-1705"
1. Robert Youngblood: Question about Germany and the Ten Tribes.
2. Answer to Query about Borders of the Promised Land.
3. New DNA Article.
Y DNA haplogroup E Changed According to Surroundings!
"Brit-Am Now"-1706"
1. Kevin: Thanks to Brit-Am.
2. Brit-Am Publications: A Listing
3. Brit-Am Questions and Answers Feature.
4. Question on Tribal Membership. People Often Marry their Tribal Kin!
5. "Joseph - The Israelite Destiny of America" by Yair Davidiy
"Brit-Am Now"-1707"
1. "Origin" Recommended for Beginners.
2. James Asks: What is Brit-Am trying to accomplish?
3. Are the Palestinians Hebrews?
What do you think of the idea that the Palestinians belong to the Ten Tribes?
4. What Are Brit-Am Activities at Present?
5. Brit-Am and the Talmud.
"Brit-Am Now"-1708"
1. Leading Brit-Am DNA Article Updated and Improved.
Haplogroup mtDNA and Brit-Am Israelite Identifications.
2. Some More Comments and Reactions to Brit-Am YouTube Masterpieces.
3. Jeremiah 9
Brit-Am Summary; Extracts from BAC; NKJV Translation.
"Brit-Am Now"-1709"
1. Neal A. Tew (KD0MBL):
Prayer of King Manasseh Represents Repentance of People of Menasseh!
2. New Article.
Why the USA Needs Israel!!
3. Extract from "Indian Interlude" by Hugh Davis.
"Brit-Am Now"-1711"
1. Yair Davidiy Interviewed on the Tamar Yonah Show.
2. 5 New Brit-Am YouTube Clips.
3. New Source.
Hosea 8:10 Predicted a Re-Coalescence in Exile Along Tribal Lines!
"Brit-Am Now"-1712"
1. Latest Reactions to Brit-Am YouTube Clips.
"We are awakening in all Israelite nations!"
Todah Rabah!
American Ten Tribe People instinctively support Israel!
Israelites are Not European/White!
Need to Listen to the Almighty.
2. Steven Spykerman still has copies of "The Tribes" and of "Ephraim".
3. Reactions to Interview with Tamar Yonah.
(1) 4 Additional Comments (apart from the 3 we re-posted in Brit-Am Now no. 1711) on Arutz-7 page.
(2) Richard Johnson: Enjoyed the interview.
(3) Forwarded from Tamar. Really enjoyed the Brit-Am show.
(4) Extracts from Letter Sent by Mark A. Robinson
4. Remarks by Yair Emanating from the Interview.
A. The Main Points in Our Opinion.
B. Secondary Matters Also Worth Discussing but in the right Perspective.
5. Alex Zephyr: Rav Kook Teaching Corresponds with Brit-Am Understanding!
6. Message to "Ephraimite" who Requested to be "unsubscribed" Probably on Karaite Issue Background.
7. Answer to Query Concerning the Ten Tribes and the Enlargement of Japhet.
"Brit-Am Now"-1713"
1. Are You Missing Brit-Am E-Mail Messages?
2. New Article.
Why the USA Needs Israel!! Continued.
Reactions to Interview with Tamar Yonah
3. 2 New Messages in Response to YouTube Clips.
(a) "I know in my heart you are correct"
(b) "Your videos are outstanding"
4. Cristian Sildan: Did Assyrians Go to Africa?
5. Query about "Bnei Menasseh"?
"Brit-Am Now"-1714"
1. 20 Copies of "The Tribes" Have Become Available!
2. Assyrians in Europe or Africa?
(a) Lasse from Norway. Assyrians Now in Germany.
(b) Robert Jones. Assyrians in Germany.
(c) Wikipedia and Dierk Lange. Assyrians in Africa
(d) Brit-Am Commentary: Extent of Assyrian Rule.
3. Brit-Am Free Distribution of our work "Achim Acharim".
"Brit-Am Now"-1715"
1. Dolmens from Around the World.
Some New Pictures.
2. Reactions to Brit-Am You Tube Clips.
3. Biblical Commentary: The Simple Meaning Versus Rabbinical Understanding. Different Orthodox Jewish Approaches.
"Brit-Am Now"-1716"
1. New Article. Is Brit-Am a "Guardian?"
Replies to Critics of Brit-Am and of Proposed "Ephraimite" Settling in Israel.
2. Article of Possible Interest. Will the Ten Tribes Return?
3. New Article.
Judah Should Bring the Ten Tribes Back!!!
by Alexander Zephyr (with some Editorial Comments by Brit-Am). Part One.
"Brit-Am Now"-1717"
1. Addendum to
Is Brit-Am a "Guardian"? Replies to Critics of Brit-Am and of Proposed "Ephraimite" Settling in Israel.
Message from Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Tribes. A Question of Priorities?
2. New Article.
Israel-Syria-Ireland in Megalithic Parallelism.
3. David Tempelhoff: Brit-Am is "Never Dull"!
"Brit-Am Now"-1718"
1. Pleased with Brit-Am Publications.
2. Tom in Ireland and Early Judeo-Christian influence.
3. The Positive Effect of Brit-Am.
4. Descendants of Jews in Costa Rica as Predicted by the Prophet Obadiah?
5. Question Re Quotation "their Jewish identity will re-emerge".
"Brit-Am Now"-1719"
1. New Article.
Brit-Am Research Achievements. An Overview.
2. Mark Robinson: Useful Web Site for Sephardic Jews and those of Spanish Jewish Descent.
3. Health Tip. Zinc Cream.
4. Brit-Am and DNA. They may eventually catch up to us!
5. Important Addition to "The Wars of Gog and Magog" by Alexander Zephyr.
"Brit-Am Now"-1720"
1. Duane: Pleased with Brit-Am Attitude.
2. Pattie Farm: Blessing to Brit-Am.
3. Alistair Williams: The Separate Roles of Judah and Joseph.
4. Kerry L. Bulls: Gog and Magog and the Battle Thereof.
5. Brit-Am Matters.
"Brit-Am Now"-1721"
1. Brit-Am Apology to Alexander Zephyr and Clarification.
2. Zarri Gul: Afghan Customs Similar to Jewish Ones!!
3. Allen Ramsay: Will Northern Europe Freeze Over???
4. New Article.
Different Tribal Groups, Differing Tasks.
Judah Should Bring the Ten Tribes Back!!! by Alexander Zephyr. Part Two.
5. Jeremiah ch. 10.
6. David Barlow: Appreciated Brit-Am Reply!
7. New Article.
"Judah and Joseph Need Each Other: Yair Davidiy and A Clarification."
by Alexander Zephyr.
"Brit-Am Now"-1722"
1. More Emphasis on Brit-Am Priorities and their Implications.
2. New Regular Feature
Brit-Am Tribal Researches (BATR)
3. The Re-Union in Ezekiel and the Name Israel.
"Brit-Am Now"-1723"
1. Robert Jones: Drunkards of Ephraim.
2. Confirmation of Israelite Ancestry.
3. Anti-Bible Fanatic Unconvinced by Brit-Am YouTube Masterpiece??
4. New Brit-Am Article. "Is Australia Sinim?" by "Dafydd "
5. The Brit-Am Situation.
"Brit-Am Now"-1724"
1. Books Received:
(a) From Steve and Charlene Mathe.
(b) From Israel.
2. Question on Proposed Polygamy in the State of Israel.
3. Sylvia Joins the Brit-Am List.
4. Adventures in Wonder Land: The Trials and Tribulations of the Brit-Am Computer
5. Brit-Am Statistics and Diagram.
"Brit-Am Now"-1725"
1. New Article.
Reflections on Brit-Am beliefs Concerning the Ten Tribes and Practical Conclusions.
2. Brit-Am Biblical Commentary (BAC) Completes Explanations to the Second Book of Kings.
BAC will go on to other Biblical Books.
3. New Article. A Few Select Recent Testimonials Concerning
Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Tribes of Israel.
Part One.
"Brit-Am Now"-1726"
1. Prayer for the Exiles of All Israel.
2. Is Princess Katherine Jewish?
3. Question? Are you affiliated wih Herbert ArmStrong? Marie G
"Brit-Am Now"-1727"
1. New Article.
A Few Select Recent Testimonials Concerning Brit-Am, Part Two.
2. A Biblical Warning to the State of Israel; The Arabs Must Leave. The Bible Says so.
3. Brit-Am Clarifications: Brit-Am Supplies a Need and Achieves a Positive Effect.
"Brit-Am Now"-1728"
1. How Many Jews Could Have Been Saved? Two Sides to the Debate.
Side One: Very Few Could Have Been Saved.
Side Two: Many More Could Have Been Saved if there Have Have Been a Will to Save Them!
How Many Could Have Been Saved? The Brit-Am Impression from the Sources.
2. A Few Select Recent Testimonials Concerning
Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Tribes of Israel.
Part Three
3. Brit-Am Progress and Personal Matters.
"Brit-Am Now"-1729"
1. US Soldier came across Brit-Am Web Site in Afghanistan!
2. More on Lack of Intervention in the Holocaust.
(b) Stephen Tyas: A Warning Was Attempted!
(a) Proposed Bombing of Auschwitz
3. Comments on Brit-Am YouTube Clips.
(a) Positive
(b) Negative and a Little Confused.
4. Mark A. Robinson: Experiences in Jordan and Poem
5. The Return of the Ten Tribes. Selected Sources. Bible References
"Brit-Am Now"-1730"
1. Alistair Williams: Encouragement for Brit-Am.
2. Answer to Question About Number of Israelites who Went Out of Egypt.
3. The German Prevention of Rescue Attempts in the Holocaust.
"Brit-Am Now"-1731"
1. Steve Phillips: Kedem was also the name of a Prince of Ishmael.
2. Question on Natural Recognition of a God.
3. US Christians Keep Jewish Fast Day Mourning Destruction of the Temple!
"Brit-Am Now"-1732"
1. Arnold Barker: Brit-Am is in the Right. Jews Should not be Missionized.
2. David Barlow: Brit-Am is in the Wrong. Misquotes the Sources?
3. Interesting Article. OUR SCYTHIAN ANCESTORS by W. Edmund Filmer B.A.
4. Israelites Came from the East to the West in Masses as Captives.
Will Historians Eventually Recognize this Fact? Forced migration- Extract.
5. Dafydd: London Riiots, a Payment for Support of Palestinians, and Norway.
6. Duane Hiebert: Contemplations.
7. Ibos of Nigeria (Biafra) Claim to be Israelites?
"Brit-Am Now"-1733"
1. Alistair Williams: Considerations Concerning Judah, Joseph, and the Lost Tribes.
2. Article Updated and Corrected. Brit-Am Research Achievements.
3. Question on Non-Israelites and Less Strict Expectations from Them.
4. TouTube Classical Israeli Jewish song about Ephraim.
5. Tonight and Tomorrow: Tu B'Av - A Festival of Israelite Tribal Reunification!
"Brit-Am Now"-1734"
1.A Tiny Offering of Poetry for Tu B'Av - Festival of Love, Unity, and Forgiveness.
Jeremiah 31:19(20) is Only One Verse in the Bible!
2. Diane: Yearning to be in Jerusalem.
3. How do you know that those you reach out to about Israelite Ancestry really are of Israelite descent?
4. The Fraternal Malice of Joseph??? Israelite Nations Fund Palestinian Authority by about 80% (or more) !!!
5. Avigdor Liked the Music.
"Brit-Am Now"-1735"
1. What is the attitude of Judaism to the Messiah?
2. More Jewish-Israeli Songs About the Ten Tribes. The Return from the Exile of Assyria.
3. Rabbi Fishel Mael and New Rabbinical Sources for Brit-Am.
"Brit-Am Now"-1736"
1. Miri Burgin: Thanks and Question About Jubillees.
2. C. Hayman: Well Done Brit-Am!
3. Pleased with Brit-Am Answer.
4. Dafydd: Comments on Messiah, Music from Verdi, Lombards from Levi?
5. David Jackson: Interested in Translation of work by Rabbi Mael.
"Brit-Am Now"-1737"
1. Rabbi Fishel Mael: New Articles. The Israelite Tribes - Introduction.
The Importance of the Tribes.
2. Remarks on the Jubilee Year: All the Tribes are Needed!
3. Brit-Am Health Under Siege?
"Brit-Am Now"-1738"
1. Lecture with John Hulley (aka John Carrington Richards) at Israel Center Tonight.
2. New Article. We Were Not all Do-Gooders!
Karl Marx from Levi and Friedrich Engels from Ephraim! by Yair Davidiy.
3. The Holocaust: The Jews Did Not Know! Anecdote.
"Brit-Am Now"-1739
1. Odds and Ends.
(a) Additions to Article.
(b) Source For More Information on Laws of the Jubilee Year.
2. New Article.
The Tribes and Their Names.
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael.]
3. Book Received. The Strong Horse by Lee Smith.
"Brit-Am Now"-1740
1. New Article. Who is the Satan? by Yair Davidiy
2. Odds and Ends.
(a) Note on articles based on the work of Rabbi Fishel Mael.
(b) Old Picture of Yair in Jerusalem.
3. Answer to Another Question About the Shemitta Year.
"Brit-Am Now"-1741
1. Miri Remarks on Shemittah Years.
2. Ted Johnson: Self-Esteem is Different from Ego!
3. There Are No Real Karaites Today!
"Brit-Am Now"-1742
1. Is Yair Davidiy Descended from King David?
2. Fishel Mael Articles to be Presented Firstly in Outline Form.
3. New Article. Brit-Am Book Evaluation. The Strong Horse by Lee Smith.
Power, Politics, and the Clash of Arab Civilizations.
"Brit-Am Now"-1743
1. Proposed Changes in Israelite Tribal Identifications.
2. Brit-Am Message. Are you there? Voting with your pocket?
3. Brit-Am and Latter Day Saints.
4. Brit-Am and Connecting to Tamar Yonah Show Interview, June 22, 2011.
5.Supports Widow, lacks spare cash!
6. Brit-Am Inadvertently Gave a False Impression in Part.
7. Nehemiah Gordon Defended.
"Brit-Am Now"-1744
1. S. Replies: Not Offended!
2. New Article. The Three Major Divisions of Israelite Tribes.
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael.]
3. Stones from Heaven? Another Episode in the Life and Incredible Happenings of Yair Davidiy.
"Brit-Am Now"-1745
1. Jennie Schmidt: Real Stones from Heaven Now Coming! The Rapture Postponed!
2. An old article worth looking over once again. Hosea 9 and Muslim Hatred of All Israelites.
3. Dr John Luckey: The Power of Music, Judah, and Israel.
"Brit-Am Now"-1746
1. Selected Comments On Brit-Am YouTube Clips.
(1) "This brother has spent years studying this topic".
(2) Bad Comment from Bad Person.
(3) No Scripture?
(4) Christian Appreciation.
(5) Tribe of Dan
(6) Blessings.
2. The Brit-Am Web Site Appearance.
(a) Recommendations Requested.
(b) The Present Site Complimented (for a change!).
3. Comet Elenin???
(a) Mark A. Robinson
(b) Thomas Malloy
4. Query About Job and Keeping the Law.
5. Mark A. Robinson: Have Mercy on NG. Take a sip of the milk of human kindness!
"Brit-Am Now"-1747
1. New Article:
2. Charlotte: Is Obama an Amorite ?
3. A Valuable Book about the Scots-Irish and the USA.
Born Fighting. How the Scots-Irish Shaped America by James Webb.
"Brit-Am Now"-1748
1. New Article. Unicorns Did Exist!!
2. New Article. World's Most Livable cities all Pertain to Either Israel or Edom!
3. Question from Rabbinical Scholar.
"Brit-Am Now"-1749
1. Bill Rasmussen: What a fantastic read it was!
2. Do Jewish Leftwing Types Harass Ephraim?
3. What About all the Anglian English Settlers in the USA?
4. Additions to Unicorn article. Re Unicorns Did Exist!!
5. Lillie B. Smith: An interesting book,
Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America by David Hackett Fischer.
"Brit-Am Now"-1750
1. Cristian Sildan: Historical Anecdote from Romania.
2. Question about the name America and the Hebrew "Ha-Machiri", first-born son of Manasseh.
3. Correspondence with the anti-Missionary Organization "Jewish Israel".
Exchanges Leading to Clarification?
"Brit-Am Now"-1751
1. New Article.
Characteristics of the Tribe of Asher.
[Rabbi Fishel Mael, Nechama Sarah G. Nadborny, Brit-Am.]
2. Christopher Grech (from Malta): Phoenicians Gave Name to America!
3. Brit-Am People Should Not Fear Hoaxes!
5. Jennie Schmidt: Appreciates BAC (Brit-Am Commentary) on Proverbs!
"Brit-Am Now"-1752
1. Brit-Am and Friendship.
2. Robert Brenner:
Bronze Age Atlantis by
Walt Baucum Recommended.
3. Brit-Am Renewed Appeal.
4. Stephen McLeod: Pleased With BAC on Proverbs.
5. Charles Stalsworth: Pleased With BAC on Job 1:2.
6. Ronald Gillespie: BAC on Proverbs a Blessing!
7. Cherie increases her Contribution and is not offended by Brit-Am Requests
"Brit-Am Now"-1753
1. New Article.
Brit-Am and Rosh HaShana (Every Year).
2. Query from Ira about the Hebrew New Years Day and the Bible.
3. Wishes for a Good New Year.
(a) Arnold Barker
(b) Marion Fischel
"Brit-Am Now"-1754
1. Health - a Diversionary Discussion. Exercise and Weight Loss.
2. New Article.
Rebuilding the Temple by Bruce McKerras.
3. New Article.
The Rotten Egg-Head Omelette. The Academic Deluders of Israelite Nations Should be Punished!
Thoughts: Class action Against the Scientific Experts?? by Yair Davidiy
4. Original Brit-Am Outstanding Quotations.
"Beasts run with the pack. Mankind stands with the Jews."
5. Selected Birthday Greetings to Yair.
6. Query from South Africa.
7. Steven Collins: Accepts the Hillel II calculations of modern Orthodox Judaism as authoritative!
"Brit-Am Now"-1755
1. Jim Wright: A Christian Perspective on the Jewish New Year.
2. Amberli: I stand for Israel!!!
3. Ira (Australia) : Rosh HaShana, Clarification.
4. Robert Graves: Thanks to Brit-Am.
5. Answer to Query About Eastern Sephardic Jews and Ten Tribes.
6. Answer to Query and the "Hiddeness" of Australia?
7. New Article.
Rosh HaShana and the Bible.
Adapted from the Commentaries of Rabbi Yaakov Tzevi Mecklenburg and Rabbi Shimshon Rafael Hirsch.
"Brit-Am Now"-1756
1. Encouragement to Brit-Am to Continue.
2. Reply to Jewish Israel and Rabbi Sholom Gold
Complaints Against Jewish Israel.
3. Brit-Am Odds and Ends.
(a) Rosh HaShana Half-Break.
(b) Brit-Am is moderated.
"Brit-Am Now"-1757
1. New Article:
Characteristics of the Tribe of Reuben
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael.]
2. New Article:
Characteristics of the Tribe of Simeon.
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael.]
3. In Case You Missed it:
"Brit-Am Now"-1758
1. Brit-Am Works for the Unification of the Will and Heart of All Israelites with Judah.
The Need for Historical Perspective.
2. A Selection of More Comments to the Brit-Am YouTube Feature.
3. Please Pray for Walt Baucum!
4. Dafydd: Australia in Hebrew, Ned Kelly and John Monash, and the Norse Irishmen
5. Jennie Schmidt: Let us Leave Religious Differences for Elijah to Solve!
6. Bill from Australia Honors His Grandfather By Supporting Brit-Am!
7. Additions and Corrections to Rosh HaShanah Article.
1. Sylvia : Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
2. Link to Creationist ULR Sent but Brit-Am Wants a Take on DNA!
3. Subscribing to the yairdavidiy YouTube channel.
4. Books Received.
5. Yom Kippur Message for the Year 5772 (2011).
"Brit-Am Now"-1760
1. The Tribe of Simeon as Assimilated by Manasseh.
2. Characteristics of the Tribe of Levi.
3. Bruce McKerras: A New Year Greeting to the Ten Tribes from the Bible!
4. Brian Sandridge: Israelites Nations are Drawing too Close to the Heathen!
5. In Case you Missed it: Edom Conflated with Assyria! and a Summary of Edomite Characteristics.
"Brit-Am Now"-1761
1. More Feedback Wanted!
2. New Article. The Matriarchal Aspects of Israelite Tribes.
Inter-Relationships Amongst The Tribes.
3. New Article.
SEQUENCE OF EVENTS. The Return of Judah and the Ten Tribes in the End Times.
by John Hulley
"Brit-Am Now"-1762
1. Pete (New Zealand): Enjoys Brit-Am Articles.
2. Brian Sandridge: Parallels Between Job and Joseph.
3. New Article:
-- The ten lost tribes of Israel?
4. Charlotte Mecklenburg: Agrees with John Hulley. The Messiah will come when it is exactly the right time!
5. Michelle Bowie: Re John Hulley's Article - Need for Torah
"Brit-Am Now"-1763
1. New Article. Characteristics of the Tribe of Judah.
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael.]
2. Alistair Williams (UK): Religious Observations.
3. Characteristics of the Tribe of Issachar.
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael.]
"Brit-Am Now"-1764
1. Bill Rasmussen: Appreciation of Brit-Am and Need to Plant the Seed in Others.
2. Jeremy Burningham: Anti-Semitism and anti-Wall Street Protests
3. Ron Fraser: German Ruling Party (BND) responsible for Shalit Debacle!
"Brit-Am Now"-1765
1. New Article. Characteristics of the Tribe of Zebulon.
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael.]
2. Brandon Jared Michael Keys : Interesting Illustrations of the Tribal Encampment, Symbols and Flags.
3. New Article.
The Brit-Am Plan for ALL Israelites!
4. New Article.
Proposed Brit-Am Program for the State of Israel.
5. Alistair Williams (UK): BAC Proverbs Just at the Right Time!
"Brit-Am Now"-1766
1. Bo Ronn: Statue of a Unicorn from Iron Age Sweden?
2. Australia: Sinim and a Place of Hiding.
3. New Article. Characteristics of the Tribe of Dan.
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael.]
4. Question on Nachmanides and Convincing Jews about Brit-Am.
5. Jen: Chrislam Warning?
Brit-Am Now no. 1767
1. Holocaust Documentation. Free e-book.
The Threads of Life by Malka Glikstein.
2. New Article:
Answer to Dum-Wit! Brit-Am Replies to Another Jew-Hating Idiot!
3. Answer to Question re Returning to Judah?
Brit-Am Now no. 1768
1. Ellie: The USA as Manasseh: (we even have a river running through us).
2. Mary B. : Likes Brit-Am Answer!
3. New Article:
Characteristics of the Tribe of Naphtali.
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael.]
Brit-Am Now no. 1769
1. New Article: Naphtali in Ireland?
2. Request for Prayers.
3. Amazon Reviews of Brit-Am Works. Positive and Negative.
4. Send us Feed-Back, let us Know if something is wrong! Criticize, Compliment.
5. Star of David: The Pomegranate?
Brit-Am Now no. 1770
1. TG is Still Unconvinced!
2. New Article. The Names of Ireland and the Ten Tribes.
3. Reflections on the new article and Ireland in general.
(a) Degree of Recent Attention.
(b) Importance of the Findings.
Brit-Am Now no. 1771
1. Alistair Williams: Complexity is not an Iron Rule.
2. Book by Walter Baucum now only $7!!!
3. Bill Rasmussen: TG Criticism of Brit-Am Not Justified!
4. Steve Collins: New Article. Saxon Treasure and the Scythians.
5. New Feature: List of 122 Brit-Am Biblical Proofs With Verses Quoted.
Brit-Am Now no. 1772.
1. New Article.
TG on the Warpath! Brit-Am Refutes a Sceptic!
2. New Article.
Some Niceties of Translation.
Biblical Insights that are Liable to be Overlooked.
3. Max Rambow: A Little Humor. How the Internet Began.
Brit-Am Now no. 1773.
1. New Article.
Characteristics of the Tribe of Gad.
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael.]
2. New Article.
Characteristics of the Tribe of Joseph.
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael.]
3. TG Adds Israeli Submarine to Leviathan List!
Brit-Am Now no. 1774.
1. New Article.
TG Replies and Replies to TG: Sceptics Who Lack Substance!
2. New Article.
What is Judaism?
3. Characteristics of the Tribe of Manasseh.
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael.]
Brit-Am Now no. 1775.
1. Characteristics of the Tribe of Benjamin.
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael.]
2. Stuart Brady: Very Happy with Brit-Am!
3. Addition to Article: The Approach of Maimonides.
4. Norway's Problem with Judah!
5. Additional Remark to Brit-Am Commentary on Proverbs 4:15.
Brit-Am Now no. 1776.
1. New Article. The Division of Power!
Benjamin and Joseph to Rule Over Gentiles, Judah Over Israel!
[Based on the work ("Shivtei Yisrael") of Rabbi Fishel Mael, p. 497 ff.]
2. Jay: Many More than 5% of Americans May be of Jewish Descent!
3. Finland: New Evidence Identifying the Finnish with Israelites!
Brit-Am Now no. 1777.
1. Some Past Messages from "Brit-Am Now" that are Still Pertinent!
[6. Brit-Am Represents Joseph (Only Brit-Am is Acceptable to Judah!).
[7. Brit-Am works on behalf of both Judah and Joseph
[8. Our Program Works
The aims of Brit-Am
2. Brit-Am Proves Israelite Origins, Netto!
3. The Israelite Origins of the Finnish People. More Information.
Brit-Am Now no. 1778.
1. Pleased with Brit-Am Bible Teaching.
2. Question about Finnish and North Israelite Name for God.
3. The Bible Odyssey on Israeli Stamps.
4. New Israeli Biblical Theme Stamps (2010). A Brit-Am Special.
5. New Lost Triber from Romania?
Brit-Am Now no. 1779.
1. New Brit-Am Message That Now Appears at the Top of Brit-Am Web-Site.
2. Brit-Am Half-Apologizes and Explains Itself.
3. Question on Physical Descent Versus Simple Faith.
4. Question Regarding Germany, the Ten Tribes, and Other Matters.
5. Brit-Am Messages Have Priority!
Brit-Am Now no. 1780.
1. Question from New Subscriber as to What Should Be Done?
2. David Jackson: Observations on the Germans and the Ten Tribes.
3. Charlotte Mecklenburg: Both Physical Descent and Stranger Acceptance.
4. Miu Cornel: Remarks about Romania.
5. Alistair Williams: Another Message from Job 4?
6. Duane: Likes Yair and Brit-Am.
7. C. Hayman: Likes The Brit-Am Message.
8. The Brit-Am Message.
9. Brit-Am Appeal:
You are not Stingy! You Just Like Us!
10. Brit-Am: If you do not like it, leave it!
Brit-Am Now no. 1781.
1. Reactions to #Brit-Am: If you do not like it, leave it! # .
(1) Note from Brit-Am.
(2) Karen Kidd.
(3) Derryl Bishop
(4) Gary Wheeler
(5) Rachael Cohen
(6) Other Reactions.
(7) Cherie Koch
2. Christian Activists Offer Direction for Christians.
3. New Article:
by Alexander Zephyr.
Brit-Am Now no. 1782.
1. New Map. Ends of the Earth.
2. New Article. Offshoots of Judaism.
3. Jewish Rulers for Joseph?
PMs of UK and New Zealand both Have Jewish Ancestry.
Brit-Am Now no. 1783.
1. New Article. Amiable Aiming. Your Brit-Am Israelite Goals.
What Does Israel and Brit-Am Want From You? Disallowing a Few Misconceptions.
2. Article of Interest: The mystery of the Ten Lost Tribes.
Is some of the gentile population related to Jacob? By Don Davis.
3. Messianic Article Against Ten Tribes Doctrine.
Ten Lost Tribes? by Ellen Kavanaugh.
Brit-Am Now no. 1784.
1. Our Evil Enemies Recognize Us!
2. New Article.
by Alexander Zephyr.
3. Orjan Svensson Proposes New Identification for Switzerland.
Brit-Am Now no. 1785
Questions about the Tribe of Dan and other matters.
(a) The Term Gentiles.
(b) The Snake Symbol
(c) Giants
(d) The Tribe of Dan.
(e) Descendants of Cain Do Not Exist!
The Terms Judah and Israel: Clarifying a Misconception.
Monte G. Salyer: Remarks on DNA and Israelite Tribal identifications.
Brit-Am Now no. 1786
1. Victor M. Lashewitz: I Enjoyed The Remarks You Made About the Tribe of Dan.
2. Abigail (Pat) : Appreciates Brit-Am Site!
3. Dafydd: Regarding Dan and snakes.
Brit-Am Now no. 1787
1. Brit-Am Appeal.
2. Brit-Am is a Blessing!
3. Steven Collins: New Dutch Translation of The "Lost" Ten Tribes of Israel...Found!
4. Last 11 Months Daily Average Visits to Brit-Am Web-Site.
5. Question and Discussion Concerning Individual Tribal Identifications.
Brit-Am Now no. 1788
1. New Article. #4. Reply to Hillary:
Distraction Tactics of the Rich and Hateful.
by Yair Davidiy.
2. Cover of New Edition of The Tribes.
3. Was the Wife of Noah Descended from Cain?
Brit-Am Now no. 1789
1. Michelle Bowie: The Wife of Noah Explains the Birth of Esau?
2. Another Question on Tribal Identifications.
3. Cecil Davis: Reflections on Cain and the Bloodline of Adam.
4. Bible codes software now available for free download.
5. David: Wants Less Typing Signs. Costs Money?
Brit-Am Now no. 1790
1. New Article of Importance. Brit-Am Tribal Identifications.
2. New Article. The Tribes 4th Edition Overview.
3. Looking Forward to The Tribes.
Brit-Am Now no. 1791
1. Question About Women Singing.
2. Question About Afro-Americans and Possibly Others in Relation to Joseph in the End Times.
3. Question About the term "Gentile". Israelites Called Themselves Hebrews!
Brit-Am Now no. 1792
New Article:
by Alexander Zephyr.
Loves Brit-Am Web-site.
Book Received: New Rabbinical Source.
Brit-Am Now no. 1793
1. Chabad Article about Joseph and Judah.
2. Maria Tainio: Similarities between Hebrew and Finnish.
3. Letter Concerning Galicia (North-West Spain).
4. Uri: The View from Judah: "Kudos for your work here!"
5. Jennie Schmidt: Is this Jacobs Trouble? Brit-Am Reply to Included Article.
Brit-Am Now no. 1794
1. New Article.
by Alexander Zephyr (final article in this series).
2. John: A Possible Reference in Daniel to the Ten Tribes.
3. The Situation.
Brit-Am Now no. 1795
1. New Article.
1. Question About the Commanded Extermination of the Canaanites.
2. New Article. Canaanite Genocide. Moral Problems with the Bible.
(Parts One and Two).
3. Input from our Readership Requested.
Brit-Am Now no. 1796
1. New Article.
CANAANITES and GENOCIDE by Alexander Zephyr.
2. New Article.
Three Reactions to Parts One and Two.
(1. David Jackson:
Suggested Reasons for the Commandment to Wipe Out the Canaaanites.
(2. Cherie Koch: Concerning Lust and Idolatry.
(3. Charlotte Mecklenburg: The Question of Genocide.
3. New Article.
Dan Will Redeem!
Some Aspects of Dan and Our Future Liberation.
Brit-Am Now no. 1797
1. New Article. A Hebrew Multitude.
Israelite Nations by Population and Percentage.
2. New Article.
Rabbi Shlomoh Carlebach: The Blessing of Joseph.
3. Appeal and Blessing.
4. New Article.
Reactions to Canaanite Genocide. No.2.
(1. Cecil Davis: God Knows What He is Doing and What He Tells Us to Do!
(2. Alexander Zephyr: Why Does it Say, Ham is the Father of Canaan?
Addition to Article.
(3. Katrina: Canaanites of Mixed Blood, from Fallen Angels!
Brit-Am Reply and Refutation.
5. Question On the Leadership of Israel in the World and Japan.
Brit-Am Now no. 1798
1. New Article.
Canaanite Genocide Part Three.
2. Biblical Proofs: Look Them over.
3. Points to Ponder:
(a) Archaeology and History Encouraged by the Bible.
(b) National Blessings.
Brit-Am Now no. 1799
1. Query Concerning Signed Copies of "The Tribes".
2. New Article.
Demographic Reality.
How Many Israelites (from the Ten Tribes) Really Were Exiled?
3. More About Buying Books from Brit-Am.
Brit-Am Now no. 1800
1. Books Available. Only 5 titles now for sale!
Role to Rule almost out of Print!
2. The Tribes - 4th Edition.
3. New Article.
Characteristics of Joseph. Based on the writings of Rabbi Shlomoh Carlebach.
